Shakel Theodore Brown
Born: 9/21/94
Died: 12/29/94
This entire site is dedicated in Shakel's Memory as an expression of my love for him and my sister Kellie.....

Peter James-Alan Buth
Born: 7/23/95
Died: 10/3/95
We love and miss you!! You are in our hearts always!!! Love Mom & Dad, Your sisters Kayla & Amanda, Plus your brand new sister who was born on your birthday Little Victoria Rose.

Justin Robert Bonwit
Born: 10/6/95
Died: 3/23/96
3 1/2 months old

Jaycie Arisa Bryan
Born: 9/14/96
Died: 3/11/97
Almost 6 months old.

Kyle Travis Baker
Born: 4/26/95
Died: 6/10/95
SIDS took him out of my sight, but he will always be in my heart.

Emily Marie Brink
Born: 8/15/96
Died: 12/28/96
Our sweet Emily died of SIDS while she was awake in her Daddy's arms. We miss you so much Em and we love you always forever!

Marcus Cory Babinat
Born: 01/29/82
Died: 03/04/82

Nathan Robert Britt
Born: 09/25/80
Died: 03/14/81

Kelsey Amber Boice
Born: 02/06/96
Died: 07/17/96
We will see you again someday, my precious angel. Your silly smile and beautiful blue eyes are a part of my soul. I love you with everything I have--I will never forget you--only love you more every day! Love, Mommy

Savannah Destiny Bryan
Born: 12-07-95
Died: 03-11-96

Steven Matthew Brown
Born: 08/25/70
Died: 10/23/70
I know that you are with the Angels and that I will hold you again in Heaven. My love for you is so strong. I wonder if you look like your mommie or your daddy. Our circle will be complete again someday. Love you

Carl Lee Breece
Born: 03/19/90
Died: 09/04/90
Please read his special story.

Melenee Nicole Bodiford
Born: 12/30/91
Died: 01/11/92
She was my little angel right here..such a brief time..now she watches over her twin sister from heaven..

Lily Anne Burrough
Born: 0/0/00
Died: 8/8/97
My sweet Lily, how I love and miss you. I know I held you in my womb for a blissful 3 months, but my love for you is never ending. Your Mommy, Daddy and brothers miss the baby you were to become, the child you could have been and the adult we'll never know. I love you baby.

Casey Dayne Bridgers
Born: 5-5-97
Died: 10-10-97
To my dear Casey, your eyes will always shine and your smile will always be as bright as the sunshine, I will never forget them. I love you mommy.

William Timothy Bryant
Born: 12/9/91
Died: 6/27/92
To my son, you would be 5 years old this December, and I choose to remember you by adding your name to this S.I.D.S Memorial Wall. It has been almost 5 years since you passed, and not a day goes by that I don't think of you, or see you in your sisters face. Love, Mom

Katelyn Louise Biros
Born: 11/19/96
Died: 1/1/97
We love you, and we miss you Katie!

Vincent Elias Banuelos
Born: 07/16/97
Died: 07/17/97
Vincent, I love you sweetheart. I miss you so very much. Until we are together again, Love always

Nicole Michelle Benton
Born: 07/29/87
Died: 03/23/95
Nicki is my granddaughter who died as the result of a brutal murder rather than natural causes. Since her death, we have always called her "our littlest angel" and I felt that this was a place for her memorial.

Tyler Scott Leslie Brewer
Born: 08-10-94
Died: 12-08-94
Loved and greatly missed by Mommy and Daddy and big brother Chris, and by the sisters that came later, Morgan and Lesley, you are always in our hearts and kept alive by the love of others. A special thanks to your Aunt FaFa and uncle Bill for paying the greatest tribute and giving their son your name in your memory..We love you forever!

Jordan O'Neal Baker
Born: 04/20/95
Died: 07/31/95

Jennifer Marie Brenneis
Born: 03/23/75
Died: 05/21/75

Lacie Gene Beard
Born: 4-18-85
Died: 5-26-85
I lost my daughter when she was just 5wks old and it is still so hard. I have two healthy daughters now that are spoiled rotten, but i still wonder and miss my 1st born... Lacie Gene

Kaitlin Marie Baker
Born: 06/12/96
Died: 10/08/96
We will always miss our miracle baby. She is our guardian angel.

Alexis Marissa Beltrane
Born: 07/19/89
Died: 03/04/91
My dear Sweet Alexis, you gave me so much joy in your short life, you will always
remain in my heart, you are now forever with the angels and in the land where butterflys never die. I love you sweetie, forever more. Mommy Byheart7@aol.com

Brandon Maurice Beltrane
Born: 02/14/84
Died: 02/15/84
My Dear Brandon, you left this world way to soon. Please know that even though you did not
spend alot of time here with me that you left a lasting impression upon my life and will
forever live on in my heart. Please take care of your little sister Alexis for me until I can
join you both, then we will never again have to part. I love you sweetie, Mommy Byheart7@aol.com

Jaclyn E. Bellemore
Died: 12-26-96

Jordan Ray Brown
Born: 10-08-92
Died: 01-02-93
Jordan you are loved dearly and missed greater with each passing day.Your brothers miss you too Jacob and Dakota even though Dakota never met you Jacob tells him all about his other brother. We love you...Mommy

Kendra Lynn Baughman
Born: 03/31/87
Died: 05/28/87
I will always love you, baby...i miss you so much. Love, Mommy

Baby Beaudoin
Born: 0/0/0
Died: 5/1/98
For 7 weeks your precious heart beat next to mine, now only your sweet memory resides there. Goodnight, my angel, I love you.Your Mommy

Isaiah Michael Dean Basinger
Born: 10-12-91
Died: 12-04-91

Jessica Elaine Bier
Born: 07/06/91
Died: 10/01/91
You are in our hearts, now and forever. Love mom and dad, your sisters, your aunts, and your grandparents.

Angel(a) Bolduc
Died: 09-28-94

Shiahn Marie Burke
Born: 04-09-97
Died: 06-07-98
We all miss you so much your brother Andrew and sister Corrine love you and think of you every day.Daddy and Mummy miss you so much,we hope you are safe and happy love you always Mummy

Kelly Lee Barclay
Born: 07/27/69
Died: 12/29/69

Stacey Fayelee Bean
Born: 11/09/97
Died: 02/11/98
To our Beautiful Guardian Angel-Baby Stace...we love you and we miss you...Daddy
and Mommy

Bowdrie Harlan Bellander
Born: 7/16/97
Died: 12/16/97
Our little angel will be watching over us... Any thoughts of
encouragement,friendship direct to hbell@sierra.net

Matthew Patrick Ball
Born: 10/27/97
Died 01/01/98
40+9 weeks old. In our hearts, much loved son & brother, Grandson, Nephew & Cousin. ...the Lord gave & the Lord hath taken away Blessed be the name of the Lord. Job 1:21 ...can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.
II Samuel 12:23
email: nbarnes@teanau.co.nz

Mandy Elizabeth Baird
Born: 12/11/87
Died: 23/12/87
Mandy, you will always be in our hearts, you were such a special little girl, we love you dearly Love always Mummy

My Precious Angel Benedict
Died: 02/09/98
Sweetheart, even though we lost you just 2 weeks after found out that we were going to have you, we have never stopped loving you.. We will always love you and cherish you with all our hearts... Mommy and Daddy

My Second precious Angel Benedict
Died: 07/14/98
Sweetheart, even though we never even knew that you were with us, you are very very very much loved and missed by your MOmmy and Daddy... I wish you can be with me at the moment...I will see you both in heaven... Please take care of your big sister for me.... Love and kisses, Mommy and Daddy Email: lbenedict@hotmail.com

Cody Wayne Brown
Born: 07/12/97
Died: 09/28/97
In the short time that Cody was a part of our lives, he was truly an angel on earth!! A special son, brother, and grandson. He will always be remembered and thought of with all the love in the world. GaCat93@aol.com

Aidan Alan Bright-Bailey
Born: 30/8/98
Died: 24/12/98
Such a short visit from this little Angel. Sleeping in my arm he silently left us xmas eve morning. Each day I live so will he, in my heart FOREVER.

Grayson Sinclaire Brown
Born: 8/15/97
Died: 05/03/98
She will live on in the hearts of all who knew her Our precious angel we miss her so. we see her in our dreams and feel her touch in the wind. Love enternal

Saige Shayne Stone Bialkowski
Born: 03/05/97
Died: 04/10/97
Brother of Angela, James and Chance.We love and miss you so. lschwedt@yahoo.com

Joesph John Marcus Burgess
Born: 08/26/98
Died: 01/23/99
To our baby son almost 5 months old. You have filled our heats with so much joy, and now you are with GOD.... I wondered how the LORD could take you from us but GOD NEEDS LITTLE ANGELS TO!! so with every passing day you shall live your life through those who love you and those who will alow you to.... With every shining star we think of you....love
mommy, daddy, and nanny.. PRAY AS YOU PASS..... For our dear boy we miss you so much... We often wonder why you left us. But the
LORD NEEDS LITTLE ANGELS TOO. You will always be are brightest star in the sky.. You will always know you can live your life through all the people that loves you,and all the people who
will allow you too... Always know that you are mommy and daddy's sunshine, as well as nanny's pooh bear... SWEET DREAMS until we can hold you in our arms again...

Brandon Lee Bailey
Born: 05/26/87
Died: 9/13/87
His life was short, and such a sweet child, he is missed, each and everyday we think of him, it is still hard on his birthday, but we still celebrate it.

Darius Mikal Blunt
Born: 12/07/94
Died: 01/29/95
I love & miss you very much my sweet little angel, mommy will never forget you. Watch over your new little brother for me & watch over me also.

Justin Matthew Brown II
Born: 11/6/98
Died: 12/2/98
I would appreciate it if anyone who has had a baby to die of sids to cotact me at: crystal21_31313@yahoo.com or talithacrystal@ivillage.com

Brian Foster Bridges
Born: 07/07/89
Died: 03/26/90
The light of my broken heart. rzcb@aol.com

Brea Reanne Browning
Born: 10/18/96
Died: 01/26/97
Brea, You will always be Joshua, Chase and Gwen's "Guardian Angel" Love Auntie and Cousins

Nicole Michelle Barber
Born: 11/29/98
Died: 03/09/99
Mommy and Daddy miss you
so very much. We wait for the day we'll hold you again. mjbarbe@ibm.net

Camron Keith Bradberry
Born: 7/23/72
Died: 7/23/72
I still think of you my Son, even though, it's been 27 years since your death, I still think of you and miss and love you. For you are never forgotten. Love your Mother

Megan Evelyn Bartholomew
Born: 11/11/98
Died: 11/11/98
We would have loved you - God bless little cousin lhbklc@smtp.ntrust.org.uk

Damian Jay Bowser
Born: 1/16/99
Died: 1/16/99
To my first son who I'll always love. You're in my heart forever. Damian, I love you. Mommy. sarabowser@yahoo.com

Matthew Allen Bennett
Born: 09/20/90
Died: 09/20/90
Our first precious child was stillborn. We miss him.

Deanna Anastacia Blevins
Born: 05/10/97
Died: 05/10/97
I will miss the times I never got to love you.

Brandon Demitrius Berry
Born: 04/10/99
Died: 07/07/99
"A thought from Mommie" "In just a short time you filled my heart and soul with joy and sunshine. It was a joy to have known such a sweet and beautiful baby boy. You will
always be in our hearts. Brandon I will always love you, Mommie!" The love I have for you is overwhelming my special baby boy, a fine image of your daddy. I will miss you so much and I will love you forever, my loving son. "I will see you in heaven, my little man, my little angel, my heart. Daddy jdog@earthlink.net

Kyle Anthony Butler
Born: 7/1/98
Died: 9/28/98

Sonny James Burkett
Born: 07-28-75
Died: 12-05-75
I will see you when I get up there. I love you mom.

Skylar Nicole Descher Banks
Born: 3-2-87
Died: 3-25-87
skylar grandma still misses you and loves you .your mother kimberly has seen you at the foot of the bed and knows you are ok .we all still miss you you are our angel our special angel i know you are not alone you have your great grand ma and grandfather with you i love you skylar from the bottom of my heart marcey02@aol.com

Brittany Paige Brechin
Born: 06/13/99
Died: 07/30/99
From the moment that I had you
you were my shining star. Now you're up above where all the others are. You left us way to soon, and in heaven you will roam.
You earned your wings too early and now God has called you home. garettkrissi@dlcwest.com

Harley Nicole Baker-Will
Born: 07/03/92
Died: 09/03/92
our little angel was taken from us way to soon. sadly missed bye mommaw, poppaw, aunts, mommy, and cousins kaitysmommaw@webtv.net

Benjamin Blatch
Born: 06/08/99
Died: 07/28/99
I still havent gotten over that you are gone, but i know you are in good, warm hands in heaven. Will
always be thinking of you Ben. love always, Mommy

Bryan Charles Bemis
Born: 06/07/89
Died: 09/20/89
My darling son was taken way too early in life by sids. we love and miss
you dearly. you may now be in heaven but you are always in our hearts.mbbarr@excite.com

Steven Thomas Bauer
Born: 01/28/99
Died: 08/25/99
We love and miss you, Junior. Mommy and Daddy TBSDS@worldnet.att.net

Spencer Anthony Bills
Born: 02/10/94
Died: 05/27/94
Spencer, we just want you to know that we won't ever forget you. Jordan and Jami talk of you often and never forget to include when someone asks how many children we have. You will always be a part of us. We love you. Mommy

Sean Matthew Barstad
Born: 05/07/97
Died: 05/07/97
Our precious baby boy, we miss you so much. You died before you had a chance to live. We think of you everyday and know that you are with us. Remember, we love you Sean Matthew and love lasts forever. Love, Mommy, Daddy and your baby sister, Bailey

Robin Elizabeth Nicole Brock
Born: 06/26/84
Died: 11/01/84
Our Special Angel, Daddys Girl tbrockb@aol.com