Fall Activities |
Here are some great fall activities for your toddler! Some are just right for Thanksgiving. |
Fall Placemats
Little Pinecone Turkey's
Hand Trees
Fun With Leaves
Turkey Cookie
Hand Turkey
Straw Blown Painting
Fall Placemats |
1.)go outside and collect brightly colored leaves 2.)bring in the leaves and make sure that they are dry. 3.)un-roll a 2' section of contact paper and peel off the back, exposing the sticky site . 4.)place the leaves face down on one half of the sheet of paper 5.) fold the contact paper in half and press firmly, trim off any excess. 6.)decorate with markers, or add a decorative edge.
I make this into a two day project. One day we take a walk to gather our leaves and the next day we make our project. ~jenbug2522
We used wax paper and ironed them together. They seem to last a long time and we can bring them out in the summer to compare the colored leaves with all the green ones!! ~elemessa |
Little Pinecone Turkey's |
To make "turkeys," glue felt squares in fall colors to small (1"-2") pinecones (for the feet). Then add a red or orange 1" piece of pipecleaner to the front to shape a head & neck. Graduated, pinked, 1"-2" circles of red, orange, brown felt glued to the back of the pinecone for the tail feathers. You can even adjust the sizes to larger pine cones for centerpieces, and maybe use large pieces of corn husks or groups of wheat stalks for the tail feathers. Sometimes you can use these as holders for place setting name cards at dinner. ~parentsplace.com(elkayem) |
Hand Tree |
Need: brown paper fall colored construction paper scissors markers Glue
Create a tree trunk out of brown paper and add branches. Have the children trace their hands onto the different colored paper. Cut out. Each day have them think of something that they are thankful for, and write it onto the hand/leaf. Glue the leaf onto a tree branch. Above the tree, put the words "We Are Thankful For...." ~theideabox.com(elemessa) |
Fun With Leaves |
Image of a leaf This is an easy way to make an image of a leaf, using a real leaf, a piece of paper and a crayon (or crayons). 1. Find a nice leaf. 2. Put it on a flat surface, like a desk or counter-top. 3. Cover the leaf with a piece of paper. 4. Crayon on the paper over the leaf. 5. Magically, a leaf image will appear. ~jenbug2522 |
Leaf crayon rubbing Supplies needed: - Leaves - Double-sided tape - Easel - Crayons - Newspaper Directions: Collect a variety of leaves from outside. Using double-sided tape, tape a leaf in at least two places to an easel. Next, place a sheet of newspaper over the leaf and tape it in place. Have the child rub firmly over the leaf with the flat side of a crayon (from which paper has been peeled off). The leaf outline and the pattern of the veins on the leaves will appear. Try different leaves, particularly leaves with good vein patterns. ~tipomatic.com(elkayem) |
Leaf Poster need: lots of dried leaves poster board or strong construction paper glue
take the kids and go leave hunting! bring a big bag or basket. then precede to glue the leaves the the paper! ~blythe_j I have heard that if you spray dried leaves with hair spray they will last longer. ~elemessa |
Screen leaf painting Supplies Needed: Paint smock Newspaper to cover work area Leaves (dried in a phone book for several days) Shoebox Piece of screen to cover shoebox Tape (heavy duty) Tempera paint (various fall colors) Large sheet of white art paper Toothbrush
Directions: Lay out white paper on the newspaper. Cover with the leaves, leaving spaces between them. Place leaves in any design you like. Next, have an adult cut out a large square opening in the bottom of the shoebox and tape the piece of screen over the opening. With screen side up, help the child hold the box over the leaves. Dip the toothbrush into the paint, and dab off the excess. Next, rake the toothbrush over the screen, allowing the paint to splatter across the leaves below. Vary the colors, using the same technique with a clean toothbrush. When the painting is dry, remove the leaves to see your leaf imprint picture. You can use a tiny roll of scotch tape on the back of each leaf to secure in place, and then let the child lay the shoebox directly on the picture while using the toothbrush technique. -tipomatic.com(elkayem) |
Turkey Cookie |
Use candy corn to make feathers stuck on with frosing to a round cookie. We used a big, round chocolate covered cookie for the body. We used a burnt peanut for the face. -sasansom |
Hand Turkey Picture |
HAND TURKEY PICTURES Supplies Needed: 9x12 Construction paper (fall color) Crayons Glue Scraps of red and yellow construction paper Optional: colored feathers (Find these at craft stores)
Directions: On the paper, have your child lay her hand flat, fingers spread apart. Using a crayon, trace her hand all the way around. Color the thumb area (head) and the body (the palm area) brown. Now, your child can begin coloring the finger areas (feathers) in different fall colors. Draw two stick legs under the body, adding three little claws to each leg to make the feet. For the face, cut a yellow beak and glue it to the outside edge of the thumbprint. Draw a black dot for the eye, and finish your picture by cutting the turkey's wattle (in the shape of a fat wiggly worm) from a piece of red paper. Glue the wattle to the underside of the neck. If you wish, glue feathers onto each finger print. ~tipomatic.com(elkayem) |
Straw Blown Painting |
Supplies Needed: Large sheet of art paper (various colors) Thin Tempera paint (Brown) Paint brush (Wide) Soda straws Crayons and/or construction paper (red, yellow, orange, brown, and scraps) Glue and scissors
Directions: To make fall trees, load the brush with brown paint and make large strokes to form tree trunks. Next, at the top of the trunks, place a pool of watery brown paint. Now take the straw and gently blow in different directions against the pool of paint. The tree branches will begin to emerge. Add more paint to the pool if needed. Let the painting dry. Use crayons to color in leaves on the trees, or use cut paper for leaves. Include some leaves blowing in the wind and falling into piles on the ground. You can also add some characters happily jumping in the leaves. -emazing (elkayem) |
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