Welcome to Panther Creek Farm's Guestbook!

Gores Miniature Horses - 12/21/00 01:31:01
My URL:http://goresminies.homestead.com/index.html
My Email:gore246@sccoast.net

You have a nice site.

Heddy Reyes - 08/20/00 18:48:29

I just wanted to let you know you have a very nice web page ,as well as some very beautiful horses signed your sister in law always Heddy Reyes

Rozanne - 06/29/00 21:34:29
My URL:http://lonestarminiatures.com
My Email:lonestar@lonestarminiatures.com

Carol...checking out your website since we used the same designer. Have you seen ours? www.lonestarminiatures.com What do you think of ours? I like yours. I liked the guestbook idea so much I'm having Jess give me one, too. Rozanne

jade hoefs - 06/29/00 03:50:55
My Email:catafly@aol.com

hi carol!!

Annette - 06/07/00 19:22:04
My Email:Annette.Whitehead@twc.state.tx.us

Love the sight. Just found out you had one.

buster - 02/26/00 15:32:19


Linda Apgar - 02/16/00 12:11:09
My URL:http://minihalfpints.server101.com
My Email:MHalfPints@aol.com

Hi Carol, and thanx for stopping by and visiting us on the web. You have some beautiful horses. I fell in love with Arista and Richie. This is our first foaling season, and we can't wait! Nice driving cart..Congrats on the Wins!! Our minis are soooooo spoiled!

Kalin - 02/03/00 01:31:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/killer_horse
My Email:masterpiece@usa.com

Very nice page! Your horses are beautiful! Keep up the good work!

Anna Irvin - 01/25/00 07:13:47
My Email:AnnaIrvin@webtv.net

Carol, Great website. I don't know if you remember me, it has been a while since I have shown mini's. Well, I am getting started again. I have Zoar's Gutierrez's Black Velvet. She is having her first foal this year. She is beautiful - we have high hopes. I'll ch ck in when I can afford a new mare.

Tabetha - 11/29/99 01:25:29
My URL:http://www.velocity.net/~silicate/index.html
My Email:bfminis@hotmail.com

Very nice site!

Laura - 11/03/99 20:48:34
My Email:startrax@usa.net

Looks good.

Barb Steele - 10/15/99 03:24:27

Your horses look great Carol and Bob. I enjoyed visiting your website. Nite Shadow is Big Sky Nite Shadow.

Jess - 10/08/99 16:58:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/minihorse/
My Email:minihorse@yahoo.com

Just testing out the guestbook!

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