The Pregnancy
The day Nicky's daddy (CJe) and I found out that I was
pregnant with Nicky was on New Year's Eve 1998. Talk
about the way to bring in the New Year. CJe and I
were so elated. We had nine months of planning to do
to make sure everything would be perfect.
One week later I had my first OB/GYN appointment.
That was the first time your daddy and I heard your
heartbeat. We both had tears of happiness in our
eyes. To hear your heartbeat meant you were real. At
that time, we were given a due date of July 26.
My next appointment, on February 23, we had your first
ultrasound. Boy, were you an active little person. I
say person because at that time you were too small for
them to know your sex. But you were a mover even
then. I knew at that time you would be a strong
kicker. At this time was when your daddy believed you
were real. The heartbeat was one thing, but seeing
you had him totally convinced. Your daddy was so
happy. You should have saw him Nicky. But I think
you did, and so does your daddy, because you waved to
The next month on March 31, we had another ultrasound
done. Your daddy and I found out you were a boy! We
were both crying. To finally have a son meant
everything to us. We already had your name picked
out, "Charles Nickolas Hall." We were going to
videotape this ultrasound, but I forgot the tape
because I was so excited about finding out your sex
that I was in a hurry to get to the hospital. At
least we got your pictures. Your daddy blew two of
them up and hung them up at his work. Your daddy was
so proud. We also found out the doctors miscalculated
your due date. So your due date was upped to August
I quit work the end of May because of a low energy
level. It gave me more time to spend time with you.
I was also getting everything ready for your arrival.
I did a lot of shopping. Every time I went to the
store, I ended up picking up at least one thing for my
The rest of the pregnancy was pretty much uneventful.
I went to my appointments just to hear your heartbeat.
Every time the doctors found your heartbeat, I
couldn't help but smile. And yes, you were a kicker.
Ask your daddy. You seemed to be on his time frame.
You always woke up a half hour after daddy did to say
"Hi" to him. And at bed time, you always woke up to
give daddy a kick "Good Night" when I cuddled next to
him. But you never went to bed when daddy did. You
kept mommy up for another couple hours. But do I ever
treasure that time. It also seemed like whenever you
heard your Daddy's voice, you would awake and move
around so that your daddy knew you were here with us.
The Last Month
July 20 was a hard day for both you and me. Your
daddy was convicted of a crime he had committed before
you were conceived and sentenced to serve three years.
We looked at it on the positive side, like we do with
everything, meaning your daddy would only have to
serve 6-8 months before he would be released on work
release. At least we would be able to visit your daddy
until he would be released.
July 27 - I started dilating. The doctor told me 2-3
weeks before you would be here. I called my family to
tell them the news. I live in Indiana now, but am
originally from Wisconsin.
My mom came down the beginning of August and stayed
for two weeks that way I would have someone in the
delivery room with me. Both of us expected you a lot
sooner than when you finally arrived. My dad came
down the middle of August because my mom had to return
to work. She stayed a couple of days while my dad was
here, hoping you would arrive. No such luck, you were
such a stubborn baby.
Three weeks came and went. Still no Nicky. Every
time I went into the doctor, they told me that I
should go into labor very soon. Well, your due date
also came and went. You still decided you didn't want
to join this world. You were going to stay in your
Mommy's tummy as long as you possibly could.
I talked with your daddy everyday, letting him know
how stubborn you were being. First sign that you were
going to be like your daddy. Every time I talked with
your daddy on the phone, you would start kicking. I
think you knew when it was your daddy. There was
times I even put the phone to Mommy's tummy that way
you could hear Daddy's voice even clearer.

The Big Day Arrives
September 4 - My water broke at 1:10 p.m. I called
the hospital to let them know I would be arriving
shortly. I arrived at the hospital, only to sit in the
waiting room for an hour. When the doctor finally saw
me to make sure my water broke and how my contractions
were coming along, I was admitted at 4:30. I was
having little contractions, but nothing I couldn't
I was brought into the labor & delivery room. The
nurse hooked me up to an IV and the monitor to check
your heartbeat. All was going well, but my
contractions weren't that strong. As long as my water
broke and my contractions weren't strong enough, I was
given Pitacin at 6:00 to make my contractions stronger
so that there would be less chance for infection. The
dosage was only upped once before I felt the urge to
push. At that time, my dad went into the hallway and
a volunteer labor doula stayed with me.
At 7:16 p.m., my beautiful son was born. Charles
Nickolas Hall weighed in at 9lb, 6oz and was 20.5
inches long. He had so much hair (sandy blonde), you
couldn't tell from the front but you sure could tell
from the back. CJe and I decided to call our little
boy Nicky. He was so beautiful. Nicky had the
pudgiest little nose and chubbiest little cheeks. I
think Nicky had a good mixture of both his mommy and
daddy. Nicky had his Daddy's eyes and complexion;
Nicky had his Mommy's nose. He also had a set of
lungs on him. He didn't like being fussed with by the
nurses and doctors, but he sure liked being held by
his mommy.
When Nicky was all cleaned up and the doctors were
finished with me, my dad came back in the room. The
proud Grandpa. I only stayed in the labor & delivery
room for about three hours before I was moved to a
semi-private room. I got so many comments on how big
Nicky was and how he would someday be a linebacker
because of his big shoulders.
Feeding Nicky was a task. He didn't like eating more
than 1-1.5oz each time he ate. Before the hospital
would release him, they wanted him up to at least 2oz.
Changing Nicky was also a chore. Nicky didn't like
being moved around and he let me know it. But he was
fine when I cuddled him. I had his little port-a-crib
next to my bed, but most of the time I held Nicky. It
felt so good to be able to hold Nicky after carrying
him in my tummy for nine months.
I called the prison where Nicky's daddy was so that
they could give him the message that his son was born.
I hadn't heard from CJe in a little over a week
because they were evaluating him to see where he
should be placed and he wasn't allowed phone calls
during this process. But he was allowed to have a
September 5 - Today was an eventful day. Nicky was
circumcised in the morning. He had his birth pictures
taken. We were released from the hospital about 9:30
p.m. One nurse was surprised by this because Nicky
hadn't voided after his circumcision. Usually babies
aren't released from the hospital until they void if
they had a circumcision to make sure everything went
fine with the surgery. But the doctor said it was
okay to go home, so I didn't think anything about it.
Got home about 10:00 p.m. My two daughters were so
happy to see their mommy and their new little brother.
Of course, they had to hold him. Grandpa also held
his new grandson for the first time. Everyone was so
happy that Nicky was finally here. Went to bed with
Nicky by my side in his bassinet. What a good little
baby, he slept through most of the night.
First Day at Home
September 6 - Labor Day. The morning was pretty calm.
I decided to do some more shopping to get the last
items that were needed around the house for Nicky. My
daughters went with their father for a couple of hours
that way I could have time alone with my son and my
We left around 1:00 p.m. My dad took me out to eat.
Of course, I had to show off my new bundle of joy.
People couldn't believe Nicky was only two days old.
He looked so much bigger than that. We then went
shopping at Babies'R'Us. Besides the things that were
needed, I got Nicky a little Tigger rattle. This was
my time to check out all of Nicky's features as well.
He had the most beautiful deep blue eyes. My favorite
feature though was his ears. The top of his right ear
was bent downwards at an angle and his left ear was
pressed to his head. I've never seen a person's ears
be different from one another. That was what made his
ears stick out to me. But it was so cute.
We returned about 4:00 p.m. and I fed Nicky. Most of
it he spit back up and it was this strange yellow
color. I just figured his stomach was a little upset.
I checked his temperature and it was 97.1. So I
didn't think much else about it. I tried feeding
Nicky again about 7:30 and it took him a half hour to
eat 1.5 oz. I took Nicky's temperature and it was
down to 95.1. I wrapped Nicky up to try and keep him
warm. I took Nicky's temperature again at 10:30 and
it was down to 94.7. That was when I decided to call
the hospital.

Tragedy Strikes
Before I got a hold of a nurse at the hospital, there
were tears running down my cheeks. I knew something
was wrong, but I couldn't put my finger on it. When
the nurse returned my call, I told her that Nicky's
temperature had been going down all evening. She said
that a lot of babies lose their body temperature and
that more than likely all that would have to be done
is to place Nicky in a warming blanket to bring his
temperature back up.
I was told to bring Nicky into the ER. I got Nicky to
the ER at 11:50 p.m. My dad dropped me off at the ER
doors. When I took Nicky out of his carseat, he gave
me a little sigh. Little did I know but that would be
the last time I would see and hear Nicky alive. Just
from the ER doors to the ER desk, Nicky lost his
pulse. Nicky was rushed back to a shock treatment
A nurse came out to get information on all that had
happened that day so that the doctors could have some
idea what was wrong with Nicky. A doctor then came
out and told me that Nicky had lost his pulse, but
that they were able to bring him back. She said that
Nicky was hooked up to a machine, but that he was
breathing on his own. They were trying to get an IV
hooked up to Nicky to give him some antibotics. But
the doctors still had no idea what was wrong with
Nicky. I was also told that Nicky would be lucky to
survive the night and that if they got him stabilized,
they would transport him to Riley's Children's
Hospital. I didn't want to hear this, I still had
high hopes that Nicky would be okay.
About an hour later, the Chaplain was called. I was
updated on Nicky's condition. Nicky had lost his
pulse again. The doctors were able to bring Nicky
back, but this time the machines were breathing for
him. At this time, I was escorted to a private room
to await more news on Nicky. I called my family to
let them know what was happening with Nicky.
Another hour passed, the doctor came in to tell me
that Nicky's situation didn't look good. The blood
had not been circulating to Nicky's brain or
extremities for so long that I was told if he did
survive he probably wouldn't be "normal." I was also
told that if Nicky lost his pulse one more time, that
this time they would't bring Nicky back. So I was
given the decision on leaving Nicky on support or not.
Only I wasn't able to make that decision because
another doctor came in and told me that they had lost
Nicky at 2:17 a.m. I was in such shock. I mean how
could Nicky really be gone when the doctors didn't
even know what was wrong with him.
I was asked if I wanted to see Nicky. Of course I
did. He was my baby. I didn't want to let Nicky go
without saying good-bye. Walking down the corridor to
see Nicky was the longest walk I have ever taken. I
got to the room that Nicky was in and stopped short at
the door when I saw Nicky laying on the table
I was expecting Nicky to look horrible because the
doctors said his hands and feet were blue from loss of
oxygen. But when I finally got the courage to see
Nicky, he still looked so beautiful. His face was
purple, but I didn't notice any color change in his
hands or feet. He still had the respirator tube
connected to him.
I was told I could hold Nicky. So I sat down and
Nicky was handed to me. I stroked Nicky's cheek the
whole time I held him and talked to him. I kept
telling Nicky over and over again how sorry I was. I
told him how beautiful and precious he looked. I told
him how much Mommy loved him. I told him that his
Daddy loved him. And last of all, I told him that it
was okay for him to go. That was the hardest thing
for me to tell Nicky.
I was asked if I wanted Nicky's hand and footprints.
I was asked if I wanted a lock of Nicky's hair. I was
asked if I wanted the outfit that Nicky came to the
hospital in. I was asked if I wanted Nicky's blanket.
Of course I said yes to all these questions. I was
given a blue box to put Nicky's belongings in.
After I told Nicky that it was okay for him to go, I
laid him back on the table. My arms ached after I put
him down. I didn't want to let my baby go. I stayed
a little longer and then gave him a kiss goodbye. I
spent a half an hour with Nicky, oh how I wish I had
more time to spend with my son.
Afterwards, the coroner wanted to ask me some
questions. He wanted to get as much information as
possible before the autoposy would be performed to
give him an idea what to look for. He thought that
maybe it was either Nicky's digestive system (because
of the yellow spit-up) or his brain (because the brain
controls the body temperature).
My dad and I left the hospital without Nicky. I was
suppose to be going home with Nicky in my arms, not a
little box. The ride home was quiet. I kept looking
up at the stars. CJe and I have a star and on this
night it was out. It was like CJe was looking down on
me letting me know he was there for me.
Two hours after I got home, I got a call from CJe.
The coroner called the prison and they let CJe call
me. I said the same thing to CJe that I told Nicky,
"That I was sorry." CJe kept telling me that it
wasn't my fault, but of course I didn't believe this.
It was good to hear from CJe, but for him to get the
good news that his son was born and then two days
later that Nicky was gone was to much for me to bear.

The First Week Without Nicky
I was in such shock. I couldn't believe Nicky was
gone. I couldn't sleep. There was so much to do.
Planning a funeral was not suppose to be on the
agenda, raising Nicky was. I put off the funeral for
as long as possible because CJe's lawyer told me that
if I could put the funeral off for a week, that would
be the best chance for him to get to the funeral.
I selected a funeral home. I was told to bring in an
outfit when I went in for my meeting. So I brought in
Nicky's little outfit that was suppose to be his
Baptism outfit. I clung to that outfit. I felt that
if I didn't give the outfit to the director, then
maybe Nicky really wasn't gone for good. But I knew
that just wasn't the case, so I ended up giving up the
little white suit. We set the funeral for September
15. The director took all of Nicky's information and
had me sign a permission slip to get Nicky from the
coroner's office.
Two days after Nicky passed away, I received the
autoposy finding. It wasn't what the coroner thought
it would be. Instead Nicky died from a congential
heart disease called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.
I thought it would be easier for me to handle if I knew
what happened to Nicky, but boy was I wrong. Instead of
feeling relief, I felt guilty because I thought I gave
the heart condition to Nicky. I have a heart defect,
but I was told unless my defect was what Nicky had that
he didn't get it from me. My heart defect is different
from Nicky's, but it still isn't any easier to deal with.
I had my final meeting with the funeral director the
Sunday before Nicky was buried. I was told to bring
in another outfit for him because the other one was to
big. I brought in another outfit for Nicky which I
thought was more fitting for a funeral. I picked out
Nicky's memorial folders on this day. I was also
shown the casket that would be Nicky's. It was so
small. How could it be possible that I was burying my
I also told the director what cemetary I choose. I
wanted to make sure the cemetary was close to my house
that way I could visit Nicky whenever I felt like it.
I found out the day before the funeral that Nicky's
Daddy would not be able to attend the funeral. So I
decided to videotape it for him in case somewhere down
the road CJe would want to see his son on video
instead of just through pictures.
My family (Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister-in-Law, and
Nephews) came down for the funeral. Having my family
together was nice, I just never imagined that it would
be under these circumstances. My family has helped me
a lot in wanting to know everything about Nicky. At
least they accepted Nicky, even though they never got
to meet him while he was on this earth. It helped me
to be able to talk about Nicky, I wanted them to know
about my son's life even if it was short.

The Last Goodbye
I decided to have Nicky baptised the morning of the
funeral. My family was present for this. During the
baptism, I held Nicky one last time. It hurt and also
felt good to be able to hold my son again.
After the baptism, I spent a half hour alone with
Nicky. At this time, I read Nicky the poem that his
Daddy wrote for him. I also read Nicky a letter I had
written to him. I then rocked Nicky and was just
content to be alone with him. Nicky looked so
peaceful. A lot better than he did the night he
passed away. Nicky looked happy in his restful sleep.
I knew then, even though I told him earlier in the
ER, that it was okay for him to go to Heaven.
The visitation was from 10-12. I put the poem and
letter in the casket with Nicky. I also put his
little Tigger rattle, a bunny rattle and a zebra in
the casket. I put a white silk rose with a ribbon
that said "Son" on it in his casket as well. CJe and
I have always loved white roses, so it only seemed
appropriate. Lastly I put a picture of me holding
Nicky, Brea and Desi holding Nicky, and a picture of
CJe and I in Nicky's casket that way he could always
have us with him. When the visitation was over, I
kissed Nicky goodbye for the very last time.
After the visitation, there was a gravesite service at
1 p.m. The blanket that my mom bought for Nicky I had
put over his casket. My brother carried Nicky's tiny
casket from the hearse to the gravesite. I got Nicky
a casket spray of white roses with an angel sitting on
top and a ribbon with Nicky's name. After the
service, the funeral director gave me the angel, one
white rose, and cut off the ribbon that had Nicky's
name. After that my daughters, nephews, mother,
father, brother, sister-in-law and I all put a red
rose on top of Nicky's casket. And then it was time
to leave.
It has been almost seven weeks since Nicky passed
away. I've been in a state of depression ever since.
The first week was the hardest. The one month
anniversay for both Nicky's birth and death was very
hard, it was like I was back to how I was feeling the
very first week. I've been told that the first year
is the hardest. The saying "One step forward, two
steps back" is so true. I've had good and bad days.
I'm learning that I'll never get over this pain, but I
am learning how to cope with it. All I am able to do
is live one day at a time and many times only one
moment at a time.
So far I've been angry that the hospital didn't catch
Nicky's condition before we were released from the
hospital. It doesn't mean that Nicky would have
survived the surgery, but at least he would have had a
better chance of survival. It's so hard to accept the
fact that I'll never know. I've been in denial ever
since Nicky passed away. I still think that when I'm
at work, Nicky will be home when I return. But of
course he is never here. I've also felt guilty that
I'm able to go on with my life without my son. These
are the feelings I have had so far, but I am only on
the start of this long journey of grief.
I am so grateful for what I do have. My daughters are
what have kept me going through this ordeal. Even
though I want to be with my son, I know my daughters
need me here with them. CJe has been my rock. I
don't know what I would ever do without him. I know
he also hurts and is grieving for the loss of our son,
and for him to be here for me has helped more than
words could ever say. You never know what you have
until its gone. To find that out through the loss of
Nicky has been the hardest thing I'll ever have to go
through. So now I hold tight to all that I do have.
And I let CJe, Brea and Desi know that I love them
everyday just in case tomorrow never comes.
I love Nicky and he'll forever be engraved in my
heart. Even though his time on this earth was short, I
wouldn't give it up for anything. Nicky will be my
Guardian Angel until I can be with him again. Until
then, Nicky is safe in Jesus' arms. This is of some
comfort to me, even though I will forever wish that he
was never taken from me.