You finally made it ! I've been waiting...what seems like forever for you to get here. Come on in, I've got coffee ready. I'm so glad you stopped by "My Home". There's lots to look at here, so take your time and visit as long, and as often, as you'd like. **smile** As with most homepages, this is a "work in progress" and is in a constant state of change and is updated often.
I am blessed to be a part of a large and wonderful family. I have a terrific husband , wonderful children (now grown) and even MORE wonderful grandchildren! (All seven little angels). I have many brothers and sisters (of which I consider to be my best friends). I have also been blessed with a few people that I am proud to call "friend".
Now, family and friends- this is a place for you, anytime you feel like it, e-mail me (or call me) with a little loving "critique" on my homepage.
I love Angels and country western dance. As I work on this more, I'm sure to add plenty of both!
My most important cause is the fight against child abuse. Please visit my links for child abuse information. We are all responsible for the safety of these helpless little children...won't you help a child today? |