Beach Boy song could be playing if Midi Player instead


       Pepe's Birdie Page tweety.gif (8775 bytes) 

     Pepe is the coolest Quaker parakeet I know.  Of course the bird is the only one I own so I am a little prejudiced.   He came into our lives about 2 months ago, after being born in the wild.  (if you want to call a palm tree in the Naval Base of Puerto Rico the wild)   Anyway he (or she) was about 8 weeks old when we adopted it.  We hand fed for about 2 weeks then Pepe was weaned and ready to go.  I brought the bird home for our oldest daughter who had tried to rescue an injured bird, but it only lasted about 3 days.  So I thought Pepe would be a nice cure. I didn't realize that I would get more attached to this bird than any pet we've had before. 


  Pepe is cuddly, mischievous, sometimes aggravating but such a great delight.  Our 3 kids enjoy spending time with him.  Unfortunately it usually ends as soon as the poop comes!  My husband wasn't to crazy about the idea of a bird in the house.  Both of us was aware how loud and messy birds can be.  Of course using the excuse of a bird for our daughter helped sway him in the right direction.   My husband now spends time with Pepe talking, cooing and of course those little cuddly things we do. 

  So far we have only been able to teach him to do the "cat call" whistle.  But we have faith that Pepe will talk when ready. 


  We have never had a bird before so researching information about these birds has been real  fascinating.  I hope when we get back  to the states to become a backyard breeder for these wonderful birds.  In the meantime I guess I better find out what sex it is.  You cannot tell by just viewing the bird, so most people get sex determined professionally or just put a pair of parakeets together and see if they mate. 

  Our dogs were a little confused when we brought Pepe home, since they are use to chasing birds out of the backyard as soon as their released.  But they have grown to tolerate eachother, as long as the family keeps giving them their sharing of loving. 


Pepe loves to eat leftover cereal (Lucky Charms & Captain Crunch is his favorites), banana peels, dried fruit, strawberries and everybody's nails...ouch!  He still receives his diet of pellets and seeds.  He's just a little spoiled.  Thank you for visiting our site I hope to have a better upclose picture of our beautiful "Pepe" soon.



 Pepebab.gif (44377 bytes)    Our new bird on day 1.  




Pepnik.gif (82866 bytes)  Nikki our youngest posing with Pepe.   



Pepfoxwo.gif (56283 bytes)  Joe with Pepe, Foxy and Wolfy our Pomeranian dogs. 

  I f your interested in some good Quaker parakeet links please choose and be my guest:   

Quaker FAQs 


Great List of Frequent questions asked by new owners. 

Quaker State Regulations 


Listing of States and regulations for ownership. 

Quaker Humor 


This page has a must poem for Quaker lovers. 

Avian Yellow Pages

This page has a very large index of who does what and where.


Great site with all kinds of information on Quaker Links and lots more!







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