
Life gives us our friends;
Our friends give us life.

Hi I'm Cindy

I am a 36 year old Wife and Mother. I have been
married for the past 13 years to a great man. We are the parents
of a 6 year old miracle child. He is the light of our universe.You
can read about his miraculous beginning on "Codys Page."

I have just this year began to work again. I decided to get
a part time job. I got a job 3 hours of a morning as a special
education teacher's aide at a school up the road from the
house. Working with boys from the ages of 8 to about 14. A
week later I got a job for 3 1/2 hours of the afternoon at
the same school as a librarian. I have found I love being
around the kids. Working with them and watching them
finally understand something you are trying to teach
them is a great reward. They can be a handful sometimes
but they are so much FUN.

I have been online now for about the past two years. Let me
be the first to say it has been an adventure. I have met some
special people who have become like family to me. People like
Aunt Dolores she is the one who hooked me up to trying this
homepage. Have a look at her page if you can. I have also
reconnected with some old friends I hadn't spoken too
in years. This is my first try at a homepage but I think it is an
educational project.I hope you enjoy my page.

I enjoy my computer immensely. It became my "best friend"
last year when I had to let my son go off to school. I
love to buy and sell things on Ebay, chat on ICQ and just
surf the net. I also enjoy reading romances, cooking,and
collecting lighthouses and antique milk bottles.

Please take a few minutes and look at the tribute page to
Deputy Rick Coyle, a fallen HERO of the Greene County
Sheriff's Department.

Come sail away and enjoy the cruise.

Codys page
In Memory of Rick Coyle
Aunt Dolores's String of Pearls

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Please take a minute and sign my Guestbook!


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