This is my cottage at the river's edge. This is where I have my collections of teddy bears, angels, and other things I like. I also collect recipes and love to try them out.
Just a little about me. I'm a mother of five, 4 girls and one boy, all in their 30's. I have 15 grandchildren. I live in a small town outside Dayton, Ohio and I work at Bob Evans. I like to go places and shop and, of course, be on the computer. I also like to swim and would love to be able to travel someday. For now though, this site is just about my likes and family and friends.

Look at my Teddy Award from Misker's Den.

Thank you, Tigress.

I just received this unexpected award from A Country Bumpkin in 2002 It was a wonderful surprise in my mail.

Thank you, Country Bumpkin.

I received this beautiful award from Mellocup one of Misker's Den-izens and it was my first one. I am very proud of it.

Thank you, Mellocup.

Thank you, fav, for this unexpected lovely award. I would also like to thank Lainey for without her I wouldn't have these pages.

Thank you ~Shy. I received this because I visited ~Shy's site and she throws out a challenge for one to find her wedding pictures. Well, I found them. :)

Thank you Just Because Committee. I received this in my mail today 3-21-2001. I was very excited. It sure did make my day a good one.

This was another wonderful surprise! Coming from you, Misker, it means a lot.

This was another surprise! Thank you, your award is greatly appreciated.

I love shadowboxes and one day this arrived in my mail box. Click on the box if you would like one too.

Donna, from YRS sent this to us. Isn't it adorable? Thank you Donna.

Here are two sites where you can feed the hungry for a day, save the Rainforests. They are just one click away and are free.
Save The Rain Forests
The Hunger Site- One click a day donates
food to feed a hungry person for one day. It costs you nothing except
your time and effort.

Visit my friend's Daughter's page on Domestic Violence.

I have a very special friend. His name is Curtis and he and I have shared many good times. He makes me laugh and the times we share are good memories between our visits. You can learn about the cause of his problem here, Fragile X Syndrome.

View my old guestbook

Web Design, Graphics, and Ideas Copyright © 2000-2002 by Lainey's Rare Pearls unless otherwise noted. Site maintained by Lainey
Last Updated Sept. 2,2003

The midi is "The Twinkle in Your Eyes" Copyright 1999-2001 by Bruce De Boer used with permission

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