



I am an adoptee in search of my Birth family.

I have two adopted sisters who are also searching for their birth families.

I hope to develop this page into a place where all members of the Adoption Triad

born and/OR adopted

in Rhode Island can meet, share and unite with their missing family members.

I am still learning how to do this.

I hope you will bear with me as I try to build a nice home base for all "RI REDS".

Any suggestions, please E-Mail me.

I PROMISE I won't be offended.

I will start with a thumbnail version of my story.

I am 54 years old.

I have known I was adopted virtually all my life.

I often wanted to search for my birth family but many things prevented me.

Fear of rejection [admitted or not] was always a primary block.

The feelings of my adopted parents were a major concern. My Amom always saw my need to search as a slap in the face to her and my life as her daughter.

So my search begins in earnest.

I received my Non-ID information some time ago.

It has caused me take a new look at what I "thought" about who I am and where I came from.

My "fantasy" view of my birth was prophetic.

Because I was born in 1944, the middle of WWII, I told myself that I was the offspring of a soldier who may not have returned.

I was very close to the truth.

I have learned that my Birth father was in the service.

He did not return until after my Birth Mother had been convinced it was in my best interest to place me for adoption.

Six months too late, they tried to get me back.

Now, I search for them........



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