Mira's Antics

These pictures were taken between xxx, 1998 and xxx, 1999, when Mira was about xxx-xxx months old.
Taking a bath 
Mira loves to take a bath. She has fun splashing Daddy and getting the whole bathroom wet. She also has fun playing with her rubber duckies and chewing on her washcloth.
Big Mouth 
My, what a big mouth you have!
Mira is very flexible. She doesn't think twice about getting into positions like this.
Toy Basket
All of Mira's toys in her bedroom are stored in this basket. Mira has learned how to tip the basket over on its side so she can get the toys out. She plays with one toy for awhile, then drops it and picks another toy from the basket. We haven't taught her how to put the toys back in the basket yet.
Mira, the piano player
Mira loves to play the piano. Usually she sits on Daddy's lap and bangs on the keys. This time, we sat her on the piano bench, but she couldn't reach the keys, so we had to add some books under her. When this picture was taken, she could not reach the keys without books. Now, in March 1999, she can sit on the bench and play the piano. She is getting better, too. She can play one note at a time with individual fingers rather than just banging away with her whole hand.
Bouncing in the Leaves
One nice fall day, we took Mira outside in the backyard to play in the leaves. She didn't really know what was going on when we covered her in leaves, but she tried to eat the leaves anyways.
Mira and Santa Claus 
Santa Claus came around our neighborhood
riding on a big red firetruck. It stopped
in front of our house, and we went outside
to let Mira meet Santa. They did not hit it off
very well. As soon as Mira got close to Santa,
she started crying. Maybe next year she will
like him better.

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