Nadalee Rosanne Smith
Born: 03/05/98
Died: 05/19/98
You were here yesterday, You will be gone tommorrow, We will love you today, tommorrow, and forever! ssmith77@csc.com

Kristyn Gayle Stayanoff
Born: 11/28/95
Died: 12/22/95
To Kristyn with love, you will always be missed!! I love you, my angel baby!! GaPchNCrm@aol.com

Christopher E. A. Sullivan
Born: 01-11-99
Died: 02-21-99
Born an angel and died a perfect angel. In your mom & dad's hearts. you will always
be our precious son. Christopher your the peace of heaven in my heart, NaNa loves you. csoeltner@portup.com

Dakota Lee Starkey
Born: 11/20/97
Died: 03/13/99
Our sweet little man who was with us too short of a time. We really miss you...Nana debtullos@yahoo.com

Brett "Kirby" Warner States
Born: 06/06/95
Died: 11/22/95
Our Lil' Pooh Bear. I Love You With All My Heart, Daddy cstates@amug.org

Anthony Edward Sposato
Born: 02/12/94
Died: 04/25/94
If you can not hold your child in your arms, hold him in your heart.

Kayland Eileen Brenda Smith
Born: 05/24/99
Died: 06/21/99

Jason David Saunders
Born: 10/27/98
Died: 01/01/99
MisterMan, We love you so much. You left behind our broken hearts and happy memories too but we never wanted memories we only wanted you . love mommy, daddy and your big sisters too ! jcsaunders@lanset.com

Cheyenne Autumn Smith
Born: 10/11/97
Died: 12/1/98
To my beautiful Cheyenne, we had only 14 months, to love you, to hold you, but someday NA-NA will hold you and rock you in my arms again, rest my angel. I love you and miss you so much. And forever will. My beautiful Cheyenne was taken suddenly on a clear December night, forever, I will never forget your laugh, or watching you run and play ring around the rosie, it has been almost 9 months, and we just find out what took you away, Acylcarnitine Disorder, why my baby, didn't
we know? You will forever be Na-Nas girl. I Love you so much and miss you so much. 14 months
was not long enough, but someday my baby Na-Na will hold you and rock you once again, till then
Cheyenne, run and play with the Angels. And Laugh that beautiful Laugh. lighthouse_dreamer@yahoo.com

Colton David Shoenrock
Born: 10/19/94
Died: 2/16/95
Sweet baby Colton, we love and miss you so much. You are always in our hearts. Love, Mom, Dad & Mitchell wendyshoenrock@yahoo.com

Jordan Anthony Singleton
Born: 5/2/79
Died: 6/14/79
We loved you precious angel,Mom & Dad grandmasplace@excite.com

Randy Allen Stewart
Born: 02/05/88
Died: 05/12/88

Savannah LeeAnn Siffles
Born: 03/06/97
Died: 05/03/97
In the still of the night we lost our little grandaughter to SIDS, Her mother was devasted at her lost and of no real answers to why, One day we will hold her again, missing her still as if it were today. Crying still. Grannie, Marilyn mahouser@hotmail.com

Jacob Anious Stevenson
Born: 06/25/99
Died: 06/25/99
We had you in our arms only for a few hours, but you will always be in our hearts. Love Mommy & Daddy

Jay Christapher Swain
Born: 02/18/93
Died: 04/22/93

Rebecka Linn Stroeber
Born: 6/27/97
Died: 9/27/97
My angel up in heaven. I had you for only 3 short months. I watched you grow and play. I looked into those precious eyes. My angel i miss you so much. I know God had a reason for taking you to heaven early i just don't know why
but one day mommy will be there to hold you in her arms once again. As for now your grandpa will take care of you in heaven until mommy can be there. I love you my precious baby and i will always treasure the memories i have of you in my heart forever. Sleep with the angels my baby and i will look to the stars to say hi every night for as long as i live. Love Mommy and your big
sister Cassie poohbear_12@email.com

Gay Lynn Starks
Born: 08/08/57
Died: 02/12/58
Gay Lynn was a precious niece who is now an angel. syl2u@prodigy.com

Micheal Allen Sanquist
Born: 11/19/82
Died: 03/13/83

Ashley Marie Sanders
Born: 7-29-98
Died: 12-15-98
Dear Ashley, You were brought into my life, and I loved you dear. I miss your mommmy bringing you to me every morning and seeing you smile at me. You were 4 months old when God took you. You went away about 5 hrs later after your shots. You are missed so much.. I love you Ashley till my last breath. Love Sherry. e7swills@aol.com

Tanisha Rae Stephans
Born: 01/08/93
Nicholas' Guardian Angel. We will always miss you.

Brian James Scott Jr.
Born: 12/04/90
Died: 02/19/91

Issis Adara Strong
Born: 02/21/94
Died: 10/26/95
This was my niece, the sweetest child God ever sent to the Earth. He took her back because her soul was too pure to live on Earth.

Sebastian Quinn Rey Stary
Born: 05/21/99
Died: 07/27/99
My dear Sebastian. You were our light and our life. The day you came I knew God sent me an Angel. How would I know you would be leaving so soon? Daddy and Mommy and your sisters think the whole world of you. You are missed as much as you were ever loved. Watch over us from heaven and remember that we will be together when all hearts are bound by God's love. We love you SQ. Daddy, Mommy, Shannon, Savannah, Charlotte and all the extended family. sm2red@aol.com

Jennifer Ann Scruggs
Born: 06-13-73
Died: 08-18-73
This is my sister. Who i never met. I love you Jenn and we'll meet someday

Kaylee Rose Schoks
Born: 07-04-99
Died: 10-19-99
I am entering this memorium for my cousin Tina It was a complete shock to the whole family. I myself have 5 month old and could not imagen going through what she is no going through. She told me that day to make sure that I give
my son a hug and kiss every day and always tell them that you love them, because tomorrow may never come.

Riley Emmett Schweiger
Born: 03/17/99
Died: 10/19/99
I love you so much little Riley. Your sparkling blue eyes and beautiful smile will always have
a place in my heart and memory. Love, Auntie Hope

Joshua Craig Stiver
Born: 08-28-90
Died: 1-30-91
To my Dearest Joshy,i remember how i would sing Pretty Baby to you while i bathe you,i only had you for a short 5months and 2 days,since you went back home you have gotten 2 little brothers and your 2 big brothers still talk about you,so you see my little angel you may be gone,but never,never forgotten. I Love You so much and will see you again in Heaven.
Mommy,Daddy,Michael,Anthony,Brandon,Zachery tm@nrc.net

Christopher Robert Spaun
Born: 12-13-1986
Died: 02-13-1987
Robert I have given you a son and now you hold him in your arms. Please hold him close and whisper that I love him and you both. My arms ache for you both.

Alexader Brece Seal
Born: 4-15-88
Died: 10-30-88

Eric Bradley William Scott
Born: 09/25/1996
Died: 01/30/1998
In memory of our "handsome little man". Forever loved and always missed....mommy, daddy & yours big sisters XOXO

David Allen Skelly Jr.
Born: 10/29/83
Died: 2/24/84
David you were truly Mommy and Daddy's little Angel and you will never be forgotten. I think of you day and night even though it has been over 15 years. You have and always held a special place in my heart. David was lost to Downs syndrome and Congenital heart defects. The Crackerrjack@aol.com

Kia Deseree Stafford
Born: 01/02/95
Kia you touched my heart and everyone else's. Your were truly my god child. I
love you and miss you deeply.
Love Aunt Kris

Jeffery Ryan Smith
To Ryan, We know that like the angels that so you so dearly loved,
you are in Heaven with God! We miss you! Love Always! Grandma
Brandon Wayne Smith
Loved and Missed by Mommy,Daddy,Scott, Crystal and all family and

John Anthony Brian Sherman
Born: 07-30-1955
The most beautiful baby brother, and his Mommy chose to join him
only five weeks later. They both live forever in my heart.

Gabriel James Steiner
Born: 08/30/1999
To our Gabers we will always think of you and love you forever!!!!

Sidney Jade Morgan Sherrill
I miss my sweetheart so much every day that passes by. I love you.

Brearah Karli Stevens
Sleep peaceful our precios Angel - your beauty & smile will forever
be missed. Love forever, Aunt Kelli.

Donald & James Smith
I Love you both,although I didn't get to hold you in my arms, you
will always be in my heart

Gabriel James Steiner
Gabers we miss your smile and your giggles. We love you so much you
will always be in our thoughts and hearts. We love you baby ... Love Daddy,
Mommy, and C.J.

Jacob Wallace Slater
Some people only dream of angels we held one in our arms! † we Love
you Jacob Love Mommy Daddy sisters and brothers! You make sure that until we
get there with you that you take care of grammy and poppy and aunt Lisa and
uncle Kenny!

Jazmine Abagail Spooner
Born:Aug.5 1999
Died:Oct.24 1999
"I'm an Angel"

Hanna Elisabeth Swank
Fingerprints and snowflakes are not the only things unique!

Elizabeth Ann Schneider
Always in our hearts and in our memories. We will meet again. mymommo@aol.com

karen lee skelton
MY love for her will never die. she was so beautiful, i knew she was
an angel the day she was born. GOD gives and GOD takes.

Jazmine Abagail Spooner
We love you, my little Angel

Amber Reese Stewart
How do you say Good bye to a 3 month old grand daughter
You were never able to hold close and kiss? How do you say Good-Bye, What is the reason Why?

Emily Nicole Steffensmeier
Our Little Angel
You are always in my thoughts and prayers...
love, mommy, daddy, sisters, & brother

Mark Patrick Sharon
You brought so much joy into my life in those five and one-half
months that God allowed us to spend with you. I am so very grateful for those
precious months. Each year I put your special angel on the Christmas tree and I
know that you are my special angel. Love Mom

Adam Spector
We feel your presence in our hearts, you are never far! We miss you so
much Adam and love you so!
Our precious angel...Adam-You are in our prayers and within our hearts everyday.
Your brothers talk about you all the time, as I'm sure you already know. We
miss you more than words could express, you are and always will be a special
blessing from God. Someday all of us will be together and until that time we
want you to know that we love you very much and to all of us you are very much
"alive" not just in our hearts, but you have a very special place in our home.
You are our Angel!
All our love to you....Daddy, Mommy, Matthew and Ryan

James Douglas Stewart
In Loving Memory of the Uncle of Amber Reese
Stewart. Hopefully, they are together smiling
down on us as you read this bob3236stewart@netscape.net

Savahna Amalia Stephens
Mommy's little Angel and
Daddy's bundle of Joy!
We Love you and miss you!

Joseph Frederick Salber
Joey, I know where you are now. I too will be there with you some
day to hold you once again. You were only here a short time but WE all still
miss you. Momma, Jordy, Jared, Jake, and your sister that never met you, Carley.
You will always be in our hearts and you never will be forgotten. Love you for
all eternity, Dad

"Smiley Riley" "Peanut"
Riley was born on St. Patrick's Day, 1999, 24 days early, but still healthy as
can be!
It was the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to any of us the day
Riley decided to go play in God's eternal kingdom.
Everything was so perfect and just starting to get better, and then all of the
sudden he was gone.
There wasn't a last kiss, cuddle or hug.
My baby boy was gone.
Riley we all love deeply and miss you with all of our hearts!
Hugs & Kisses:
Grandpa, Grandma, Great Grandma, Auntie Moe, Auntie Hope, Auntie Rachel, Auntie
Emily, and most of all right MOMMY & AUNTIE ERICA

Joshua Taylor Sharpe
Joshua our sweetlittle angel,even though you were only here for a short time,
you brought joy to our lives and all others around you. We love you and will
always miss you.We know that you will always be our guardian angel above
watching over us.
Your Loving Family

Joshua Taylor Sharpe
Joshua, our sweet little angel, Even though you were only here for a
short time, you brought joy to our lives and all others around you. We love you
and we will always miss you. We know that you will always be be our gaurdian
angel above watching over us.

Jenna Michelle Shelden
My dearest Jennaboo, you are missed so very much. I have wished so many times
that I would wake up and you would be there but all the wishes on all the stars
in the sky can not bring you to me. Until we can be together again, remember we
love you and our hearts ache for you.
Love Mommy, Daddy, Jordan, Nanna, Papa, Grandma and Aunt Michelle.

Stephanie Lynn Sanders
My little girl did not die of sids but of something called
annacephly it has been 7 1/2 years since you have been gone but we still think
of you everyday love you always baby girl mommy,daddy, big brother alex and
little sister sammie Brasam85@aol.com
