Read Me First!!!

The quickest way to find someone in the trees is to "Control F" on each page and type in a portion of their name. The "index" that was being created did not work.

The family names listed above are ones of which I am very proud.  Some of the information has come from memories instead of documentation, so I leave room for clarification/correction.  

If you find any broken links, PLEASE let me know!


Email Me with

family information!!!

This site was last updated on 5/29/2006.

There are still some updates that were lost in my computer crash or that have not been posted.

The Tree
Life wasn't always easy; but she never did complain. 
Though I saw her shed a leaf or two; when cold November's came. 
How her arms spread wide & welcomed, any weary nesting soul. 
Vast numbers took their comfort there; in spring and winters' snow. 
When August sun's beat down on me, I rested 'neath her shade, 
And warmed myself in winter with the firewood she gave. 
Played beneath the shelter of her strong and sturdy limbs, 
Swung from her branches happily with all my childhood friends. 
In her bark, I carve initials of those sweethearts long forgot, 
from her branches, hang my medals, hide my secrets in her knots. 
From her seeds, I grew an orchard; in her leaves I made a bed, 
& when I thought to give up...her trunk spoke, "forge ahead!" 
I gaze now through her branches, far past where eyes can see, 
& every bough uncovered, tells that much more of ME! 
& I proudly bear the markings of her awesome history, 
Oh she started but a seedling...and became my family tree.