The Scrapbooking Cottage
Nicole's Scrapbooking Cottage

We are glad you stopped in, and hope you find what you are looking for. These pages are still under construction, but thankfully you will already find lots of great information right at your fingertips! Below you will find links that will help you with your scrapbooking, for both beginners and some advanced. Hope you enjoy!

Have you ever looked at all the "memories" you have? Shoeboxes full of photographs of fun times, and people you love. And folders, and more boxes full of ticket stubs, dried flowers, passes, and anything else you have collected along the way. Ever wonder what exactly to do with it all? Well, once there was a time when placing your priceless photographs, newspaper clippings, and other memorabilia into a plain old photo album or scrapbook was the most common way to keep those golden memories. Not anymore.

Today's scrapbooking is focusing more on the preservation of our memories. Making them last for generations to come. Wouldn't you like for your great - great - great - great grandchildren to be able to see pictures of you and your family? And know who is who by the words on the pages? In order to do this, you must first understand what sort of products to use. Only photo safe papers, inks and stickers, are appropriate for a scrapbook that is to be saved for generations to come..

If you have your photos in those old magnetic albums, the one's with the sticky background,, GET THEM OUT NOW!! You are destroying your photographs.By keeping your photos in albums containing PVC (polyvinyl chloride), you're photos are slowly deteriorating. The acid level in these type of albums is VERY high! Most of the magnetic and pocket albums sold at discount and bargain stores (or even some that many have their wedding photos in and paid 70+ dollars for) contain PVC in the plastic pages, unless you know for a fact that they don't. The only way to tell is if the label on the album contained wording that said it was made of "Polypropylene", AND "Acid Free Materials". You can also contact the manufacturer of your album and ask what chemical the plastics are made of. Even though some labels contain the words "Photo safe" that does not mean they are "acid free".

Besides just preserving our photographs, scrapbooking grants us the opportunity to develop traditions that keep family histories alive for generations to come. So if you are one who has piles of photographs sitting in envelopes, gathering dust in old shoe boxes or slowly deteriorating away in old-style photo albums, take a peek in the following pages and find out what you can do with all those photos and how much fun can be had!

Beginning Scrapbooking 101

Recommended Reading for the Beginner or Anyone else who loves new ideas

Creating Quickie Pages

Basic Photo Tips

Which Companies Carry Acid-Free Stickers?

Cropping Your Photos

Choosing the Right Album

Supplies for the Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Scrapper

Phone Numbers for Scrapbook Supply Companies

Scrapbooking Terms

Creative Lettering Tips

Ideas for page titles, abc albums, layouts and MORE! -currently under constuction!

Scrapbooking Links to Everything

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