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Welcome to The "In Memory of Jessica" Guestbook!

Julie - 10/18/00 18:34:31
State: Washington

I too, lost my son in a terrible accident August of this year. Thank you for sharing Jessica with me...please take the time to visit my angel's memorial page to keep his memory alive.....

Ann and Marc - 09/27/00 23:44:13
State: Ky

You have a beautiful memorial in memory of your precious littel girl. My heart goes out to you.

- 09/04/00 16:10:32


zena - 08/29/00 22:51:11
State: uk

god gives special parents special children to love and take care of for him....until he needs them back for his angels.Jessica is there with you, watching and smiling because she had such a happy, loving life....why?......because of the love that surround d her. Jessica had a wonderful life with you all even though it was short, it was the quality of life, not the quantity. I know how hard for you all it must feel, my mum died of cancer and i have a 8 year old with Cystic Fibrosis.......this is so hard for us.....the love you feel for your child is so just want to protect them so much. After all the anger,pity,remorse,and the overwhelming feeling of saddess and disbelieving.......comes can carry on.....remembering a l the beautiful and wonderful times you had together. TAKE CARE.... LOVE FROM ZENA.

LaCresha - 08/29/00 19:07:28
My URL:/lacresha_hale/bubba.html
State: Texas

Your site is beautiful and I'd like to invite you to join a new group called "Wings of Peace". I'm sorry for your loss~

An Invitation to Join Wings of Peace

SHERRY - 08/17/00 00:14:57
State: IL

what a wonderful page iam so sorry for your loss of such a beautiful girl. i also have a daughter she is 3 and can't imagine something happening to her may god bless your family

Eva - 08/08/00 16:27:33
State: canada

I am 21 years old and I just lost my Baby. I was only 5 weeks but I was so attched to it. Your poems about Jessica made me cry. I think in a way it has helped me face my pain. There is no greater pain then that is felt by a mother when she looses a ch ld. I hope and pray to God that this pain in my heart will one day ease. I am praying for you and your family. From one mommy to another.

Holly - 07/11/00 05:20:28
State: Washington

I am really sorry about your sister i hope everything is all well w/you and your family. your sis is really cute ohh she is adorable. may god bless you and your family.

Brenda - 07/02/00 00:49:44
State: Michigan

Your daughter was such a pretty little angel, my heart goes out to your family. I also lost a child Rickys 11 years old, just last july. I am making him a webpage and wanted some ideas of what others do to make them. My prayers are with your family.

Kimberly Rudy - 06/08/00 18:49:28
State: CA

I have just read this beautiful tribute to your daughter. She was a gorgeous little girl. I have a 31/2 year old daughter and dont know what i would do without her. I am not sure how you lost your little Jessica but may God heal your broken hearts and b ess your family.

Brooke - 05/09/00 15:52:44
State: Wisconsin

My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family! This is a beautiful tribute to your beautiful daughter!

Grandma Jeani &Poppop Ralphie - 05/03/00 15:47:39
State: NJ

Jessica your beautiful site that Mommy made you really shows the love that went into it.Today being the 2nd year without you brings me to read every little word that Mommy wrote on every page in your memorial.Today is a very sad day for us.I plan on spend ng the day just reminising all the wonderful qualities and good times we had together.I plan on going thru all 3 toy boxes and lighting that special candle you gave me that Christmas.I pray for the day that I can hold you in my arms again and be with our amily for eternity.I know Jessica is in heaven watching over her family when we need her the most.

Katie Ryan - 04/23/00 13:46:11
State: Ireland

Hi......I am Katie & I am 11 yrs old. Jessicas page is really lovely God Bless you all

Sarah Bruner - 04/22/00 21:09:36
State: Indiana

I am so sorry for your loss of Jessica. I lost my sister Ashleigh in 1996 to a very rare disease. She was 12 and I was 16. She was my best friend, and I miss her more every day. If you would ever like to talk, please email my mom and I. Love, Sarah

Carol - 04/12/00 04:56:19
State: Texas

Jessica was such a beautiful little girl and your page is a great dedication to her. I am sorry for your loss.

Kathy - 03/27/00 23:43:36
State: Michigan

Beautiful site!

vicki - 03/15/00 02:47:12
State: canada

how very sad. God bless u and your family.

Vicki - 03/05/00 08:13:17
State: LA

Thank you for sharing your daughter with us. What a wonderful life she must have had, loving you as her mother.

ted - 02/20/00 07:21:15
State: Pa

We can understand your pian in the death of your child. We have also lost a child.......

Chas Stokes - 02/20/00 07:14:40
State: Pennsylvania

I came across your site by accident but I am glad I did. I am not sure what happened but hopefully she is watching down upon you and is happy. Take care. Chas

Laura Condit - 02/18/00 22:18:22
State: Kansas

I'm very sorry for your loss. I'm a counsler and I am dealing with a familh that is very close to me, their one year old daughter is on life support and they will let her go this evening. She has a brother that is 2.5 and wants his sister home. I'm not sure what to tell the family how to get through this situation. I have never had to do this before. This is also very hard for me. Do you have any suggestions? Thank You and God Bless you all.

Laura Condit - 02/18/00 22:13:29


Tami O'Brien - 02/12/00 06:46:53
State: oh

God bless you and your family. Always be strong as Jessica will never leave your hearts. God Bless,

A bereaved Dad - 02/12/00 04:08:25
State: Pa.

Thank you, for sharing your love of Jessica. it touched my heart.

Lisa P. - 02/12/00 03:25:57
State: KS

God bless you and your family!

Nancy S. Hill - 02/11/00 23:11:39
State: sc

What a wonderful testimony.....I am touched and very comforted by the fact that even tho we haven't met, we are kindred spirits. My youngest daughter also was born in '94 and she lost her best friend/oldest sister who was like a mom to her (12-19-98). Y u are right. I haven't found anything easy about losing a child except to make sure those around us can see the love of Christ in our lives as well as make her life count....Thank you for your page.....would love to know where to start to do something in memory of our Mandy.

Anna Brachler - 02/10/00 15:34:29
State: Ohio

Very touching.

Lori - 02/08/00 06:32:18
My Email:fancy1040
State: Tenn

your site brought me to tears, you have my heartfelt symitpy, i have a daughter named jessica also and i can't imagine being without her you are in my prayers, and may god bless you broken heart.

PJ Franklin - 11/13/99 17:34:40
State: Texas

Thank you for sharing your Jessica's with us. It was so beautiful. It bring tears to my eyes, just thinking about our family lost of my baby brother this June 1999. You have giving me hope to go on.

Grandma Jeani - 10/29/99 16:42:34
My URL:/Heartland/Ridge/5140
State: NJ

With Halloween starts all the holidays again without you.It brings to mind how much we all love and miss you,so very much.I'll never forget how beautiful you were as "Snow White"and how you used to play that you where "Sleeping Beauty"and the prince would wake you up with a special kiss.O God I wish I could play that game now with you.It's so hard living without you honey,but I hope and pray that I'll will see you again.

Terri - 09/04/99 19:42:01

I am a nurse by trade and work at a local hospital in Norristown Pa. Last year I was present in the ER for 3 infant deaths in a 3 month period of time. I cried terribly over these senseless deaths. They all looked so innocent, so sweet and I just didn't understand why God would allow this to happen. One little girl was left in a 3rd floor apartment with no ventilation and overheated causing her death. They weren't sure if it was from brain death or lack of Oxygen. There wasn't even a parent present in the ER when the doctor's pronounced her dead. The second one was due to SIDS (one of 2 twins) and happened right after a bath (when the apnea monitor was off) in the presence of both parents. The third was a premature infant whose parents were teens & on drugs. During my struggle with these deaths, I started reading and studying Scripture to see what God was doing. One of my favorite Scripture verses is thisPsalms 139: 15-16 My frame was not hidden from youwhen I was made in that secret place. When I was woven toether in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.All the days ordained for me were written in your bookbefore one fo them came to be. Melissa, when I read the last sentence, I came to believe that God already knows how many days each of us will have on this earth. Heaven is the real goal, and to go home to be with the Lord is the best gift we can receive. But of course, as humans, that scares us and causes us pain because of our fears & loss. I don't want to minimize any of the anger or pain you are feeling. You will always be Jessica's mom, and that will never be taken from you. You had her as a gift for a short time, and she has left you with memories that you will never forget. I want to tell you that Jessica is in the arms of our dear Lord right now. She has reached the place of everlasting joy in the constant presence of God. Here on earth we only get to see God through His works and our hopes & faith carry us. Jessica does not have to deal with the tragedies & pain of this world any longer. I began to see that those little babies in the ER on those nights, had been given the gift of heaven with the Lord, they had reached their goal, before they ever knew what this life was all about. It was only those left behind that were in pain. Basically what I am trying to say is that I believe God is still in control, even when it seems as though terrible things are happening. I believe that He takes his children home at a time when it fits into His plan. It is often earlier than we would have liked. But He is God, He knows best, and His ways are not ourways. I would recommend reading the book entitled "When God Doesn't Make Sense" by James Dobson if you haven't already. I really needed to work through the reasons God allows bad stuff. If He's so powerful, why didn't he fix this. Why didn't He stop something from happening.You had mentioned that this situation has brought you closer to God. That will always be part of God's ways, to draw us closer. I am so glad He is drawing you closer. I would love to talk to you more. But I don't want to intrude. I thank you for sharing a bit of your life and your precious daughter with me. I will never forget you & her. Just as I will never forget those little ones in the ER on those nights. In Christ's Love,Terri

Donna & Lance - 08/20/99 01:26:26
State: Kentucky

Melissa,it's been a while since I visited Jessica's page and it still tears at my heart to be here again. Such a beautiful little girl.Please know that our hearts are still with you.

Carol - 08/19/99 08:02:13
State: NY

Your story is so very moving. I am sorry for your loss. May God bless you always!

Eddie and Ivy - 08/16/99 22:17:58
State: Atlantic City, NJ

From Ivy and Eddie. The lord needed a good little Angel: shes in Gods hands and will always be remembered. Jessy was here for a short time but she is now in heaven looking down over those she loved most.-Ed And Ivy p.s. And Micheal our son(age 18) who passed away last Feb

Dianna - 08/03/99 06:29:34
State: Canada

Jessica i a beautiful child!! You have my heartfelt symitpy!!

Ginny - 08/01/99 03:17:45
State: Maine

I just visited your web site. What a beautiful little angel you have. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose my child. You have my heartfelt sympathy.

Mommy - 07/28/99 23:33:56
State: NJ

Dear Jessica, Today is my birthday and I am missing you so much.I can't help but wonder what you would look like now at 5 1/2 yrs. old. . I am sending all of my love to you and waiting for the day we will be together again. I love you, sweetheart...

Lindsey - 07/17/99 02:19:24
State: Nevada

I am a 16 year old and i was looking around for websites, when i saw yours i was automatically interested in it, it was like someone was telling me to look at it. By the end of it i was in tears. I am so thankful that i could here your story about Jessica she really is an angel.

Lindsey - 07/17/99 02:18:37
State: Nevada

I am a 16 year old and i was looking around for websites, when i saw yours i was automatically interested in it, it was like someone was telling me to look at it. By the end of it i was in tears.

michelle myers - 05/28/99 16:54:49
State: pa

Melissa, i'm not sure if you remember me i'm dana's older sister. Dana sent me jessica's page. I cried the whole time i looked at it. I remember Dana always talking about her. Jessica this and Jessica that. I also remember the day dana called to tell me about l ttle jessica. On that day we both cried. But we know that jessica is in heaven looking down on you and your family, and how proud she must be to see this wonderful web site in honor of her. may God be with you and your family Love, Michelle

Dana - 05/26/99 17:02:26
State: Florida

Caitlyn had this book which is one of her favorite and I have been searching all over the house the last few weeks so I can send it to you. After finally finding it under her boxspring I asked her why it was hidden. She told me she was saving it for 'Li Jessica to give it to her the next time she sees her." Caitlyn overheard me telling someone about the book and how I wanted to mail to you. JESSICA & THE SLEEPY FLOWERS: Winter had been very long and very cold. One morning Angel Jessica lay in her bed, and felt the warm sun shining on her face. "It must be spring!" she said. "The plants & birds will be so pleased to feel the sun at last," she said, & got out of her warm & cozy bed. She looked down to where the sun was shining thru the clouds onto the ground. "Oh no!" she suddenly cried. "I must do something!" Jessica flew down to Earth to find that all the plants & birds were still fast asleep. "I must wake them," she sa d. "It's springtime!" Jessica then went from plant to plant, gently waking them up. She used her special angel magic to tell them that it was springtime. "You canwake up now." And the flowers felt the sun's warmth & opened their petals. Then Jessica told he trees & the birds to wake up. "It will soon be summertime, wake up!" All the other little angels were very happy that Jessica had woken up the birds and flowers in time for spring. She even had her own tree with a little bird which sang to her each mo ning. Jessica had the PRETTIEST CLOUD IN HEAVEN! I love and miss you! Dana

Robbie's Mom - 05/15/99 01:54:34
State: VA

What a beautiful tribute to your daughter. Your love and devotion for her shine throughout the site. There is no greater loss than the loss of a child. Love one another and treasure each new day for we never know what life has in store for us. And always herish your memories.

Nick - 05/14/99 23:07:34
State: New Jersey

I really miss you little cous. I wish you were here. Love, Nick

Grandma Jeani & Grandpaw Ralphie - 05/05/99 16:41:35
State: Atlantic City,NJ

My dearest Jessica,We miss you so much that if I think real hard I can still hear the sound of your voice and laughter and still see your sweet little face.I feel your presents everyday,and especially when times are hard.An if I die tomorrow I will always remember that I was LOVED,truly LOVED by the sweetest ANGEL in heaven.

Aunt Sandi - 05/02/99 23:58:55
State: NJ

Dearest Jessie. I can't believe it has been a whole year since we have seen you or heard you laugh. I think of you often and miss you a lot. Look after Mom & Dad & Kirsten. I love you.

Dave Michon - 04/28/99 00:47:57
State: Wis.

What a lovely, wonderful child. God Bless you Jessica and please visit often to help your family with their grief. They need peace and happiness to take care of your sister.

Elizabeth Smith - 04/22/99 19:46:10
State: West Virginia

I think your page is very nice, your daughter is so beautiful she really is a angel! I too have a angel in heaven Jerry Jr, maybe you can check out his site too. May god bless you and your family, Love in Jesus, Elizabeth

Hillary - 04/16/99 20:33:49
State: New York

Hi. I am soooooooo sorry about your loss...I wouldn't be able to imagine living with out my sister Heather and my brother Dustin. My mother did however have a miscarriage, which I know isn't the same, but it is kind of similar. The doctors think it was a boy, but he would be 17 now. I am 12. My sister Heather is having a baby this month and I hope she doesn't have to go through something to that extent. She is due April 24th, so within' the next week I should have a neice or nephew! ! ! ! I also wan ed to tell you, that you had a very cute daughter! ! ! ! E-Mail me please! ! ! ! Again, I am sorry. -Hillary Rose

Mommy - 04/05/99 06:51:07
State: NJ

Happy Easter Sweetheart!!! Today we had Easter dinner at your Aunt Vickie's house. The day was a quiet and somber day. We miss you so much. I remember the year that we took you to see the Easter Bunny at the mall and you thought he was a big stuffed anima and you wanted to take him home with you. And your Aunt Vickie will never forget last Easter morning when we took you to Church and you feel asleep during Pastor Ron's service. You were snoring soooo loud... We love you and look forward to the day when w will all be together again.. Love forever, Mommy, Daddy and Kirsten

Grandma Jeani - 04/03/99 19:39:37
State: NJ

My dearest Jessica I can't help but think what Easter was like last year.Easter meant getting out the Easter Baskets with all the candy,dieing eggs with you and Kirsten.But best of all how you loved dressing up in a pretty new outfit and going up to the b ardwalk and on the rides.Missy always said you loved "dressing up" better than the candy.Easter will never be the same without you.I hope there is a Easter in heaven,because you made Easter a heaven on earth for us.I love you forever and you will always b in my heart and mind daily.Gajeani & Ralphie

Lady Leppard - 04/03/99 08:41:15
State: IL.

I would like to know what happened to Jessica. I looked all over your site, do it say anywhere?

Garrett & Pat Dodson - 03/31/99 06:22:07
State: New Mexico

Hi, we looked at Jessica's page and it is so heart touching. She is a very beautiful little girl! God Bless You!! Garrett & Pat P.S. Thanks for sending cards to me for Make a child Smile page.

Dave - 03/22/99 22:42:50
State: New Jersey

Well here I am again at Jessica's page, I can't tell you how much it has meant to me to be able to stop by from time to time and see the changes to her page. . . I am putting a page together for my Mom and once again you have given me the strenth to put i all together. . . Thanks, and keep up the Great work. . . The Grifftari Boys

Gittan Johansson - 03/08/99 23:50:38
State: Sweden

You will meet her at "Nangiala"In a land there we never die.Love from Gittan

Jean - 03/06/99 23:16:57
State: TN

Hello I want you to know that you are not alone in missing a child!!! I lost my wonderful little girl on January 1 1999. She was just a baby 11 weeks old and left for no medical reason. Maybe God had a reason but I don't know it. Our children are ange s and I know that no words can express how you feel or can they comfort you but just know if you ever need to talk I am here and I need to talk alot so please E-mail me when you get a chance. Yes my daughter was taken by SIDS(sudden infant death syndrome alos known as crib or cot death) it still hurts just as much. We as mommy's and daddy's know that it is not how long you live but how well you live. Please contact me Jean mommy to REBECCA "BECCA" CHRITEN STEWART 10-16-98 through 1-1-99

donna - 02/15/99 03:07:04
State: Kentucky

Melissa and family, I can't begin to tell you how my heart goes out to you. This has to be the ultimate pain. Thank you for thinking of Lance, in spite of your pain. The sweet card you sent meant a lot to both of us. Hugs to all, donna & lance

Mom and Dad - 02/14/99 11:42:25

Really Missing you at Valetine's Day... I Miss You ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I run to tell you some news. Read you a poem. Or sing a song. But you’re not here. I forget sometimes that you’re gone. I miss you, you know. I close my eyes at night, And see your face. I feel my arms encircle your precious body As the memory of the scent of your skin awakens my senses. I turn. But you’re not here. I rise and look for you. Reaching out, grasping at air. I cannot find you. So I leave, Taking thoughts of you with me. Always. I miss you, you know.

Mommy - 02/14/99 11:37:53
State: NJ

Happy Valentine's Day my Sweetheart. It doesn't feel very special without you. We love you and miss you.

Darlene - 02/10/99 20:32:09
State: South Carolina

This is my first visit to your memorial page for Jessica. She is an absolutely beautiful little girl! I know you miss her. Thank you for sharing her with us. Love & Hugs, Lucille's Daughter, Forever Darlene

Dee{ Friend from the pier] - 02/10/99 19:23:08
State: Atlantic City,NJ

Dear Mellissa,I was so sorry to hear about your beautiful daughter Jessica.I have known both of your children for 2yrs of coming up to the rides.Jessica was such a loving little sweetheart,we looked forward to her and Kirsten coming up to the pier with he grandparents almost every week.Jessica will forever be missed.There are no words to discribe the sorrow and pain that I feel for you and your parents.I know we never met,but I truly will miss Jessica.

Dee{ Friend from the pier] - 02/10/99 19:16:40
State: Atlantic City,NJ

Dear Mellissa,I was so sorry to hear about your beautiful daughter Jessica.I have known both of your children for 2yrs of coming up to the rides.Jessica was such a loving little sweetheart,we looked forward to her and Kirsten coming up to the pier with he grandparents almost every week.Jessica will forever be missed.There are no words to discribe the sorrow and pain that I feel for you and your parents.I know we never met,but I truly will miss Jessica.

Dee{ Friend from the pier] - 02/10/99 19:15:58
State: Atlantic City,NJ

Dear Mellissa,I was so sorry to hear about your beautiful daughter Jessica.I have known both of your children for 2yrs of coming up to the rides.Jessica was such a loving little sweetheart,we looked forward to her and Kirsten coming up to the pier with he grandparents almost every week.Jessica will forever be missed.There are no words to discribe the sorrow and pain that I feel for you and your parents.I know we never met,but I truly will miss Jessica.

Jaigne - 01/23/99 00:26:09
State: Washington

What a beautiful memorial. I copied several of your poems to give to a friend of mine whose 7-year-old daughter was killed in an automobile accident. I think they will bring her some measure of comfort. Thank you for sharing them.

Nana Formica - 01/20/99 04:23:43
State: Florida

You are the best Grandchild that was loaned from God. I just wished I could have had a little longer time with you. All My Love Nana

"Grr-Ralfe - 01/12/99 16:48:20
My URL:http://Geo-9956
State: N.J.

We love and miss you so much, my little sweety pie. Ill never forget the day you came hopping into my life with your your toddler sized pampers hanging down to your knees and the way you would come running into my bedroom , climb up the end of the bottom of the bed, and from the foot of the bed dive up into the air, flying at least 5 or 6 ft. You were such a brave and daring acrobat---50 to 100 of these dives with me catching you is such a wonderful memory to me --- After I cought you, You would say "oh Grandpa I love you" and give me a big kiss. Over and over again until in my thick head I realized thatyou not only loved me but you needed me. I doing so you tought me what unconditional love is and how important it is in nurturing a young child. I also remember playing "gity-up up and gitty-up down grandma and I loved to play these games just to here you giggle.I also remember playing Knock knock jokes until the sun was almost ready to rise{it was'nt the jokes so much as much as your pronunci tion of the "Woses are wed, viowets are bwu--we all-laughed like we were kids ourselves] We know that you are in heaven and the world is not as beautiful without you here. Ilove you and promise you I will do everything I can to make up for a world that was as close to heaven on earth the short time you were here Ralfe

- 01/10/99 23:29:49


Mommy - 01/08/99 04:59:44
State: NJ

Dear Jessie, This is your new Guestbook. I wanted to thank everyone that took the time to sign the old book . It is full now but I have left it on the page for others to read. I also wanted to apologize to the people whose messages may have been erased d e to lack of space. We treasure every message... Thank you !!!

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