Kevin Micheal Herzner
Born: 10/26/84
Died: 05/16/85
My son was my angel! I still cry for him to this day. He was 6 months old.
Parents: Bridgett Koffel, Hobie Babb
Grandparents: Guy & Roxanne Zimmerman

Victoria Nicole Huerta
Born: 09/27/96
Died: 01/02/97
To our baby girl, Victoria Nicole. Absent from us, present with our Lord, Jesus Christ. You will always be in our hearts.With Love, Mom & Dad.

Mark Wayne Hensley
Born: 09-05-65
Died: 12-30-65
Hello, my little Angel Mark. I'ts been 31+ years since you transferred, from earth to Heaven, via SIDS. I still love and miss you but the joy of your short stay on earth is far greater than the pain of your leaving. I still promise to join you someday, but in God's time, not mine. Thanks for being my son on earth, for 3 months and 25 days. Love, Daddy.

Brandon Todd Hanna
Born: 12/07/88
Died: 07/27/89
Our precious darling, he has left us left us, yes, forever more: but we hope to meet our Brandon on that bright and happy shore. Lonely the house, and sad the hours since our baby slept and died: But, Oh! A brighter home than ours in heaven is now his pride.(Written By Brandon's Grandma Hanna)

Benjamin Howard
Born: 020895
Died: 022696
To mommy's little angel.

Ryan Lynn Hollinger
Born: 06/29/78
Died: 05/23/97
My son was no longer a baby when he died, but he will always be my baby. I was blessed to have him as a part of my life for 19 years. I miss the baby, the toddler, the child, the teenager, and I miss the beautiful man he was becoming.

Thomas Allen Holmes
Born: 07/18/97
Died: 07/18/97
Mommy and Daddy love you very much. There is not an hour that goes by without you on our minds. We miss you, our little angel.

Sara Lynn Hegreberg
Born: 8/1/86
Died: 8/1/86
My little Sara didn't die of sids, however she is no longer with me. She died in a car crash well she was still inside of me.I just wanted her little life to count.

John Michael Haverland
Born: 11-21-89
Died: 03-31-90
John Michael was loved by everyone he came in contact with in his short life. As my husband always reminds me. He was a gift from God that we could only hold a little while.

Austin Cody Helser
Born: 01/05/96
Died: 01/29/96
As the snowflakes gently fall ,
We think of you baby boy,
You came to us as the snowflakes fell,
And left us when they were falling too,
So as the snowflakes gently fall,
We feel you kiss us on our face,
And know you are happy in a better place.
In Loving Memory

James Charles Lane Harkness
Born: 04/16/94
Died: 08/02/94
A grandmother's tribute to our "Baby James"

Joseph L. Henderson
Born: 9-3-82
Died: 2-6-83
He was so little to have given so much....but angel always are.

Seth Michael Harp
Born: 02/07/97
Died: 05/23/97
Seth, our precious Angel we miss you a little more everyday. Our live will be forever changed without you here with us. We love you, Mommy,
Daddy, Big Sister Kelley and Big Brothr Taylor

Leah Therese Harris
Born: 04/11/93
Died: 06/30/93
Our "Little Flower" was born on Easter Sunday 1993. Her birth on this holy day only underscores how special she is to us and to God, as is all his little angels. We love you, Leah. Mom, Dad, and your two Brothers.

Karrie Jo Harrell
Born: 03/08/80
Died: 05/28/80

Megan Desiree Hutchinson
Born: 09/08/97
Died: 12/09/97
Megan changed my life for ever.
Such a powerful spirit for such a small child. She made me realize how precious life is.

Amy Lynn
Born: 10/05/75
Died: 4/4/90
Amy Lynn is my best friends daughter. Although she did not die of SIDS we would like to have her memorial placed here with my daughter Megan D. Hutchinson. Amy was taken tragically, but is now her mothers gaurdian angle. She is loved and missed very much. Brenda B. Hutchinson

Baby Boy or Girl Harvey
Born: 1973
Died: 1973
I'm sorry :(

John Mark Hink
Born: 02/28/88
Died: 04/11/88

Baby boy or girl Henninger
Born: 01/10/89
Died: 01/10/89
You were part of me for only a couple short months, and were taken from my body...I know now it was God's will... I will love and remember you forever even though I never held you in my arms. Love, Mommy

Niklas Heisener
Born: 8/16/94
Died: 10/22/94
We will love you forever

Holly Margaret Heard
Born: 5/26/94
Died: 6/9/94
We miss our daughter very much. She died from SIDS at the age of 2 weeks.

Sandra Jo Hanna
Born: 07/18/91
Died: 10/21/91
Sandra is my angel. Like others she changed my life forever. My angel showed me that I need to appreciate today and those around me. I love you Sandra.

Ashley Faith Hutter
Born: 9/16/86
Died: 1/10/87
My little Angel

Chelly Ann Hesseltine
Born: 03/06/98
Died: 04/25/98
Big Sister Hollie and Big Brother Dillan We Miss Our Little Angel.

Jennifer Lynn Hallman
Born: 11-19-85
Died: 2-16-86
I miss you so much my little angel
Heaven needed a little bit of sunshine, you are still my sunshine
I love and miss you terribly mommy

Kassidy Alexandria Hunnewell
Born: 02/14/98
Died: 04/17/98
Kassidy we miss you and love you very much. Love Mommy,Daddy, Krystal, Bradley, and Zackery

Trey Jakob Hall
Born: 01/26/98
Died: 03/21/98

Kristin Marie Hansen
Born: 05/4/90
Died: 08/11/90
A tiny tribute to our daughter/sister. You will live on in our hearts. Love, Daddy, Mommy, Samantha, James, and little sister Nicole.

Alec Gregory Hudson
Born: 01/05/94
Died: 07/18/94
If I could sit across the table from God, I would thank him for lending you to me. I miss you
Alec!! Love - Mommy

Bradlee Tyler Harrington
Born: 11/12/94
Died: 12/25/96
Some people dream of angels, we have held on in our arms. We love and miss you terribly. Love, Mommy, Daddy, and Brooke

Jerimiah Harrington
Born: 02/20/94
Died: 02/25/94
Though your life was short, your memory lasts for an eternity.

Christopher Andrew Heinrichs
Born: 30-04-90
Died: 20-06-90
Our beloved son. You are thought of often, and loved always. Love your Mommy, Daddy and big brother Nicholas smileitsjos@sprint.ca

Lily Temina Desiree Hilton
Born: 09/05/98
Died: 09/05/98
My Pretty girl, you will forever be with me, as I have your name etched across my heart.

Brenden Anthony-Lewis Houle
Born: 08-06-98
Died: 10-10-98
Taken from us on Angels wings to the Heavens above...

"Jesse" Floyd Franklin Hansen IV
Born: 06/24/93
Died: 04/24/95
Little white box on a cloudy day. The grass just starting to grow, just as you were. Rain gentally falling on warm skin,
blending with my tears. I, wondering if he is really there.
Wanting one last look to make sure. A circle of prayer in our own words. A smoking stick of sage to carry them to you. Sage, burned into the green grass, never to grow back. Even there it remembers, I remember. If you reach down deep with in your soul where things are not so unknown. Pst the viel of now to what has been and to what will be, you'll find that things aren't so scarey. When you've been touched by a soul and giffted by it's
love, the pain of its leaving seems too much. Remember the love for it continues on beyond our eyes. The cycle of life turns round and round, soon they will be back around, as a sister, a brother or maybe just a friend. Remember they'll be back again, in just a blink of time. Don't be weary, do not cry. For they watch, waiting for the right time. On those nights that you dread, they sooth your soul with gental stares in midnight dreams. Please don't despair. You can contact me at: RunningRiver@netscape.net

Che Marie Halme
Born: 07/22/96
Died: 09/10/96
Oh cherished angel in heaven above
Don't cry for me as I feel your sweet love. For all that you've given will not go to waste I've learned much from your parting, not disregarding in haste. Yes, I am your mother though not by your side We are together like the moon to the tide. And you are my moon, Sweet Little Che Never leaving my heart, for this I do pray. (taken from My Moon by Robin Halme) werfmly@telusplanet.net

Carson Olinray Hammond
Born: 09/23/98
Died: 01/05/99
Carson, my first grandson, I know the Lord God is keeping you close to Him, but I miss you so much. Love always, Grandma Janet

Anthony Dewayne Heathcock
Born: 02/02/96
Died: 03/12/96

Austin Charles Howel
Born: 05/01/97
Died: 06/30/97
My son was 8 wks. and 3 days when he died. I know the pain and heartache it leaves
inside. It feels as if there is no tomorrow. please contact me at LILDTEAZE@AOL.COM.

Kiara AshLea Hunter
Born: 04-20-89
Died: 11-08-89
Although it has been almost ten years, my precious daughter is always in my heart and thoughts. Kiara, I can still remember your beautiful face, smiling eyes, and the precious memories you left with me. Even though your life was short, you made a huge impact on me that will always remain. I love you!

Erin Elissa Hamlin Hicks
Born: 11/12/87
Died: 01/27/88

Addison Knight Harris
Born: July 9, 1997
Died: October 25, 1997
Cody & Robert Harris

Krysti Leigh Hartzel
Born: 03/17/93
Died: 04/02/93
In Loving Memory kat339@hotmail.com

Donovan Jared Douglas Hill
Born: 04-14-97
Died: 06-07-97

Wyatt "Hunter" Headrick
Born: September 20,1995
Died: April 15, 1996
Hunter, We miss and love you very much and you are alway's in our hearts! We look forward to the day to be with you again. Love, Mommy, Daddy, Brittany, & Nicholas ai2000@icx.net

Alexander William Hammond
Born: 25/5/98
Died: 16/6/98
How very softly you tiptoed into my world but only a moment you stayed but what imprint your footprints have left upon my heart loved and cherished always Mummy & Daddy & Ashley. kamac@elite.net.au

Shannon Sarah Hammond
Born: 10/3/99
Died: 10/3/99
My darling daughter a cry I never heard only a day together but a lifetime of love gone to be with your brother Alexander amongst the angels you shall walk together loved and cherished for ever love Mummy & Daddy & Ashley kamac@elite.net.au

Angel Lena Tecce Hally
Born: 05/21/99
Died: 05/21/99
Dearest Angel, Your Mommy and Daddy and big brother Alex, your Grandmoms and Grandpops and Uncles and Aunts love you and always will. We were all looking forward to meeting you soooo much! We are so sad that we got to know you here only briefly, but we try to understand that we can know you
still in our hearts and thoughts and friends and family and all the signs God gives us that you are safe and happy in His arms.....until we meet again.....in Heaven....We Love You!!! God
Bless everyone that has been touched by this pain....He truly does and did and will bless us all. ttecce@hargray.com

Michael Christopher Hengst
Born: 07/23/74
Died: 12/18/74
In Loving Memory of Michael, who died from SIDS. We love you and miss you. Although the years have gone by, it seems like only yesterday when I held you in my arms. May God watch over you until I get there. Lkabel@aol.com

Raffael Haner
Born: 07/12/86
Died: 30/03/92
Raffael was a pupil of mine when I taught Kindergarten.In the short time I knew him,he taught me
so much and I loved him as my own child. He will stay with me in my heart for ever. May God bless and keep him safe annar1957@yahoo.com

Owen Stuart Hansen
Born: 9/26/97
Died: 12/9/98
Owen, was the icing on the cake.

Vivian Joyce Hughes
Born: 10/30/97
Died: 02/03/98
"brewster" we all miss you very much & think about you every day you are forever in our hearts

Camilla Brooke Hatchel
Born: 06/22/95
Died: 06/22/95
A wish for her life saved mine! Little ones to him belong. Dani0729@aol.com

Deborah Jean Howell
Born: 04/07/65
Died: 08/03/95
Although she did not die from SIDS, her life here on earth was short. In loving memory of my only sister, whom I love dearly and miss still. We love you and miss you Debbie, from your daughter, Anita, Mother, Brothers and Sister. howellube@aol.com

Kelsey Olivia Hopson
Born: 6-8-93
Died: 6-8-93
Nana loves you very much gapeach_45@hotmail.com

Robert Boyce Hale
Born: 11/03/86
Died: 09/27/90
My nephew Robert was born with many problems. Although he did not die from sids, he is still one of our smallest angels. I hold a special place in my heart for Robert. Aunt Chelle loves u very much.

Tristan David Hall
Born: 1-7-99
Died: 4-17-99
Our Precious Little Angel. We are forever thankful for the time we had with you. You touched so many lives in the short time you were with us.

Joshua Michael Harris
Born: 06/11/99
Died: 09/13/99
Mommy and Daay will love you till eternity, our sweet, silly ole bear. charris73@hotmail.com

George Thomas Harrington
Born: 11/30/91
Died: 3/17/92

Shandi Lee Hill
Born: 07-24-68
Died: 10-26-68
My beloved daughter Shandi, I love you and miss you... Skye259976@aol.com

Logan Ashton Huffman
Born: 12/28/97
Died: 7/31/98
Anyone who loses their precious child turn to the Lord he is your strength. Logan your mommy
and daddy love you dearly and we will be together again in paradise. We miss you little man! bigwallblues@aol

Spencer Andrew Henry
Born: 01/25/93
Died: 03/12/93
We miss you very much you will always be my first love.

Jamya Monique Harris
Born: 08 07 1999
Died: 09 27 1999
We Will Always Love Our Angel, She's safe in the arms of God. vdefoe@ibm.net

Avery Shayne Highfield
Born: 06-23-1999
Died: 07-18-1999
Mommy and Daddy love and and miss you so much. megn@ev1.com

Christina Kay Harmon
Born: 11-30-78
Died: 11-30-78
Dear Angel, Even though I carried you nine months, I never got to hold you. I felt your life
inside of me. I wanted you so but God had other plans. We love & miss you, Mom, Dad,brother & sister carol045@webtv.net

Eric Hatcher
Born: 10-31-1976
Died: 01-20-1977
My grandchild died from SIDS. His mother, Catherine Hatcher, died in 1982. We miss them both very much and look forward to the day we will all be together again. mlpelto@juno.com

we will always love you
dad,mom,kim and amy
