Hello Everyone!!
I apologize for our site being closed down. I've had a hard time finding time to update it and I've been leaving it half done for a few years now. That's not acceptable to me, I would prefer it to be in working order or not here at all! :-) I don't want to totally remove or delete it and have to start from scratch in case the HTML bug bites me again! One day, when my house is organized, I'm all (or at least mostly) caught up on my Scrapbooking and Stamping, I actually have a few extra minutes, I may open again. I'm starting to make my own graphics...getting away from some of the "Country" decor, looking to do alot of fun colors and such-so I've got a big project ahead of me. Sooo..for now, this message stays up. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.
Thank you!

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