Welcome to HamWorld Online.

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Hi, I'm hamstaz. HamWorld Online is a website dedicated to my favourite pets, hamsters. I have been keeping hamsters since 1994 and through the years, I have never once stopped being fascinated by these small, but adorable & cuddly animals.

I presently own 2 male hamsters- Cinni & Fi-Fi. Fi-Fi's now quite old, while Cinni's about 1 year old. They are both cream-coloured hamsters with excellent temperaments. I have kept several hamsters and I firmly believe that no two hamsters have the same character. Try as I might, I just could NOT find a hamster with the same character & temperament. Fi-Fi is extremely neat & tidy - he ensures that every single grain & seed is put into his food dish. Whatever drops out, he puts them back into the dish. He doesn't leave things scattered around. However, Cinni is quite different. He enjoys toppling his food dish over & loves attempting to burrow into sawdust, making everything a big mess.

*If you've noticed, I've refrained from using any photos of hamsters in this page, as I've put aside several pages specially for hamster photos. Proceed to the links below.

Well, I hope you will enjoy your visit to HamWorld Online. Thanks for dropping by & do sign my HamBook (guestbook) to let me know you were here!

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TR00262A.gif (1715 bytes)HamWorld... goes international..

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes) HamPic Gallery SY00777A.gif (782 bytes)a MUST visit!   TR00045A.gif (2335 bytes)

Loads of photos, pictures, drawings.. .. contains 3 other sections (pages).

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes) Ham-Rememberance

Page in memory of my hamsters which have sadly passed away. :-(

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes) HamLinks

Other hamster related sites.

Please feel free to drop me an e-mail if you have any comments, suggestions or if you would like to correspond.

Copyright 1998 hamstaz - HamWorld Online ™

10 December 1998