Our lives were changed forever on September 11, 2001.

God Bless America!!!!!!!

God help the perpetrators of this COWARDLY act!

"Vengence Is Mine Sayeth The Lord" and "Thou Shalt Not Kill"

I don't think your "Allah" ever heard those words - too bad for you!!!!


Please help the American Red Cross help those who are in need.
Click on the picture below to find out what YOU can do to help America!!!!!!!!
***We CAN make a difference - as we STAND strong and ALL work together***

Here's your chance to help, and thank,
the selfless Firefighters who have gone on,
non-stop, since this tragedy occurred.
Click on the banner below to find out what YOU can do to help America!!!!!!!!
***We CAN make a difference - as we STAND strong and ALL work together***

"Welcome To My Homepage"

Just thought I'd take this opportunity to introduce myself, and to apologize for my clumsiness at doing this. I'm "brand new" to the world of creating URLS, but I'm hoping that I'll improve with time, and hope you will all "Bear" with me as I stumble along*****

My name is Rita A. Hallenbeck, and I live in Southwest Florida, where I work as a real estate broker. I enjoy writing, and hope I am able to create some pages that will be of interest to everyone.

I love animals, so most of my pages will probably have animal graphics on them.

I also love music, and will try to find new, and pleasant background music to add to my pages.

 A Grandchild Is A Joy   Redneck's Romp  Awaken
  Meditation  Delightful  First/Best Friend
 Feelings  A Place For Us   Working Stinks
 Children  Landlord  Hold On
 Saga of Balto   Brian   Gone-But Not Forgotten
Why Lord, Oh Why? We All Need Friends Lotto Fever
Customer Service??? Whispers   You Can
Stormy Weather   One-On-One   Take Your Time
Warning Labels The Fire Sunrise
Dying..From The Inside Out God's Newest Angel  God Bless The USA
Remember and Unite I'm Here America Working On It

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Click on the gate to go to my "Tribute To Others' Work Page"

Happy Holidays Banner

Click on the holiday banner to go to my "Holiday Page".
Not too many choices there yet, but that will change as the holidays come and go!

spinning rings spinning rings spinning rings spinning rings spinning rings

Click on the spinning rings to view my "Webring Page" and meet my webring families*****

awards flower banner

*****Click on the award banner to view a page I'm very proud of*****
I feel so honored to have received enough awards to warrant a special page.
Thank you EVERYONE!!!!!!

Looking for original poetry to read? Click on the dog dog reading

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