Sympathies from Arvada, Colorado...

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God's Garden

Updated: April 20,2000

Cassie Bernall * Steven Curnow * Corey Depooter * Kelly Fleming * Matthew Kechter * Daniel Mauser
Daniel Rohrbough * Dave Sanders * Rachel Scott * Isaiah Shoels * John Tomlin * Lauren Townsend * Kyle Velasquez
-These beautiful children and very brave teacher will never be forgotten - Their lives were short. Their deaths were a senseless tragedy, who will ever be able to make any sense out of it? I cannot...

Terrified Tears

The face of an angel is all that is here,
One beautiful freckle equals one terrified tear.
Not ready to leave but has to go,
Wants to go back but God says no.
Leaving your life is a scary thought,
I guess it's something that can't be fought.
A mother, a father, a sister, and friends,
A meaningful life that suddenly ends.
An angel is what she was meant to be,
Now just think of all they can see.
Looking over their family night and day,
Saying I love you in their own special way.
In the night we sleep, in the day we cry.
They watch us all from their stars in the sky.

~Lyndsie Chlowitz

We need to keep praying for their friends and families and those who are still trying to heal physically and emotionally...

It's so strange that life just keeps moving on after something like this has happened- yet for these lives- how can anything make this day dissappear ? ... What can ever replace children they no longer have - watching their children grow up day by day ! Too many of us so easily take that for granted at times... I cannot imagine anything worse...

* Ann Marie Hochhalter - My heart and prayers go out to you again in this horrible time.... You have lost your mother now... I cannot begin to imagine what pain you must have... I wish there were something I could do for you ...10/99

* * April 20, 2000 * *

One year has passed today... The community here is still grieving and feeling the loss and still it seems unimaginable what took place here in our school and community and there will never be a solid WHY or HOW ... The 2 individuals we desperately need answers from... they are gone and will never face us... That is such an unsettling, horrible feeling! But life in Colorado is still moving day by day... Everyone seems to be in a different place in their healing. Which I guess is "normal" if there should be such a thing. I'm sorry to see all the pain remaining and attempts at still holding someone here physically to take responsibility. Each person must do what is necessary for them to heal - While some of us simply need to let go in a way, others will need to fight... No one can really judge or understand another's motives or feelings in the wake of all this- how can we ? I personally do not feel any reason for anger towards the Jeffco police or the Klebold's or Harris'... I feel for these people in a way as well- Especially Mr. & Mrs. Klebold and Mr. and Mrs. Harris and their families... They have suffered sooo much - I pray that people can see that - not only did they lose their children to their own child's violence, but they have not received the love and support the rest of the community has...And they must have more unanswered why's and what if's than any of us- these were their children ! I can't even begin to fathom their horror ! They have been treated with contempt and hate and I'm so sorry that they have to endure that !! It hurts that much more to me ! As a parent, can you ever begin to understand how they could possibly feel? I cannot and never want to. Is it possible to learn ourselves and then teach others to love more in our paths and hate less - even when we feel it's undeserving... Life is tooo short ! *

Choose Life...

Life is precious, but God takes it away-
Why, we just don't know.
And in time we come to accept
That it was their time to go.

But what happens when one takes his or her own life,
Leaving loved ones in despair-
Why did this person not understand: There are people here who care.

Peers understand it's hard to cope when pressures get too great,
But choosing death should not be your only choice or fate.

So when life's problems get you down and you cannot see the end,
Find the time to call someone- anyone, a stranger, peer, or friend.

~Lilian Gamble

Let's not forget that there were two more souls lost in this tragedy... These too were somebody's babies! I pray for us all as children of God to remember to love as many as we can... friends and those that are lost - show love to as many as we can as much as we can ! And do not give in to hate! Teach our children the value of human life - others as well as their own ! Please pray for the families of these two young men for they are surely hurting as well...

Eric Harris * Dylan Klebold
These two do not deserve mercy, you say...; if they were deserving, it would not be mercy...

Columbine High School April 20, 1999

For those who lost their lives ...

God looked around his garden and found an empty place

He then looked down upon the earth and saw your frightened face

He put his arms around you and lifted you to rest

God's garden must be beautiful; He always picks the best

He knew that you were suffering

He knew you were in pain

He knew that you would never get well on earth again

He saw the road was getting rough

And the hills were hard to climb

So He closed your weary eyelids and whispered PEACE BE THINE

It broke our hearts to lose you, but you didn't go alone

For part of us went with you the day God took you home

~Anonymous friend

For those friends and families of the victims @ Columbine - those who died and survived and also the family of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold - our hearts go out to you all in this time of loss and healing...
God bless every one of you - all the children and families everywhere - Never stop praying and trusting in our Lord Jesus Christ until we join these angels again...

"No Matter What Happens..."

Friend of Mine (Columbine)

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As of May 29, 1999

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