SO..... your curious to find out just WHO IS "JBL" well here goes...

My name is Leigh ,when not on the net,I'm a working Mum of three boys, (you can see more of them on ohter pages). I was born in New Zealand (hence the NZ Silver Fern, as you came in), but have lived in Australia for the past 18 years! We've lived in various suburbs around Sydney but settled in Penrith about 7 years ago. My husband Bill and I have been married for 14 years and own a Security business, so we are kept pretty busy!

I have many interests, being Mum to 3 boys I have to be interested in sport, baseball, football, motor racing and motorbikes(yes...I do ride too!)Actually this winter I am taking up baseball again myself,(should be interesting, as I havent played for love music ,of all types,May even get round to a midi page one day of all my favourites, participate in Taekwondo,(currently hold a black belt) and shooting. Bill is a firearms instructor,and for work I have to do that, but love it anyway!

But mostly, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends! Really enjoy going out on the town when I get the chance and am partial to a drop of scotch now and then, gotta be good scotch though!

My Wonderful Husband,Bill

So now you have a basic idea what I do, please continue on :))
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