Scott Charles O'Neill II
Born: 06-22-92
Died: 09-18-92
You are our little angel looking down on us. We will always have you in our hearts. Love you always son, Daddy, Mommy, Sissy, Bubba,and Baby Sissy

David Randall Ollson
Born: 10/10/54
Died: 26/01/55
Still Remembered And Sadly Missed By Mom And Siblings

Andrea Ranay Odom
Born: 11/07/91
Died: 11/07/91
3pounds 11ounces
14 and 1/2 inches
She lives in our hearts in God's care.

Michelle Marie Owings
Born: 00/00/81
Died: 03/13/97
We miss you Shelley. You'll never be forgotten...Love your friends from West High School.

Hero Oliveria
Born: 02/03/98
Died: 02/03/98
You'll never be forgotten... We all love you!

Tyler Jay Olive
Born: 4/30/97
Died: 8/19/97
Heaven Get Ready...Our Little Angel is on His Way

Audra Rachèl O'Shields
Born: 11/27/96
Died: 03/14/97
Some people have only heard angels... I held one in my arms... Play with the angels our precious, sweet one

Kevin Joseph "Joey" Otwell
Born: 06/12/87
Died: 06/20/87
You were such a little fighter while you were here on this earth. Too soon for you to be born but I will never forget the joy you brought. Your sister was born too early also but you must have been watching over her because she is now a angel of 9 years! Love you forever!

James Noel Olsen
Born: 8/18/77
Died: 12/22/77

Timothy Ryan Olsen
Born: 7/27/78
Died: 8/27/78

Sabbrina ShyAnn Ousley
Born: 03/25/98
Died: 06/02/98
Your in our hearts and Prayers every night baby Brina. We love you very much. Love Mommy and Daddy and SammiJo and Dennis Jr aka D.J JaMMnKiTTy@aol.com

Devin Caleb Ojalehto
Born: 11/08/92
Died: 12/18/92

John Francis O'Donnell Jr.
Born: 03/28/98
Died: 03/28/98
We love you so much John Francis. You will forever be in our hearts. Love, Mommy, Daddy and your big sister Ellen... John Francis was born premature and gave us one beautiful hour of his life to remember and cherish for life.

Brandon David Orozco
Born: 07/06/98
Died: 09/03/98

Shelby Anne Otto
Born: 01/22/97
Died: 11/12/97
We miss our little Angel. We love you so much baby girl. ROTTO@SYTEL.COM

Jon Bernard Osborne
Born: 22/02/77
Died: 12/03/77
Jon Bernard came to us as a little angel after waiting six years after our two oldest children. He left us as an angel just 18 days later and we will never be the same. He
touched our lives in such a special way and we will never forget him. Two years later we were
blessed to have another child, a boy, Jon Paul. JP is now 20 years old . We planted a tree
just outside our kitchen window the year that our son died and this is our daily physical
reminder of him. His time was brief but we are grateful for it and we are comforted by the
fact that he watches over us until we see him again. gosborne@nbnet.nb.ca

3 babies of Oster
Died: 89-90-90
In memory of 3 little angels

Stephan James Odom
Born: 02/16/93
Died: 06/02/93
Dearest Stephan it has been more than six years since you left us and yet we still grieve for you. Love Mom,Shawna,& Jonathan shawshaw68@mail.badsector.com

Scott Casper Olson
Born: 10/11/65
Died: 01/00/66
In loving memory of Scott Casper Olson

Christmas Dawn Owens
Still in my heart and always onmymind. I love you darling Chrissy.

Brandon David Orozco
You have touch us so much when you came into our world. The loss that we feel
could never be resolved. I now that you are looking down on us and we hope you
will be ok with the decisions we have made since you had been taken from us.
your Mom and I will always Love you and remember the joy you gave us.

Ryan David O
A Poem for Baby Ryan
I said a little prayer today
to thank the Lord above
for sending you from heaven-
a miracle of love.
I thanked Him for your little smiles,
for your precious baby signs,
and for every trace of starlight
that twinkled in your eyes.
I asked Him to send hi angels
to guide you on your way
and to hold you in His arms
'til I will again some day.

meghan elizabeth oleary
my sweetest meghan mommy and your brother stephen and your
grandparent love and miss you very much i love you my meggy baby

Veronica Oquendo
My daughter Veronica, in my eyes you were too beautful for this
world. We will always love you! Mom, Angel, Linda, & Danny

Anthony Oquendo
My Dearest Son Anthony, Mami held you for just a few minutes, but
Your tender touch will last me a lifetime. I will always love and remember you,
love to you, from your brothers, and sisters, Wanda, Junior,Tina, Angel, Linda,&
Danny. Till we meet again in heaven! Enjoy yourself with your Daddy, and your
sister Veronica in heaven!

deanna krishell catlin orantes
momma misses her sweet little angel.i feel you urgein me on thank
you sweet heart .i love you, love momma

Quinten Harrison O. Matis
Always in our thoughts and hearts Love mommy and daddy

Robert Samuel Ortiz
In memory of my sweet beautiful baby, Mommy loves you sooo much! I
miss very, very much. The only peace I have is knowing that I will be with you
some day, I can not wait for that day. I love you more than anything sweet
angel. Love you my precious baby!

Samantha Jo O'Daniel
Samantha Jo was a very loving active little girl. She is loved and missed by all who know her.

Ariyanna Serafina Oudemolen
My Christmas Angel, I will forever love and cherish our wonderful 4
1/2 months together! I love you and miss you so much! Mommy
