The Music Credit Page

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This page is a listing of what music I utilized for the following pages, just in case anyone is curious.  Oh yeah, and why I like it.   I love musicals, oldies

and New Age


The Bass Pond Homepage

"This is various music" by Enya.  I love her music, it is  cross of Celtic and New Age.  She produces all of her own music on synthesizers and stuff.

Meet the Kidz

"Grease" by Frankie Vallie.  The kids love this musical and wanted it on the page. 

In the Navy

"America" by Neil Diamond. I love his music.  To me this song is patriotic and I love it.

Cuckoo for Quakers

"California Dreaming" by the Mama's and the Papa's. Another oldie, I love their harmonics. 

Pompous for Pomeranians

"Man of La Mancha" I don't know who did the original recording from the musical, but you gotta love it.  I don't know the real name of the song, so I just put the Movie title.

Chelsea's Homepage

"Colors in the wind" from Disney.  My daughter really enjoyed this film and liked this song.

Deep in the Heart of   Texas

"La Bamba" by Richie Valenzuela and Los Lobos also.  Always enjoy the spanish music.  Must be the Mexican in me.


"Riu Riu Chiu" by (I don't know).  But my sister sang it in a choir in high school and I loved it ever since. It is an Spanish (I think) Celtic Christmas song and I needed to get it in somewhere. 

Enjoy the Music

"American Pie" by (Another I don't know). I remember growing up to this song.  My brothers really loved this one.  I didn't realize until a couple of years ago that it was written about Buddy Holly after his death.



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Most Midi's Were Picked up At

Lyn's Midi Heaven

Graphic Notes

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