Have you ever viewed a beautiful webpage and wondered to yourself, "How did they do that?" I did. A very dear friend of mine knew that I was really struggling to learn Power Point and told me to right click on a page, then click on "view source" and I would be able to see how the person created the page. If you do not know HTML or ever looked at "view source", do it now and you will see what I mean. It looks like a foreign language but it really isn't, LOL. With the help of another dear friend, Lynne, and WebTech University, a whole new and exciting world opened up to me. It can for you too.
So, are you ready to begin building your own website? GREAT! Below, you will find some of the sites that I use to help me in building my pages. It will take me a while to get them all down so please stop by frequently to check for additions. If you do not already have a site, I would suggest you go to Geocities to obtain your site and then to WebTech University for some of the best training you can receive. You will find these URLS at the very top of the helps list. Good Luck and don't forget to send me your site address so I can see your beautiful websites! |
The Beginning Steps to Webpage Building
Graphic Websites I Like to Use
Color Charts I Find Helpful
There are so many helps on the Internet for building webpages and the sites I listed above and those that you find below or only a "drop in the bucket" to what you can find out there. The ones I have listed are just a sampling of what I use. I am only a beginner in this exciting hobby. Many of the sites I have listed have wonderful helps and tutorials so please check them out.
When I load a webpage, I want to hear music, see wonderful graphics, sign a guestbook, and pass the page on to my family and friends. With the links below, you will be able to finish a page with these helps. Again, these are only a sampling of what is out there.
