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Poems by Joe Silva
All writings on any linked page are copyrighted by the
author unless specified. For use permission please
email me by clicking here
Maybe Next
We race through the week
a moment in
When do we stop and say
Jesus, you're
Maybe on Sunday,
If we don't have a
Monday's no good,
My schedule's
Tuesday'd be fine
If I'm not workin'
til eight
Wednesday's ok,
But it's laundry
All the hustle and bustle
runnin' around
Rushing and racing
Uptown and
Thursday's out too,
I've got to work
Friday's no good,
I've got a
We keep rushing,
Trying to keep
We hurry and push,
Testing our
Saturday's out
The car's in the
Maybe next week,
Or maybe not
Joe Silva, August 1, 1999
You Are Not
There are times in this life
When things don't seem right
And as hard as you try
You just can't understand why
You're not alone my friend
We are there with you
We will walk the road ahead
You and me, and Jesus too
We'll climb the hills
We'll cross the streams
You, me and Jesus
We make a winning team
You're not alone my friend
We are there with you
We will walk the road ahead
You and me, and Jesus too
When we reach the finish line
We can finally look back
We'll see, finally at that time
Love filled in the gaps
You're not alone my friend
We are there with you
We will walk the road ahead
You and me, and Jesus too
For Nancy, Joe Silva, July 27, 1999
Ode to
I wish I would have said
When you were around
I've learned that I can
be a man, Dad
Following your prints in the
I remember you taught me
To tie my
shoes in a bow
You taught me to catch a
And keep the car on the road
didn't build an empire
Just a cabin on some
You didn't leave millions
But you made my
life grand
Not many will remember
Now that
you're gone
I'll carry your name, Dad
proudly pass it on.
(Joe Silva, Feb. 19, 1982)
Our son
You gave our life it's
Full of joy and bright
Dark curly
And a perfect little nose
We counted ten
fingers and toes
We thanked the Lord
gave us a little boy
Your life gave us meaning and
Even when you'd only eat
Macaroni and
cheese for lunches
We loved you bunches
on your own
You learned to ride a bike
I don't mind sayin' it was quite a sight
went to Jesus
Before we were ready
We tried to
be strong, and steady
What are you doing
Playing with the angels I wonder?
with God's thunder?
Strong and
Taller than me
A young man now you'd
Smart as a whip
A heartbreaker for
As you matured
Used to say when you were
"I love Jesus in my heart"
Even then you were
pretty smart
(Joe Silva, Sept. 1998)
What side of the cross are you
Will you die with your head held low
Or with
Christ will you go to paradise
What side of the
cross are you on
The thief on the one side of
Said Master remember me
Then Jesus said
this day will you be
With me in
The thief on the other side of
Profaned and cursed His name
He died that
day with no one to blame
What side of the cross
are you on
(Joe Silva, 1994)
If I could feel His
Just one more time again
Then I could see
His beauty
Instead of wretched sin
But I've
strayed so far from that old altar
I'm stained
again with sin
I'm reaching out to Jesus
He might take me in again
I'm reaching out o
Oh Master hear my cry
I've not found the
worldy pleasures
That once had caught my
The lights and the sounds, they've only
hurt me
Like clay Potter, make me o'er
reaching out to Jesus
I want to love Him
My path is oft' so rocky
My feet so
sore and raw
I've heard my master speaking
think I'll answer to His call
I've found my
place among the fold
My heart so warm and
I'm reaching out to Jesus
Thank God for
amazing grace
(Joe Silva, 1982)
Holy is the Lord
Mighty is His
Greatly to be praised
His father and Him
the same
Holy is the Lord
Mighty is His
Greatly to be praised
This is no
children's game
Fellow Christian
Sharpen your bible sword
We're going
into battle
Against the enemy of our
Our weapons are not carnal
Our foe's
not flesh and blood
Our armour's gird about
Our power comes from above
There's a
battle in the heavens
Our souls are at
our commander died at calvary
Our war cry is HOLY!
walls will crumble down
We'll sit with Him in
Where the lion will lay down
Silva, 1991)
An unkept grave
Such a sad
sight to see
An unkept grave
I hope
somebody thinks more of me
Gra'm or
We think so much of thee
But time
we have so little of
I guess I'll think of
(Joe Silva, 1979)
(I wrote this
after visiting my grandmothers gravesite in Eureka,
you Lord
It's you, I know
With each movement of your Spirit
You show
I'm yours Lord
I'm yours, you know
I want the world to know
That your love has
set me free
The things that I own
My car
and my home
They're not so much
That I cannot
live for you
You've done so much
In so
little time
The things that I have
I cannot say
are mine
You've given me
Life so
I'm just glad
That you died just for
(Joe Silva, 1978)
If I grow old
still be more precious than gold
And if I stay
I'll still serve them as one
If my
mama never serves Him
And my daddy dies in
I'll love Christ
'till in time the end is
If my brothers never know Him
my sisters go their way
I'll live in
And in Christ I will stay
If I
live Christ will glory
if I die I will gain
I'll die only to rise
To rise once
(Joe Silva, 1976)
If you have original poetry or song lyrics you would
like to have posted on this page, please click
here: I have
Here is some original work sent
along by a reader. Send your's too, if you'd
She loved the honest question
And could talk a country mile
She seldom passed a stranger
Without a sincere smile
She loved and laughed with children
Her heart would dance and sing
To throw aside the cloak of age
And to fly her kite in spring
She loved the flowers fragrance
And the misty southern nights
And the laughter of her family
And the starry winkly lights
The world it never saw her
And Heaven only knows
The beauty of the heart she hid
A dewdrop on a rose
For dewdrops are so fragile
Refreshing and so clear
But with the suns bright scorching
They all but disappear
And could our eyes be blinded
Tho often by our side
There stands a fading dewdrop
With a heart of gold inside.
She loved all Gods creation
Loved to breathe the mountain air
And everytime a need was shared
You could usually find her there
And trouble tho it found her
And the world saw only woe
God gave her friends the eyes to see
His dewdrop on a rose
Linda Denise Moser ©1999
Soldier for Him
Lift high the cross
His banner choose
I pledge Him this my life
I cannot ever lose
His blood He shed for me
Calls out for Godly men
To stand and fight the fight
Soldiers committed to Him
I don't look back
Faith is my shield
Prayer paves the way
To take the battlefield
And Satan will fall
And evil will fail
The Word of the Lord
God's sword will prevail
The battles rage
I count the cost
To gain this my life
It must be lost
No room for compromise
For quiet secret sin
From this day forth I stand
A soldier committed to Him
Linda Denise Moser © 1999
God Is Calling
Satan sounds his siren song
Deceiving with his lies
We kill our babes, and families fall,
And hate is on the rise
And innocence is shattered
And hearts are torn in two
And God is calling out to me and you
We cannot change the answer
By old familiar ways
When men of God do nothing
And seldom even pray
And promises are broken
And hearts are so untrue
Our God is calling out to me and you
Look around dear saints of God
And see the mighty war
Satan is a Lion boldly
Prowling at our door
Our TVs blare, computers chat
The world is all askew
And God is calling out to me and you
In earnestness and humbleness
And on our knees today
We bow before the throne of God
And in our hearts we pray
Oh Father God forgive us
And help us start anew
Our God is calling out to me and you
Linda Denise Moser © 1999
Walking Wounded
She combs her curly auburn hair
and with a ribbon ties
Reflection catching in the mirror,
she bows her head and sighs
Her haunted past of sadness
has deeply etched her face
She wonders what her life will be,
a stranger in this palce
She's the walking wounded,
travelling all alone
And tho her family loves her,
shes wandered far from home
She is needing Jesus
to heal and set her free
Is she Gods assignment
to test our reality?
He stands out on the highway,
thumbing for a ride
Raindrops fall around him
and mask his tear filled eyes
His life is all but torn apart,
and to the world laid bare
He feels the cold indifference,
and wonders who will care
He's the walking wounded,
travelling all alone
And tho his family loves him,
he's wandering far from home
He is needing Jesus
to heal and comfort be
Is He Gods assignment
to test our reality?
On an average Sabbath morn
Gods children meet the day
With worship to their Holy God,
to fellowship and pray
He and she attend this church
and much to their surprise
Folks just talk among themselves
and most avert their eyes
They are the walking wounded,
travelling all alone
Distanced by the wounds they bear,
their hearts long for a home
And home is in the Fathers heart;
Gods love in you and me
Will our hearts embrace them
and will we ever see
Be warmed, be filled be happy,
will never fill their plate
And is not our indifference
as surely cruel as hate
Assignments sent from Jesus
may open up our eyes
To see the walking wounded
as our kinfolk (family) in disguise
Linda Denise Moser © 1999
Here is some work from another writer. I pray you will be blessed as you continue to spend time here in Joe's Chapel.
The Creator of My Life (song)
Lord, You are my refuge and my rock
I cry out to You for Your strength and wisdom
Who gave the mountains their beauty and splendor?
Who arranged the blades of grass so perfectly?
It was the great and awesome God who created me.
You breathed the breath of life, which set my heart aflame!
You are my Creator and my Father
I lift my eyes to none other but You
Never will you let me go, never will you leave me
You gave Your life for me that I might live with You forever
Please, use me as an instrument to full-fill Your will
You are the Creator of my life!
#1 (poem..short psalm kinda thing)
I know that You are always beside me, but why is it so hard to
When I am out on the battlefield Your power fills my soul
Without You, I have nothing
Why can't I cast all my burdens upon You?
Help me
Is it fear of the unknown?
#2 (poem..short psalm kinda thing)
Everyday I walk around my campus wondering if people realize and
appreciate You amazing love
Make my thoughts a reality, that I should give everything to You,
as if I
would see Your face tonight
Lord, I love You and I praise Your name
Give me the courage to stand for You
#3 (poem..short psalm kinda thing)
Lord, why have so many strayed from Your flock?
There is a burning desire, of something, to fill the void inside of
Although they have been taught the Truth from birth, they are
like hungry lions hunt for a meal
Open their eyes and their hearts
Show them that You alone fill their void
#4 (poem..short psalm kinda thing)
Amidst the confusion my eyes look to non-other but You
You are my comfort; I take refuge in Your presence
Amazing and awesome God, who will never leave my side
I strive and strive, but never will I come close to loving You as
much as
You have loved me
Some People (songish poem...heh)
Walking up and down the street each and every day
Got to share the One who gave His life away
Sometimes I'm afraid to spread the Truth I know
How selfish is the moan who wouldn't help his only foe.
Trying to save the world
But blind to one true thing
It's not us who save the world
Bu the God who's kingdom reign.
I don't wanna be like some people
Always needn' the applause from the crowd
I don't wanna be like some people
All I wanna do is please the big guy in the clouds.
Precious Moments (song)
Lord take me past my will
Let me realize You know what's real
Consume all my selfish wants
And use me as you want
What have I been doing all my days?
Wasting precious moments and walking in my ways
Take all that I am and ever will be
Oh, Lord, please take and use me!
I am only here to serve You
Oh Lord to walk beside You
I am only here to worship You
All my life!

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