Joshua Denis John Gordon
Born: 01/06/97
Died: 01/06/97
Joshua, I can never forget you, I have written your name on the palm of my hand. Isaiah 49:16 Our Little Angel....

Leara Noisette Gantt Gillespie
Born: 03/24/95
Died: 08/11/95
So wait for us sweet baby, until we can join you there. We never will forget your love, or the joy that filled our lives. So wait for us in Jesus' arms, and rest in loving peace.

Selina Marie Gonzales
Born: 10/02/96
Died: 12/15/96
You will always be our little angel. Love Mommy, Daddy, and Sissy

Holly Ryan Green
Born: 8/23/80
Died: 1/13/81
Forget Me Nots Honey... Forever! I love you, Mommy

Nathan Ryan Goodlett
Born: 02/07/94
Died: 06/18/94
Mommy and Daddy's little Angel

Allison Grace Gurnick
Born: 12/19/96
Died: 12/19/96
My sweet little rosebud, I love you...forever

Amanda Marie Gorder
Born: 05/12/95
Died: 08/31/95
My angel Amanda was taken away at the young age of 3 months. She will always be my special angel. It has been 2 years sonce she passed away and it has not gotten any easier to cope with. I miss and love you amanda!!! all my love, mommy

Christopher Timmothy Goodrich
Born: 03/06/97
Died: 01/26/98
Asleep, pain no more, no more needles, no more oxygen. No more of those but always and forever love from us to you. Sweet little baby boy, pain no more. Love and kisses await you when your family meets you once again. You'll no longer have trisomy 18 but will be healthy and
alive with us.Love, your family.

Jeremy Michael Godwin
Born: 7/27/86
Died: 2/11/93
I lost my son 5 years ago in a fire. It is a pain that will never go away. I can think of no loss any greater.My prayers are with all parents who have suffered the same pain in their lives.

Andrew James Gagnon
Born: 08/17/93
Died: 02/08/94
Andrew, I think of you every day. I miss you and I love you very much. Love, Mommy

Jack William Gottlieb III
Born: 2/5/85
Died: 3/7/85
My sweet angel was only with us for a very short time, but his memory will be with us forever.

Alauna Jean Gay
Born: 05/28/97
Died: 07/15/97
Our dauhter was truly an angel on earth and is now one in heaven. My Email:

Edward Joseph Granda (Joseph)
Born: 1/26/97
Died: 1/26/97
Joseph didn't die from SIDS, but he is my little angel. Joseph is my brother, my
mom lost him at about 27 weeks. It is so difficult for me, because he was like my little baby too. I went to all the appointmnts, bought the clothes. everything. If anyone is in a
similar situation, please e-mail me at: angelbaby500@storksite.com

Aaron Louis Gray
Born: 03/04/98
Died: 06/11/98
Aaron, precious nephew. I miss you and I love you. Aunt Anna

Tiffany Heather Grennell
Born: 9/21/87
Died: 12/23/87
This is our little angel. She also died of SIDS. I am glad to see this site on the internet. I hope it will help make people aware of this condition. I have 2 other daughters Amanda and Brittany, and thanks to research today they are alive. Keep up the good work . And our thoughts and prayers are with each and everyone who is on this memorial wall and who views it.

Tiffany Heather Grennell
Born: 9/21/87
Died: 12/23/87
We love you and miss you. Love Mommy,Judtin, Cassie, Brittany, and Amanda
I love you. You were my little sister. I miss you and will love you forever. Cassie

Padraic Greyson Guin
Born: 11/13/97
Died: 11/23/97
You only knew love the short time you were here. Our hearts will never heal. Love Mimi and Papa Guin

Steven Anthony Gaylord
Born: 08/22/73
Died: 03/31/74
God's Sweetest Angel, We Love You

William James Berry Gamble
Born: 9/19/85
Died: 10/30/85
Billy, we will LOVE you forevery. Daddy, Mommy, Anthony,Victoria and Michael

Alexx Zachary Guertin
Born: 10/28/94
Died: 02/07/95
My son did not die of SIDS. In fact, we do not know why he died. It has been 3 1/2 years, and still do not know what happened. This is painful and heartaching. Within the last year, we have begun to find pieces that may lead us to an answer, and an ending to the why. Please pray for my family and me that we find out what happened to my son. And I would like to thank a very, very close and very wonderful friend for doing what he did for my son. You know who you are. Thank you and I love you.

Taylor Christian Godinez
Born: 8/13/98
Died: 8/13/98
Taylor did not die of SIDS. He was stillborn. But I wanted his name on here along with his
sister's. Since he is in her care for now. There was nothing wrong with Taylor, he just had to go now. And with ever passing day I learn to go on a little more. I know the kind of person Taylor would have become, even though he never took a single breath. And I am proud of the person God feel he is to take
him so early. I miss him every day. I love you Taylor, we all do.
Love Mommy, Daddy and Big Brother Aaron.

Damien Christoph Grzegolowski
Born: 17/08/96
Died: 11/10/96
My little sweet angel, I love and miss you forever. Your Mommy.

Weldon Ronald Greer
Born: 6-12-38
Died: 1972
This was my dad, not my child but he was another young life that was gone too soon. He was only 33 years old. I was 4 when he passed, I remember it all too well. Please if you smoke--quit now. Do your loved ones a favor. I never got over losing him. I love you daddy. There will come a day when I feel the warmth of your hugs again. Love Always Wendy and Karen.

Joseph Alexander Gray
Born: 02/26/98
Died: 04/21/98
Baby Joe, we miss you so much. We'll see you again. The MizPah coin is our link. "The Lord
watch between me and thee while we are away from one another" Genesis 31:49. We Love You. All our Love, Dad and Mom.

Lindsay Nicole Gensler
Born: 05/23/89
Died: 05/25/89
Although Lindsay did not die from SIDS, it was sudden, she was our baby girl, and she died from
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Each child listed here is precious and loved. Lindsay, we will love you always and forever feel your presence . . . Love, Mom, Dad, Chris, Melissa &

Charlotte Marie Gonzales
Born: 7/5/89
Died: 12/13/90
Charlotte was only with us for only 17 months.She was the angel of our hearts.She did not die
of sids, but of a rare form of lukemia.I was there the day she died and i will always remember that day. The day my beloved neice left us and went to live with Jesus.We love you and miss you so much,Charlotte. Love Aunt Kay

Jacob Dylan Guerra
Born: 07/11/98
Died: 10/27/98

Hannah Elise Gillingham
Born: 06/13/98
Died: 12/06/98
Hannah, Uncle Seth and Aunt Angie love you more than you will ever know. You are our precious
little angel, and nothing can ever separate us. You will always be in our hearts, and we'll all be together again in God's good time. Although we may not be able to feel you craddled in our arms, every day we can feel your spirit and the love that you gave to us in your short life.The joy and happiness you gave all your family cannot be measured. We love you "Hannah-Bannana", and our love will only grow stronger in the passing years.


Marc Jason Guice
Born: 03/31/77
Died: 5/13/77
Jason, I love you and miss you every day of my life. I will see you again in Heaven. Thank you God for this wonderful child. Love, Mama

Sabreena Maree Grapevine
Born: 11-26-98
Died: 1-11-99
bitty1bbb@aol.com Sabreena you will always be our hearts. Your spirit will live on in your twin sister Destiny. We love you. dgrape1109@aol.com You will ALWAYS be with us. Love you. -Aunt Meaghan

Alexx Zachary Guertin
Born: 10/28/94
Died: 2/7/95
Alexx was a beautiful, gorgeous.... wonderful son. he was sick before he was born with multiple problems. Once he was born, it just got worse. But as each day, month, year goes by, it seems to get easier to deal with the grief. I will never forget you Alexx. You are my baby boy and always will be. Your sister Kaiyla and I miss you very much. You are in our thoughts and our hearts always. We love you and miss you honey. You are our Star In The Sky!!!!

Kylara Beth Gifford
Born: July 7, 1993
Died: July 7, 1993
Hey sweety, I'm sorry things didn't work the way we wanted them. You have a little sister now, and I'm sure you watch over her all the time! I love you, baby, and I wish we had had more time together, but things didn't work out that way. God decided he wanted you closer to him, and you were such a sweet little thing, I can't blame him! I love you Ky,
and God Bless You! Love, Mommy

Alejandro Julio or Ana Maria Gerardo
Born: unborn
Died: April 99
My God hold my precious baby. I never will until the day I die.

Baby Glasgow
Died: 11-25-98
In memory of what could have been. This is for my sister, who lost a baby to miscariage in November of 1998. May we never forget the life that was lost. crabb@lcc.net

Shaun Byron Gates
Born: 08/21/81
Died: 12/2/85
Shaun did not die from sids, but was horribly beaten to death. But he is still one of the smallest angels. I loved him so much, and miss him so. If they would of let me have him he would still be alive today. I know GOD is taking care of him now. Please pray for him. Baby Shaun, I
love you. From your Aunt Sandy. sking38494@aol.com

Christopher Dewayne Goodwin
Born: 02/14/94
Died: 04/08/94
Our Angel, gone but never forgotten.

Jean-Frederic Brayer Goupil
Born: 07/01/99
Died: 19/04/99
Sweet baby angel we will always love you. See you in Heaven my love. frank@ledwidge.ns.ca

Bruce Andrew Gilstrap
Born: 06/10/61
Died: 09/10/61

Ryan Michael George
Born: 12/19/95
Died: 02/09/96
I lost my precious little man to SIDS, i miss him so much, my arms are
for forever aching for him, I cherish all the little moments I had with him, such as smelling his hair after a bath, or rubbing my nose on his little nose, the sounds he made when he drank his bottle, just little things! But most of all I miss holding him in my arms and smelling his sweet head! Forever Ryan's mommy Maris-Ann marisann@bellatlantic.net

Baby Boy Gerber
Born: 08/29/96
Died: 08/29/96
Our darling little angel for whatever reason wasn't meant to be. We really looked forward to his birth but God took him before he was born. kaitysmommaw@webtv.net

Salenna Brooke Grimmett
Born: 09/05/98
Died: 10/29/98
Our own little angel in heaven, i did'nt know something could hurt so much. My babie's picture can be found on my sister-in-laws web page.

Tiara Paige Grimmett
Born: 04/06/96
Died: 04/26/96
My daughter passed away from heart failure. The pain is still so fresh, i don't think i will ever stop hurting and i know i will never stop missing her. I will alway love you Tiara and mommy will never forget you my sweet angel. My heart goes out to anyone who knows the pain i feel.

Kansas Ira Curry Gerber
Born: 07/18/94
Died: 11/18/94
our beautiful little Kansas was taken from us just before the holidays. Some kind of viral infection robbed us of the joy of our beautiful baby boy.
he is sadly missed by his mommaw, poppaw, cousins Kaity,and Amanda, his brothers Raven, and Christian, aunts and the other cousins. kaitysmommaw@webtv.net

Danielle Nicole Graham
Born: 10-5-87
Died: 1-24-88
God bless all the little angels of the world. lindgrah@interl.net

Kaitlynne Marie Girard
Born: 9/03/92
Died: 9/13/92
She was only here for a short moment physically, but will live forever in our memories! Love you Katie! She died of Hypo Plastic Left Heart..R.I.P. our littlest angel..You will be missed... thyknwyld25f@aol.com

Joshua James Ryan Greengrass
Born: 12/8/86
Died: 5/13/87
Time has taken away most of the pain but can never take away my love for you Aroha Nui Mummy hmf_greengrass@yahoo.com

Samuel Christopher Guevara
Born: 04/10/99
Died: 9/21/99
From the moment Sammy was born I knew he was very special. He was my angel here on earth, and now he's an angel in heaven watching over us. A day won't go by that I won't miss him or I won't hurt for my baby boy. God sent him to me for a reason and he also took him for a reason. Although I will never understand why, I know he will be watching over me. I love you my Sammy Boy denisdann@aol.com

Brandon Matthew Garriott
Born: 01-18-1999
Died: 01-18-1999
To Our Little Trooper we Love & Miss YOU Dearly. Love Daddy, Mommy, Leona,Kristen,Kara & Big brother Shawn. XOXOXO douglas.garriott@worldnet.att.net

Cory Wells Glenn
Born: 09-05-89
Died: 12-22-98
You are my sunshine, I love you and miss you, Love Mommy anythingyouknead@hotmail.com

Dakota Ryan Griffith
Kota, you were always gonna be mommy's baby boy now you are ALWAYS mommy's
precious ANGEL
I miss you so much and so does your 2 sisters. Please watch over us till we meet
with you again...
love always mommy Haley and Courtney

Gable August Kenneth Greder
Born: 07-11-1998
Died: 10-11-1999
If only for a short time you brought us complete joy. We will love
you always. Love Mommy, Daddy, and Shawni

Ashley Nicole Garza
May she sleep with the Angels. bhwhitaker@earthnet.com

Michael Gallagher
You are the uncle I will never get to know. No one really wants to
talk about you but, I know. I hold you close to my heart and think about you a
lot. I only wish we would have had the time to meet me in your short life.

Sabreena Maree Grapevine
My dear Granddaughter. You have touched so many lives in the short
time you were with us. You will always be in our hearts, our thoughts and our
tears. You are loved and missed. Cricketcn@aol.com

steven tyler grant
Steven was the light of my life. he was to be my last child, but god
had other plans. I fell good knowing that he is in heaven.

Stephen Thomas Garland
I love you *Baby Boy* Stevie and miss you so very much.

William Edward Gasser
William, You were the light of our life, our little angelface. We
miss you, and will always love you. Love Mom, Dad and Phillip.

Sarah Ann Grady
Sarah Ann was the second born child of my oldest son (Robert) and his wife
Roberta/Bobbie Grady. She was a beautiful child sent to us by God. We loved her
very much and we love her just as much today as we did then.
God bless you dear for making this site availible to other persons who have lost
babies to SIDS. I am the grandmother of Sarah Ann Grady, and I look forward to
seeing her again across the golden shores.. cjcp@inetnebr.com

Philip Michael Griffith
I Love and Miss you Baby!!!!

Payton Nicole Grams
We miss you, Pee. You are
always in our hearts!
Love, Mommy & Daddy
