There are many beautiful and touching web sites in honor of children who have died, and what better way to share your child with the world.
Geocities has programs that are very easy to use and without charge.
A beautiful print you can purchase in memory of your child through
Mothers in Sympathy and Support!
Operation Angel has a dream for us to have a quilt much like the AIDS Quilt, only ours would be to remember all of the precious babies that are lost every year. If you'd like to participate, here are the instructions:
1. The square should be 6", with a 1/4" border for piecing with other squares.
2. The fabric can be of your choice, but should be washable.
3. You may put what you choose on the square-something that reminds you of your baby. This can be embroidered, cross-stitched, painted, an iron-on transfer, etc.
4. Be sure and put your baby(s) name and date of loss.
5. There is no time limit as this will be a constant project.
I hope we end up having to make several quilts.
6. The squares are to be sent to:
Jo Ann Taylor,
74 CR 302,
Mountain Home, AR 72653-8332.
Operation Angel also has a dream that we can someday take this quilt(s) around the country so that every state can be reminded of the great losses and how deeply they affect us as mothers. Also it will give you an opportunity to see your baby's square. As soon as one quilt is finished, a picture will be posted on our website so that you can see it.