Matthew Lawrence Valley
Born: 12/7/93
Died: 5/5/94
5 months old. I miss you so much, Munchkin.

Katerina Alix Voorhies
Born: 05/24/96
Died: 08/28/96
Always to be loved and cherished. Never to be forgotten

Christopher Van Derlaske
Born: 09/22/78
Died: 07/10/96
Chris was my brother, he lived in Mastic. He died in a car crash by a drunk driver. They were only going for a test drive and the driver road the Mustang into an embankment at the end of the road. The driver was killed instantly, but my brother was killed by the carbonmonxiode. He survived the crash fine with only 2 broken ribs from wearing his seat belt. He wasn't able to get out of the car because it was pinched between trees and he wasn't able to break the back window. We miss u still Chris and will always forever. Love your brother, Matt

Nicholas Tyler Vied
Born: 11/04/97
Died: 01/26/98

Tyler William Vaught
Born: 09/17/96
Died: 01/23/97
Too perfect for this world. You were on loan to us for such a short time. We love & miss you more than words can say. Mommy, Daddy, & big sister Ashlee

Alexander Peter VanKeulen
Born: 12/31/83
Died: 12/31/83
Our sweetest little angel in heaven, who lived for 1 hour and 20 minutes, who we will forever cherish in our hearts. Love Peter, Margi, Ryan, and Ian

Luis Angel Sainz Villarreal
Born: 01/17/98
Died: 07/29/98
He was an Angel, and Angels don't belong to earth...

Atticus Walter Verlander
Born: 07/28/98
Died: 09/10/98
We mourn the brevity of our time with Atticus, but we remain thankful for having had the blessing of his light in our lives for a little while. He was a perfect and special little guy.

Colton Isidro Vipond
Born: 12/17/91
Died: 12/17/91
You were my first child and will never be forgotten. Love always mom!

Danny Micheal VanDerWege
Born: 8/5/1973
Died: 2/13/1974
To my Angel, whom I love and miss with all my heart. floydsrwycol.com

Jessica Jane Villiotis
Born: 19/01/98
Died: 17/03/98
In loving memory of my niece Jessica - a little angel too precious for this earth. Loved and
missed always, Keo, Uncle David, Hannah, Laura and Alex allsmall@key.net.au

Steven Vallee
Born: 99/03/27
Died: 99/03/27
His Mommy's littlest angel arami55@yahoo.com

Diana Maria Valenzuela
Born: 12/21/96
Died: 12/21/96
Our beloved first daughter, we will hug you in heaven...

Nickolas Mars Verhey
Born: 05/16/99
Died: 07/25/99
We love you, baby, and can't wait to see you again in heaven! Mom and Dad coverdal@ecentral.com

Crystal Sheyenne Valentine
Born: 07/16/74
Died: 11/02/74
"Our Little Angel" mgripp@bellsouth.net

Heather Michelle Vancena
Born: 03/03/93
Died: 06/12/93
Heather is a twin. Her surviving sister's name is Julia. Julia still cries for her sometimes, but says it's ok because when she really misses her,Heather talks to her.Now I know ther are truly Angels among us.

Annelou Jessie van Wiegem
Born: 01/12/94
Died: 06/14/94
Dear Annelou, Mommy and daddy still miss you every day. We hope you are happy up there Please look after your little sisters who are also up in heaven Alyssa Madison (born june 5 1999, died june 8 1999) Jenna Felicity (born june 5 1999, died july 11, 1999)

Shayla Nicole Vaughn
A tiny ray of sunshine that faded from us too soon....

Jordan James Vaagen

Kassandra Faye Vaughan
Kassandra was my neice not my daughter. I can not have children so
she was like my own. We love you Kassandra.

Sean Douglas Verstuyft
-In Loving Memory of Sean and all other babies lost to SIDS-
Our Little Angel
A heavenly surprise bringing tears to our eyes the moment we gazed upon you.
You brought us love and a precious smile what a difference you have made in our
Now you are gone, not here for long our little angel you will always be.
We will always love you and miss you! Mommy & Daddy

Taylor Marie Valenzano
Our Sweetie
We miss you every day our little butterfly.Mommy and daddy love you
allways.Until we meet again xoxoxo.

Nicholas Paul Volentine
You will forever live in my heart. And I look longingly forward to the day I arrive into heaven, and see Jesus waiting at the gate with you in His arms, waiting to place you back into mine.
I love you baby!
Mommy misses you so!

Zachery Tyler VanNoy
Zachery our precious angel.......how we miss you and Love you so
dearly. Not a day goes by that you are not in our hearts and prayers. The
memories we have with you we cherrish close to our hearts.
Wish all our Love

Braeden Jon Van Buren
We miss you everyday "fat boy". Love, Mummie, Daddy, Artez, Jacquise
and Brianna

Tyler Michael Veeck
Although God only gave you to us for a short while, we loved you so
much! We think of you always! Love Grandma and Grandpa
