Page Began: May'98 - Last Update: June, 2000.

"Who is JBL?"..a bit about me.

Included on my page:
Are my Family n Friends, some great Links & lots of Bits 'n Pieces
Tear in and check it out!!

"The Otherside" A Tribute to My Dad.
"My Boys"*.

"Our Family Album*".
"Our Animal Family ".
"Pics & Trivia - Sydney"
To aid the load time, pictures are thumbnails
You can also check out the weather from here!
"B*I*T*C*H Dedication" . *
"Cool Links for Homepages, Graphics, Cards & Music"*

..see what awards I have won and are on offer.

the boys have moved out of home. Check out their pages and watch while they grow! Guess this means I will have to SHARE my computer!:))
Give them some encouragement and SIGN their guestbooks when you visit!

"Jazzas' Home"
About His Baseball Career& Wrestling
"Jono's Home"
About Australian Motor Racing,Motorbikes & HIS Motorbike racing!

"#KIWI-KORNER ...Check out RTL's Site"

A link to my brothers page(without his help, none of this would be possible). Thanks Wayne!

You will also find a great page of Midi Music here!!!
While you are there, dont forget to look at Kiwi Korner and his dictionary of Kiwi slang:))
Dont forget to sign his book as well!!
You can chat with me, RTL(the Founder and "MASTER"), SilyAngel(The Maid) and many others in #Kiwi Korner on Dalnet. We have visitors from all over the world! Bring your popups, bring your wavs, but most importantly, bring your sense of humour and an open mind! We DO have a lot of fun and you will find a great mixture of personalities:)) The rules are simple:.. Dont piss "da Master" off, and clean up after yourself,(gotta keep the maid and Have fun!!!!
Tricorp Security

The business webpage of the Best Security Company in Sydney.This Company gave me my start in the industry and I am proud to say that we still do most of our business with them .
Pam's Home Away From Home
Visit SilyAngels home.

Thanks to the following Graphics Sites
Pams Graphics

Lady Kali

Backgrounds by Marie

Well, I have often been called one....:)) but now I AM one in the
true sense,
a woman Being In Total Control of Herself! I am proud
to be a part of this wonderful group of Ladies.
"B*I*T*C*H Dedication" A Collection of Gifts from the B*i*t*c*h Sisters .*
There are some TRULY beautiful sites within this ring.
Email me at

I am always grateful for any suggestions.


My Guestbook
My Guestbook
Thanks for getting this far..hope you enjoyed your stay.
PLEASE be sure to sign the book, how else will we know that you dropped by, all comments ARE appreciated.
I would like to give a personal thanks to all those that have already taken the time to sign, it really makes all the hard work worthwhile:)
As this page is a first attempt AND a work in progress...please
You are Guest Number:
I hit the CTRL key but I'm still not in control!..:))

My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.

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