birdhouses birdhouses


cat When was the last time you stopped & thought of all the delightful things   you see everyday?
 Like a kitten smiling - happy to see you & wanting to please you in everyway!

Here are some of the things that I find "delightful", and I hope you do too!
If you have other suggestions, sign my guestbook - I love hearing from you!

Perhaps your "delightful things" will inspire a new page; you just never know;
Share your thoughts with me, and like flowers,small blue flower watch these pages "grow"!

ice cream cone

How about an ice cream cone on a "hot" Summer day;
cup of coffeeOr a hot cup of coffee to chase the Winter winds away!

bee on a flower

How about a bee enjoying some nectar from a nearby bloom;
rocking chairOr coming home to rock in your own living room?

little dog running

Or little "Spot" when he hears your car pulling into the drive?
These are some of the things that make me glad I'm alive! ! !

Share your thoughts of delightful things with me if you choose;
A "page" may "appear" - what do you have to lose?

sun & ocean

Written 01/23/00

2000 Rita A. Hallenbeck

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