Hello, I am known online as Dragon.
And you are about to enter my lair...
I invite you to enter and learn a little about me and my family. hope you enjoy.
You are visitor number to visit this site since opening. Thanks for stopping by ! And if you have a free moment, Please,
So your still here? Ok... I promised a little about me. I am 36 years old and married to a wonderful woman (at least most of the time). We live in the center of nowhere, USA. Together we have two boys. A handfull sometimes, but I still enjoy them. I work in the distribution department for a major baking company. My intrests include camping, fishing, an occasional book, and of course computers. I am a refmonitor at Mysties, so quite frequently, I can be found there. No guarantees though as I also use ICUII and Netmeeting.
And now for the picture.... Don't kill yourself falling off your chair laughing.. :-)
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