Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'til tomorrow,
Cos children grow up,
as we've our sorrow
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep
Our children are the most precious gifts we could ever receive, as parents, we should respect their individuality,acknowledge their triumphs, support their beliefs and guide them to the best of our ability. Learn to see the world through their eyes, for they are children for such a short time.
My children, are the most important things in the world to me...and no matter how big they grow, they will always be MY babies
Jonathon, (13.4.84) is the artist of the family and has spent many hours, since very young drawing. He has an eye for detail and is a perfectionist. He loves anything to do with motor sport from being a spectator to riding his motorbike. He started racing in a club after receiving a new motorbike for Christmas in 98. His ambition, is to one day become a Touring Car driver! He has since started his working career and is doing well, and stands at 6'3, so I guess he has grown a lot since most of these were taken. And yes...he loves The Simpsons.
His first bike, a 6th birthday present.
"Flat Out!"
All the Gear!
A Native Friend
Check out His HomepageHere.
Jarrod , (7.12.87) is the sportsman of the family.He is in his 8th season with his baseball club "Boomers". This season he was chosen to play in the Greater Western Rep side,for the 2nd time. Last season his club side "Under 14's", took out the Grand Finals. Unfortunately this season they didnt do as well. Since April 1999, he has been under contract to the Western sydney Sports Acadamy, Baseball division. He has signed a twelve month contract and is currently in serious training. The aim of this organisation is to develop the skills of young up and coming players. So keep an eye out..we may have a potential Australian representative soon!.He also plays softball for his school, this season winning the State knockout competiton. At the moment he and his school team are playing in State Knockouts for Basketball as well and doing very well. He has represented Penrith District and New South Wales State in ten pin bowling, where he came 2nd in the state. Our home is crammed with his trophies and we are very proud of him.
The Greater Western Rep Side Uniform
At a younger age.....getting friendly with some natives!
He also likes to ride HIS bike.
Check out His very own HomepageHere.
At 10 months
Dylan (5.2.96) is our baby. He lights up everyones lives with his smile and charm. He loves spending time with his big brothers, the animals and LOVES playing with water!Over the past few months he has become quite a dab hand on the computer to!
Hey .....I am Sooooo Cool!
Getting to Know the Kangaroos
My First Day at PreSchool
Dylan is in his 2nd year of preschool (big school next year) and just LOVES it..of course Teddy has to go to:))
Taken at Rainbow Springs, Rotorua,NZ.
Jarrod & Dylan..taken December1998
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