Family Background

Pictures and geneology for the Lars Hansen family (a few Christensens, Kuberts and Rezabeks thrown in for good measure)

I started looking into our past because Mom's side of the family always knew who was related to whom and how for several generations and Dad's side of the family never discussed anything. Dad had Aunts and cousins that he had vaguely heard of but never met. Out of sheer curiousity I started hunting down what I could on Dad's side. I also started hunting down information on Mom's side when I tried doing a connect the dots and realized, not all the dots connected depending on who you talked to.

I will be putting on pictures and brief biographies of relatives past and present as I figure out who is who.


Who's Who

Rev. Lars Hansen 1844-1936 ----- Mrs. Caroline Hansen

Early Elmer C. Hansen 1888-1967

Theodora Hansen Christensen 1884-1974 ----- Theodora-one of the Jolly Five

Theodora Hansen and Carl Christensen

Carl Christensen

Thyra Hansen Haldeman 1878-1965

Thyra and Dard, Elsie and Svend ----- Sven Hansen and Elsie

Willard Christensen 1915- ----- Willard and Ted Christensen

Theodore Christensen


Christensen Geneology

Mystery Pictures

Mary Hansine Christensen


The Other Side of the family

Viola Kubert

Louis Kubert and Bessie Rezabek

Bessie and Louie on the Dakota Territory Homestead

Rezabek Family Portrait-about 1909

Frank Rezabek and Bessie Horak ----- Mary Rezabek and John Kubert

Ludvick Kubert and Bessie Rezabek

Twins Frank and Rose Rezabek

Joseph Kubert 1838-1931

Kubert Group at thrashing time

Kubert Family Line

Please visit my other home page to get some fun stuff on us. I give good advice on that page. See links below.

I am sorr but I had to remove my guestbook. I could empty it every day and by the next morning it would be full of garbage. The folling emails are the offenders that are depriving me of the opportunity to meet people with similar interests.

Please come back soon and visit me.

Links to other sites on the Web

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