hubby and I have worked in the U. S. Navy for over 35 years put together. The Navy
has given us many opportunities to make some really wonderful friends and experience
things we couldn't have possibly done anywhere else.
Being raised in South
Texas did not provide alot of opportunities for jobs. So joining the Navy seemed the
logical solution to traveling, getting a job and moving away from home. It
definitely made me grow up fast, with some growing pains but that comes with the
territory. I really just wasn't interested in continuing with an education out of
high school.
My favorite tour was in
London. I was single, no credit cards and just was impressed by everything seeming
to be older than our country! I'll never forget visiting Buckingham Palace (the
roundabout outside of course) the night before Lady Diana and Prince Charles got
married. There must have been thousands of people just partying and having a good
time. I didn't stay to eyeball her the next day, but we had a TV at work to
follow everything through the BBC. I always recommmend to my Navy friends, go to
London if you ever get the chance, it is the best tour I ever did in my life!

My tours include:
1980 - RTTC Orlando, Florida, company K114
1981 - NSGA Ft. Meade, Maryland
1981 - NTTC Corry Station, Pensacola, Florida
1981 - NCU London, UK
1983 - Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal
1985- NTTC San Diego, Ca.
1986 - NCTS Rota, Spain
1989 - Washington Naval Yard, Washington DC
1993 - Keesler AFB, Ms
1993 - NSGD San Diego, Ca.
Aug 1996 -
NSGA Sabana Seca, PR