Please don't ask me how I am if you don't really want to know.
If you don't want to hear about the anger and the pain.
Don't ask me if the grief is gone
It will never go.
Please don't say those well intentioned phrases ~
"At least you have your other children"
Believe me, no one else can know just how lucky that I am, to have my other children.
But they do not, cannot and will not ever take the pain away.
They cannot replace the love tha I have lost,
the memories that I will never make,
the void in my soul, and in my heart, they can never fill.
For that love, those memories and that place was meant for only him.
Please don't say, "At least he died before you got to know him"
I knew him the minute I felt the first flutter of his life.
I knew my precious child with every kick and poke.
It hurts to the very core to know I'll never know the person he would be.
It makes me ache to imagine just how handsome he would be.
It makes my head swirl to think of all the things that we will never share together.
Please don't say "It's for the best."
How can losing a child be for the best?
The best for who?
A mother who will never kiss a boo-boo better?
A father who will never hear the squeal of delight and see his son's first fish?
A brother who will never share his toys and hopes and dreams?
A sister who will never have her time to play, laugh and love with the baby she yearned to know?
A grandparent who will never hear those musical words "Bamma...Papa....I wuv you....."?
A child who will never spend his earthly life amongst those who love him most?
Please don't say "You need to get over it and not look back."
I will never get over the loss of my precious son.
That loss will be a part of me forever,
just as my living children will remain a part of me forever.
I will always hold this love, this pain, this loss, this void
within my heart, my soul, my mind ~
forever it will stay.
I want to look back...
I want to reminisce upon his life, which all too briefly was a part of ours.
I want to look back and see the vivid pictures that are hung so carefully ~
those chubby little cheeks, pouting little lips,
those strong little hands ~ that held so dear to mine,
those beautiful blue eyes ~ so full of love and wisdom that we will never know.
I want to look back and think of him and remember where we've been,
because those brief moments we had with him were the most blissful that I'll know.
Please don't discount my grief because his life was all too brief.
Two days may seem all that we had with him,
but we spent the time before,
knowing him, loving him, anxiously waiting to hold him,
we spent days....months...loving him and planning our lives with him.
We built dreams and treasured hopes of all his life would be.
Those hopes and dreams don't just disappear in the ere two days that he was here.
He is a life, he is a child, he is our baby so loved and prayed about.
He is our much beloved son, who now is sitting in the soft white clouds
and wrapped within eternal love, that he sends from up above.
We love him more than words can say and miss him more than tears can prove.
We long to hold him close once more ~
our baby, our son, our angel.
Please don't be afraid to say his name or ask to see his picture.
He smiles each time he hears his name from down below.
He is beautiful and worth the glance at his picture that I carry with me close.
Please, understand that I loved my baby boy with all my heart and soul
and just as much a love, I miss with all my heart and soul.
Love cannot be measured, nor the grief that comes with such a loss.
So, please don't ask me how I am if you don't really want to know.
Desiree Vaught 1999
in memory of Logan Gene, my son ~ my ^i^ angel

Christopher ~
Your crooked little smile,
Your beautiful big brown eyes,
Your silly little giggle,
Your tremendous belly laugh,
Your awesome hugs,
The way you would say,
"Mommy, I love you very much!"
But most of all,
I miss your absolute joy at just being alive,
Makes me try so very hard to be like you...
And now I'm just ~~ missing you.
Written by Maria Faller on January 24, 1999
In memory of my son, Christopher,
The light of my life!
May 7, 1990 - March 24, 1998

As you sit on Jesus's knee and blow out your candle today,
Please look down from your party of angels and blow a kiss my way.
Maybe I will get it in the shape of a birds sweet song
Or perhaps it will be the butterfly that I notice flying along.
Know that I love you
as I know that you love me.
And once again perhaps you'll blow a kiss from Jesus's knee.
by Theresa Carter
Written for Angel Grace on her 1st birthday
Mummy wrote this special poem for her so please don't copy.

Tiny Hands
(1st birthday poem)
Little face so soft and sweet
Tiny hands and tiny feet
These memories I cling to
Until next time we meet
You should be smearing your face with birthday cake
Instead I'm deciding what to take
Exactly what to bring to
Your grave to decorate, not to celebrate
Maybe some balloons, a special song
A statue, a candle to bring along
In the cemetary I'll sing to
My birthday baby who's gone.
I'll look for you in the sunrise
In the full moon, falling leaves and butterflies
And cardinals on the wing to
Your resting place in the skies.
Will you be lingering, too
And hear my heartfelt cries?
by Jamie VanDerMeer
Remembering Pierce Robert Vandermeer, ~i~ November 4, 1998

Sweet Little Christopher
Sweet little Christopher, two years ago you received your new heart.
But how could we have ever known
That it carried a deadly virus?
One so different from what had affected your own.
Back in the hospital,
Yet another battle for you to fight.
So many things went wrong,
Not much was going right.
But the doctors said they would cure you.
They said you would eventually come home.
Either daddy or I was with you at all times,
We made sure you were never alone.
You were so courageous, right until the end.
You know we will always love you and never forget you.
I miss you terribly, sweet little Christopher, my son, my best friend.
Written by Maria Faller
In memory of my son, Christopher

This little wooden cradle
sits gleaming in the corner.
Cleaned and buffed to sparkling shine
awaiting you my son.
But it will never hold you
it will never rock you.
This little wooden cradle held
all my hopes and dreams
as I placed it there with love
just within my reach
so you would never have to wait
to feel my loving arms.
This little wooden cradle there it
sits so still
it will never hold you angel boy
will never feel your weight.
The fuzzy little blankets will never hold
your scent or keep you nice and warm.
This little wooden cradle sits so still
and empty
as it always will.
Logan's mommy
Desiree Vaught 1999

My first born, my only born,
God Gave Me one chance,
the memories:
how they walk the halls of my mind.
The first time you said da da
the first time you said mama
but your very first word...
oh that first word...
lod do... I love you.
Oh how special those words became.
Your first steps.
Our first long talk,
the rides on the bus, just us, my son and I.
The afternoons spent watching the ice-skaters in the mall
the first day of school the beginning of letting go
the first new friends, letting go some more,
your first date,
your first car,
your first prom,
all part of letting go
graduation...time to leave,
explore the world on your own,
letting go is so hard to do
you joined the Army... became a man,
now your letting go
our final good bye... oh how hard
there is so much pain in letting go.
I cannot let go,
our fingers barely touch now
I cannot let you go my son.
I miss you so!
Love forever my son!
Written by Monika Hedglin
In memory of her Angel Josh

If you would like to add a poem that you have written in memory of your Angel,
please e-mail me. Don't forget your Angel's name
Please do not copy these poems for they were written in memory of Angels