May 1, 2003
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cursus nec, luctus a,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent vestibulum molestie lacus. Aenean nonummy hen
Praesent vestibulum molestie. read more..
Spring Break Fun

Victor visited Moody Garden in Galveston on his spring break holidays. He got to
pet penguins, his most favorite animals for now. He was also poked
by the penguin in the picture at his forehead because he leveled down near him
too much. Fortunately, he's o.k. and we all adults said that he was so lucky to
be kissed by penguin!!.

Winter holidays - The most fun part that Victor enjoyed for his winter holidays
was to be at anywhere that covered with snow. He loved to play snow ball
and tubing. We were at Reno in the picture.
Winter Vacation in C.A.
We had our real vacation this year in C.A.
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