Sarah May Percy
Born: 10/05/94
Died: 22/9/94
Although we have had two other precious babies since Sarah died we continue to miss and long for her and always will. My email is phillip@southernisp.net

Logan James Parsons
Born: 1-20-97
Died: 5-18-97
Logan was born with no problems. When he was one day old we learned that he had a heart problem - after a long struggle he went to Heaven to be with his two older brothers - we miss them all - and wish that they could be here with us. We had Logan for 4 months and losing him has been traumatic. We will love and miss him forever.

Justin Michael Pease
Born: 8/2/88
Died: 11/19/88
To our beloved baby boy who left us much too soon. We would give anything in this world to have you back with us. You will be in our hearts and thoughts everyday until we are reunited once again. We love you our little geemer! We miss you baby boy, you will always be our little angel, never to be forgotten! Lots of Love Mommy & Daddy

Elias Keishawn Pomeroy-James
Born: 8-27-96
Died: 1-7-97
My son was only 4 months old when GOD took him from us. I wonder still how i'm going to go on without him. I miss Elias so so much. I seems to me too much at times. But I remember that I will seem him again one day. Until I'll make him proud of me his mommy. GOD please take good care of Elias until I come to do it myself. Mommy misses to and LOVES you ELIAS.....

Morgan Ruby Padgett
Born: 05/10/94
Died: 07/28/94
I lost Morgan on 7-28-94. She was two months and eighteen days old. It was over three years ago and still takes my breath away sometimes. Morgan left a big whole to fill. Her big brother Joshua and twin sister Shelby give me more love and understanding then I can imagine but can never quite fill up my heart. Shelby is my greatest joy and my biggest hurt. She is my look-alike reminder of what could have been. I miss you doodle-bug and love you very much. You are never very far from my thoughts. "Those who are truly loved are never lost..." Morgan was truly loved. I would love to hear from others with a loss of one twin to SIDS. Please write to me at obgldp@ttuhsc.edu

Alaura Dayne Perry
Born: 10/9/96
Died: 11/15/96
You came and went just like the wind . The time we spent stays in my mind. I wish I could turn back the hands of time. Mommy and Daddy miss you and love you sooo much. Life will never be the same with out our first born.

Dominic Philip Michael Puglisi
Born: 11/12/83
Died: 09/29/84
Mica, we miss you alot and we'll always love you.Chris is lost without you.Love you Mommy, Daddy, Granna, Gil, and Christopher

Alexander Franklin Pivonka
Anastasia Shelby Pivonka
Born: 10/30/96
Alexander Died: 10/30/96
Anastasia Died: 07/03/97
Born at 24 weeks, Alexander died soon after birth. Anastasia died on July 3rd, 1997 at 8 months,3 days of kidney failure. They were our angels and forever will be.

Joel Edward Petritz
Born: 11/28/97
Died: 03/06/98
"For Joel and Us"
He smiles in every sunrise and hears every quiet birdsong,
He lives atop every mountain and blooms in every flower,
His laughter is in every gurgling, bubbling, shining brook
and stream swiftly flowing to the sea,
And he is the wind whispering softly through a tree.
Today may see empty and overfilled with sorrow,
but remember all the joy he gave for each and all tomorrows.

Kendra Leigh Patterson
Born: 01-07-91
Died: 04-01-91
Another child left the arms of its loving mother, tears stream down the cheeks of disbelievers, and hearts ache... As the child sprouts wings and flies to the heavens, one cannot help but question why? To all who have been touched by SIDS, God bless you and your family. Feel free to contact me at cornell@turbont.net, Thank you

Sean Plato
Born: 2/4/1968
Died: 15/5/1968
Our son Sean died in my arms just 4 hours after being baptised and smiling his first real smile to me.He died of S.I.D.S I'm from Tasmania in Australia. The only photo I have of our son is carried in my heart, with a smile that told me everthing would be ok. I hope you will except this as I would love a permanent Tribute to our son not just loving

Marc Peate
Died: 02/02/97
Marc was 5 months old when we lost him to sids.We'll always love him and miss him. ekpeate@tinet.ie

Nathan Joseph Pall
Born: 01/24/98
Died: 01/24/98
You brought hope into our lives and our lives will forever be a better place. I will carry you always, within my heart, because you will always be my
Nater-Potater. We Love You!

Joshua Bradley Plato
Born: 15-9-93
Died: 15-9-93
To Joshua Plato. Thy little footsteps on the sands, Of a remote and lonely shore, The twinkling of thine infant hands Where now the worm will feed no more Thy mingled look of love and glee, When we returned to gaze on thee -
Percy Bysshe Shelley 1792-1822 Thank you to my mother in law for letting me use her computer to do this special thing that
means so much to me.

Ryan Joseph Potts
Born: 09/22/89
Died: 12/18/89
My third son was taken from me on a cold December day one week before Christmas. He would be almost 9 years old now. Time has helped somewhat. I will always miss my sweet baby and will never forget him.

John Wallace Plouffe
Born: 3/20/89
Died: 7/13/89
In rememberance to my son John who was taken from me at 4 months of age. Too short of a time to have you, long enough to love you with all my heart. You are in my thoughts and prayers each and every day. There will always be a special place in my heart just for you. Rest well my son
Mommy will be with you again one day.

Madison Kate Phelps
Born: 4/9/98
Died: 8/3/98
Pookie, you brought us more love & happiness than we thought possible..we will carry that love & your memory in our hearts always. We miss you more than words can express. There will always be a special place in our hearts just for you Pookie Poo. We love you sweet pea.... Mommy & Daddy xoxo

Alaura Dayne Perry
Born: 10/9/96
Died: 11/15/96
I will always love my first little girl. I know she was the best thing that ever happend to me.

Janel Lynn Pailet
Born: 12/21/70
Died: 07/26/72

Tyler Merrill Peacock
Born: 06-29-98
Died: 06-29-98
Tyler your in our thoughts and prayers each and everyday. Love Mommy,Daddy,Karl and Kristi

Jose Francisco Juan Padilla
Born: 06/05/98
Died: 09/26/98

Shelby Elizabeth Mary Paschket
Born: 05/05/91
Died: 10/18/91
someday, we'll be together, somewhere out there where dreams come true.

Matthew Lee Parker
Born: 07/07/98
Died: 08/30/98
Matthew it was such a short time, but it was the most wonderful 7 weeks of our lives. We love and Miss You Dearly. Daddy, Mommy, and Brother's. healinghearts@dptechnet.net

Rhiannon Louise Proud
Born: 20-04-96
Died: 26-07-96
Our Angel in Heaven

Mariah Joy Plumb
Born: 12/20/95
Died: 04/04/96

Megan Joan Ptacek
Born: 9-27-79
Died: 4-17-98
we were grateful to have megan for 18 wonderful years and she brought joy to her family and everyone she met. she will always be forever young and forever in our hearts.

Aaron Petzke
Born: 14/03/98
Died: 19/03/98

Frances Palvio
Born: 01/07/72
Died: 01/07/72
Always an angel, never a child

Jake Kenton Peters
Born: 01/05/97
Died: 07/28/97
Sometimes life seems to fall apart a little at a time and we want to fold up our dreams, such a feeling entered my life on July 28,1997 when my son was taken from me by this demon we call SIDS. I know deep in my heart Jake would not want me to fold..I am so blessed to have had him in my life..he was more my teacher than i could have ever been hi...I miss you Jake...and WILL continue to learn from you..I love you my angel baby!!

Shawn Chung Hung Pau
Born: 25/02/78
Died: 25/06/78
You were born the year of the horse, and now your galloping from one cloud to another,frollic king with all the other little angels.The years have passed and a candle still glows with your innocent memories. Love Mom blackorchard@powersurfr.com

Brian Michael Paplham
Born: 7/29/88
Died: 7/30/88
Brian and Scott were twins and were my grandsons. maryalyce@itol.com

Scott James Paplham
Born: 7/29/88
Died: 8/5/88
Brian and Scott were twins and were my grandsons. maryalyce@itol.com

John Phillip Perron
Born: 9/25/74
Died: 9/25/74
John was a beautiful baby, God let me hold and adore him for six hours,He always in my thoughts and I hurt for him Since his death I have had 3 more beautiful children But he will always be in my heart My ANGEL John SAP6757@AOL.COM

Kolby Lee Pawelczyk
Born: 7-17-94
Died: 9-1-94
We love and miss you every day of our lives. bpawelczyk@psghs.edu

Megan Maire Johnston Pelletier
Born: 01/11/95
Died: 02/25/95
It been four years sence you left us and everyday I wounder what you would look like and what you are doing. Love always in my heart mommy's little angel. Love mommy wepee@nbnet.nb.ca

Baby Payne
Born: Unborn
Died: 6/1/86
I only carried you a short while, but I will carry you in my heart forever.

Kelsey Leann Powell
Born: 09/30/98
Died: 12/20/98
We will all love and miss her so much. She will live on in our hearts forever. summer_40601@yahoo.com

Stephen Paul Phillips
Born: 11/2/95
Died: 3/28/96
Budded on earth to blossom in heaven, you were my seed now your my rose, i love you son Liira@aol.com

Braydon Scott Phelps
Born: 09/02/98
Died: 10/17/98

Chad Daniel Pond
Born: 03/20/88
Died: 05/22/88
Our precious angel up in the sky, why oh why did you have to die. I think of how you would be, standing up beside me. Your mommy loves you and always will, keep smiling up in heaven as I know you will. chr6446221@aol.com

Michelle Amber Lynn Ponchot
Born: 12/17/98
Died: 09/20/99
In loving memory of by beautiful granddaughter. I'll love you forever. Nana

Robert LeRoy Porter
Born: 08/11/48
Died: 08/11/48
Loved and missed deeply! Your time was so short but was so very special. Until we meet again.....

Atira Alyssa Palmer
Born: 01/02/91
Died: 02/03/91
It took me 11 years to become pregnant with this beautiful little girl. Her name means long awaited blessing. She touched many people in her short life. She is our little angel.

Michael Joseph Perkins
Born: 9-22-93
Died: 12-19-93
Michael is my Angel grandson, I miss and love him so much. I love you baby Michal Love Nana Carol Smith cegan50@aol.com

Brittani Kay Peck
Born: 7-30-89
Died: 10-20-99
It has been ten years since my special little angel was taken from me, I miss her still, I wonder what she looks like. Please God give her a kiss and tell her, her mommy loves her and misses her everyday.

Jessica Geneva Parker
Our Angel for a short time and his for eternity we love you and
think about you everyday

Nicholas Robles Pistoresi
When Nicholas was born, I thought that he was sent from heaven for
me to watch over. Now I know that he's back in heaven watching over me. I truly
feel blessed for the short time he was in my life 1ftucker@worldnet.att.net


Stevie Medley Peterson
my daughter did not die from sids but from cerebal palsey, lung disease, she was
only 4 years and 8 months old, she was on machines her whole short life we miss
her and love her so much, in loving memory of STEVIE MEDLEY PETERSON
we love and miss you sugar-bear mommy daddy and bubby ricky and bubby dallas

Amber Lee Powell
Our angel Amber Lee
Our Saturday's Warrior...
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
you make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear
How much I Love You
Please don't take my sunshine away.
Love, Grandma Judy

Patrica Ann Perry
This is my sister. She died because she was VERY early and her lungs
collapsed because they were not fully developed! I love you sis!

Shawn Michael Price
I just wanted to say I'm sorry for your loss and my prayers are with
you and your family.

Brandon Dean Pearce
We all thought it was so neat
When you came to us a little boy so sweet,
With dark hair and a little pug nose,
You were the cutest from your head to your toes.
You felt so soft when we hel you near,
To our hearts you will always be dear.
We don't understand why you were taken away,
We miss you so much each and every day.
We are so glad we had you for a while,
We'll always remember when we saw you smile.
We have to go on without you somehow,
But we know you are in Heaven right now.
God will take care of you up above, He will hold you with His tender love.
So we say goodbye with our hearts sore and tender,
You will always be in our hearts to love and remember.
Goodbye little angel so sweet, till agin someday in Heaven we'll meet.
We miss you Brandon,
Mommy, Kelcey & Destri

Patricia Rene Royce Pittman
Our Patti
Our Patti, she was so precious,
and loved as much as one could be,
Forever in our hearts, we'll hold,
her precious memory.
Our Patti is an angel now,
with our Lord in heaven above.
Our angel she took with her,
our eternal love.
To those of us who knew her,
there will never be,
another quite as precious as,
our little angel will always be.
written by Cheryl Royce

James Brian Peter
To my baby brother who never got to grow up:
I have never stopped loving you and I know that when the time comes for me to
return to the Father, you will be waiting for me with mama and we will be
together in God's kingdom for all eternity. cdeleon1069@juno.com

Amber Lynn Parker
My dear niece Amber, I love and miss you so much!! Your mommy does
also..my daughter's middle name is in your memory. See you in heaven, sweet
baby, you are not forgotten.

Kylie Sue Pettress
She is the smallest angel. The dream that didn't last. My first
little girl and my only angel. jokergt@beer.com

Marcus Ian Chanlder Pearson
Marcus was our blessing taken to soon. But we realize that God
needed all of these special angels to help Him in Heaven

halli ryan peterson
To my precious angel,we all love you and miss you very much.
