Formerly: "Rejoice From Joyce"

The Ear Of The Spirit

"Revelation 2:7"

"He That Hath An Ear, Let Him Hear What The Spirit Saith Unto The Churches"

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Bob & Lupe Hamilton

Rev. Robert S. & Lupe Hamilton * Metaline Falls, Washington

Greetings in Jesus name,

My name is Robert (Bob) Hamilton and I am a Credential holding minister with The Assemblies Of God Fellowship. I would like to introduce myself and my family to you.

After returning home from Viet Nam I met my wife at Ft. Knox Kentucky. She was in the Army and stationed there also. We were married in Fairbanks, Alaska. My Mother led my wife Lupe to the Lord while visiting a small A/G Mission in Delta Junction, Alaska. This was while we were on a moose hunting trip in that area.

Myself, wanting to get away from society and to fulfill a lifelong dream, took my new (Detroit raised) wife and one year old son homesteading. We lived about 100 miles from the nearest road or town. Southwest of Fairbanks out into the wilderness (or "Bush"). We lived there for about three years in a small 18x 20 ft. log cabin, which we built ourselves. It was along the shore of a large lake. While enduring -50 to -60 degree winters we had many horrifying and near death experiences. Everything from cabin fire, to my one year old son falling in an ice hole, myself falling through the lake ice and running out of food.

These experiences culminated when I and my partner, a fellow homesteader and Viet Nam vet, were attempting to walk a bulldozer cross-country in the winter time, into our Homesteads. After three days of impossible, stressful conditions, he went crazy and pulled his "44 Mangum" pistol on me. He held it in my face from about six feet away. His eyes went glassy and he began screaming with rage: "I'm going to kill you." In those few seconds I saw a full color vision of myself lying outside that miner's cabin, in the snow, full of bullet holes.

Back in Fairbanks the Holy Spirit told my wife that I was in trouble. She contacted my Mother and some other ladies. They all met at First A/G Church there and began to intercede for me.

Out in the cabin I cried out "God don't let him shoot." God heard those prayers and miraculously intervened. It was through this event in my life, that God in His mercy brought me to the place of accepting Jesus Christ.


You are cordially invited to a very special Wedding Banquet.

The King and His Bride.

Around the turn of the century.
(It will be announced soon with seven trumpets.)

At midnight.(Don't be late; the door will be locked after the hour.)

In His Father's Throne Room.

Come as you are. Everyone will be given new white robes and crowns for the occasion.

It's free. The price has already been paid for everyone.
His Father made all the arrangements in advance.

New Wine, Bread of Life, a refreshing drink that his family calls Living Water. The supper will follow and it's guaranteed to be out of this world.

Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Gentleness, Meekness, Truth, Good Fellowship and Contentment. Also a fantastic Choir and Heavenly Music.

"You". He's one of those people who already has everything else, but he loves to share his wealth. (And his Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills.)

Confirmed reservations are required so there can be a place prepared for you. If he doesn't hear from you soon, He will personally knock at your door. (Be sure to be listening.) This invitation also includes your family and friends, so have them confirm their reservation also.

This Wedding is being hosted by: Jesus Christ and His Father who art in Heaven.

We hope to see you soon at this Great Event.

P.S. Show this letter to the Gatekeeper and he will escort you in.

By: Bob Hamilton

John 3:16

"Hosea 6:1-3"

Come, and let us return unto the Lord: for He hath torn, and He will heal us; He hath smitten, and He will bind us up.

After two days will He revive us: in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight.

Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: His going forth is prepared as the morning; and He shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and the former rain unto the earth.

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