
The B*I*T*C*H Page


Being in total control of herself is a state of mind.

To be a B*I*T*C*H is to stand tall,

be forthright & honest to yourself.

For those who have an understanding of ones self,

then you know to stand beside and not behind your man.

We must all stand tall as one and unite as a whole.

The negative word "bitch"has no place here as we are

women of strong mind and soul.

To be good of heart with a willingness to help others...

To believe in your sister's right to be herself, with no exceptions...

So, stand tall, be counted and remember to

B*I*T*C*H first and ask questions later.

The following graphics were all gifts from fellow "B*I*T*C*H sisters. These are a wonderful group of extremely talented ladies. Ladies from all walks of life, from many different countries but who all have several things in common..... their kindness, their loyalty, their talent and their dedication to being a B*I*T*C*H..which translated means a woman "Being In Total Control of Herself"!!!

Where possible, you will find links to the Ladies pages, please pay them a visit,and experience the varied talents they all have.


Sharon ,(QueenBitch) was the founder of this webring. It was her dream to connect a group of Ladies together who all had the same values and ideas on what it meant to be a woman, to be a B*I*T*C*H. Sadly, Sharon was taken from us in Januaru of this year. She will be missed by all that she touched with her kindness, thoughfulness, friendship & love. The world is a better place for having known her, & through all the Sisters in B*I*T*C*H, she will live on.
MegaBitch Lipstick


Kelly MoonBeam Suzanne

Charli Insane

WyndWisper Deb Mouse

Gayle Jan


Lady Gabburp Iren LoveSeat
Stormy Digital Jam Mary
Dizzy Red Bitch
Alia Blondy StrangeGirl
Tigress Monica Shelley
Mustang Lady Susan
Sleepy Panthea

Harley Angel Paige WildSpirits

Little Bitch Linas Katie
Dreamy Bitch Foxee

SISTERS.If I have forgotten anyone, please accept my apologies and send me your contributions.

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