04/22/71 - - 03/24/76
Once I had a beautiful little boy,
Who gave me headaches; but mostly joy!
He only lived to the age of four,
And now he's gone; forever more!
It's a private loss suffered when you lose a child,
You remember each detail; like the way that he smiled!
So happy, so carefree, so young to be gone,
Like beginning a melody and not finishing the song!
He had just begun to turn the pages of life,
The feeling is like having part of me cut out with a knife!
I'll remember my baby; my now "angeled" son,
With tears in my eyes, I'll remember the fun!
The ache in my heart will stay with me forever,
Until we meet in Heaven, and will again be together!
Written 1976
2000 Rita A. Hallenbeck
This page is in memory of my son, Brian Thomas Farina,
but is dedicated to anyone who has lost a child...
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