Hi, this is Cindy Jo. Won't you please take the time to sign my guestbook and let me know how you liked my site? Please share a little about yourself and your family too!

Jeannette - 11/26/00 02:19:12
My URL:http://nwwebhosting.net/cody
My Email:netty@nwwebhosting.net
From: Shoreline, WA
Favorite URL: compassionatefriends
your daughter is truely an angel. What a blessing she was to touch your (and mine)lives. Your story touched my heart so deeply and I am sorry you had to make a page like this. (((hugs)))

wanita - 11/16/00 17:23:20
My URL:http://members.home.com/wanita1/lissa.html
I'm so sorry about the loss of your beautiful little girl. Your website is beautiful.

Mary Catherine Jones - 11/16/00 15:00:35
My URL:http://www.chucksinheaven.com
My Email:mcjones@msc.net
From: Mound City, MO
Favorite URL: /trust11296/Pageq100.html
How did you find me?: TCF Sharing Letter
Your tribute to your precious little angel Michelle is so very touching, Cindy Jo. It's now been 8 years for me...almost 9 and 7 for you. I don't know if we'll ever feel very "normal" again, but one thing is for certain. As long as there is life left i our bodies our children shall live on through us. May God bless you and yours! You are in my heart. (((HUGS TO YOU!)))

Vivian Little - 11/16/00 14:36:12
My Email:vlittle@Meridianagg.com
From: Aurora, CO, USA
How did you find me?: TCF Atlanta
Your daughter Michelle is a beautiful little lady. Her smile does light up her whole self. Her memorial web page is beautiful. My son Shawn was killed in an auto accident Jan. 1998. He is forever 26. He was my life. I miss him so.....

Helen Christian - 11/16/00 14:02:25
My URL:http://www.chickpages.com/poetrypod/hollyhobbie
My Email:HCfromGA@webtv.net
From: Loganville, GA
How did you find me?: TCF sharing
This is a beautiful tribute to your precious lttle girl. I grieve with you in you loss. I have also lost a daughter. Reading about Michelle and all her many tallants, I look forward to meeting her in Heaven some day. She was a beautiful little girl and I now you miss her so much. My prayers are with you and all of your family. My daughter was 35 and had cancer. She had a little boy 4 years old. She was a wonderful mother. She died on January 1, 1998 after two surgeries, three types of chemo and radiation. She tried so hard to live for her little boy. We look forward to being with her again in Heaven in God's timing. My love and prayers are with you ---- Helen (Cathy's Mom)

Grandpa and Grandma Bear - 11/04/00 19:34:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/grandpabear_2001
This is Grandma Bear again. Sorry, but i typed the url wrong. This is the correct one. Bless You

Grandpa and Grandma Bear - 11/04/00 19:21:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/grandbear_2001
My Email:DM65@webtv.net
From: Fremont, NE
How did you find me?: Angeljeh@iland.net
Dear Cindy Jo and Family, We have just visited your web=site for Michelle Marie Greever. It is so full of love. she accomplishe so much in her short life, and so much more even after her death. Saving lives, and giving two men sight, how very proud of her you must be. It's been years, but we know the pain is still there. Life isn't always fair. God isn't punishing you or failing to answer your prayers. It's just life happening. You gave so much in love. Thank You for sharing your beautiful daughter with us. You have touche our hearts, and our hearts go out to you. God's Blessings to You All. Grandpa and Grandma Bear ^i^ ^i^ {{{Hugs}}}

Susan Wheeler - 10/30/00 15:52:58
My Email:susan_w25@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: searching for christmas plays and skits
Your page is very beautiful and Machelle was a very beautifull girl.I can relate to having lost a child.My beautiful baby boy (Dylan Kyle) went to be with the Lord on July 25th 1996.His kiddneys failed.The holidays and birthdays are very hard but I get th u them with the help of God.I don't know how I would have got thru it without him.I don't know if you know the Lord (personally) but I can tell you from experience that he's the best and closet friend you'll ever have.Maybe you do and maybe you don't kno God but I just thought I'd share the Love of Jesus with.May God bless you and your family.

David - 10/27/00 12:59:42
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/mineryhomepage/67accident.html
My Email:buickman67@yahoo.com
From: Indiana
Favorite URL: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/3292/page11.html
How did you find me?: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/8464/memorial/memorials/scheck.html
You have made a beautiful Memorial for Michelle Marie. She really does look like an Angel and now she is. I am sorry that she cannot still be with your family here, but I am sure she is always watching you all. My thoughts are with you. "Old Iron" Dav

Terry - 10/09/00 00:54:25
My URL:http://members.aol.com/wntplus3/index.html
My Email:wntplus3
From: ny
Favorite URL: http://members.aol.com/wntplus3/index.html
How did you find me?: through healing hearts (i think)
Dear Michelle, This letter is to you. I just looked at your web page and i see how beautiful a little girl you are. And on your page there is an angel on the first page that is totally you. I lost my daugher Ashley when she was 5 yrs 3 months old, i met your mom on the internet, we never met in person, but i dont think that matters. i know you never met Ashley in person and im sure you are watching over her now. You are a few yrs older than Ashley and i know you are taking care of her since everyone loved her gentle kin spirit. and from what i see of you and what your mom tells us you are the same gentle soul of a girl. i know your mom misses you very much as i miss my little girl but i also know you are ok as Ashley is ok in the everlasting light and love. Michelle tha ks for taking care of Ashley for me. And i want to say thank you to your mommy she is just one of the nicest people i have known here in this computer world. She is always there to help another parent who has lost a child. You made her a very special and oving soul, and i want to thank you for that. love always, Terry (Ashleys mom)

Michele Smith - 10/02/00 05:25:51
My URL:http://www.ecis.com~smith
My Email:smith@ecis.com
From: California
How did you find me?: donating page
I just wanted to say Hi. My name is Michele Marie also. Michele with one L though. Your daughter was such a lucky gal to be loved so much. It is so wonderful that you donated her organs. I hope if I am ever in that situation I am able to do that also God Bless you and your family.

Mike Vicki Gillette - 09/25/00 20:18:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/mikevickig
My Email:mikevick@swbell.net
From: Oklahoma
Favorite URL: this one
How did you find me?: another guest book
This is a beautiful memorial of your daughter. Check out our site sometime

Ethel Pontsler - 09/14/00 22:10:35
My Email:angelady@wcoil.com
From: Rockford, Ohio
How did you find me?: your e-mail to me...
Cindy, I've just sent you an e-mail in response to your very kind words about my artwork. I spent a good hour reading every single thing you have included about your lives with Michelle, who was with you for such a little while. Thank you for sharing yo r heart and your love. Many hugs...

Rosemary - 09/14/00 17:33:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/prnluez/Memorialtoluez.html
My Email:PRNLUEZ@prodigy.net
From: Southern California
How did you find me?: Your Mommy is my BFFE!
Dearest Michelle...'Happy Belated Sweet 16th Birthday' Sweetie! I know I am 3 weeks late, but I know that you know how much I thought about you on this day and always (not to mention how busy I've been in my life) and how I know the Angels must have had wonderful surprise Birthday party planned for you, because if I know my precious Angel Louise, she put it all together for you! Hope you all had a grand ole time in Heaven...oh what a beautiful celebration for sure! Dearest BFFE Cindy Jo: I want you t know even though we don't talk as much as we used to (everyday via snail mail), we will always be the BESTEST BFFE's as we were since the day we met 5 years ago on Michelle's Birthday when you answered my 'plea' on "Bereaved Parents Share..."; you are th best! Well I just wanted to come here and write in Michelle's guestbook because I feel so bad that I wasn't able to come write for her Birthday; but you know I always hold YOU and your family so close to my heart...I love you always...your BFFE...Rosema y, Mom FOREVER to Louise Antoinette

- 09/14/00 17:25:55

rhondaulmer - 08/28/00 14:19:56
My URL:http://rhondaulmer@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: With your help, Cindy
Love is best shared but comes with a cost. May God's love be our example. Your little one can never be snatched from His arms. What love, how can we understand it? May His glory be our longing in every thought and action, Michelle has learned it first hand.

TINA M. TAPPY - 08/28/00 07:08:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/davidadill
My Email:teetappy@bresnanlink.net
From: MICHIGAN...... USA.
How did you find me?: THROUGH ANOTHER WEBSITE...

Diane Cromer - 08/27/00 20:14:35
My Email:kake1lady@aol,com
Hi, just got home from 2 weeks vacation! Trying to read all the mail, e-mail, and do lanudry. Hope and pray you are all doing well. How was the b-day? Did you do anything special? Love Diane

Jo - 08/26/00 18:49:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/stream/2668/index.html
My Email:joeannsangels@yahoo.com
From: OH
How did you find me?: support group
Thinking of you, knowing those birthdays and anniversaries are doubly hard. What a great website for Michele. She is a sweet sweet girl.

Karen Gaines - 08/26/00 14:54:13
My Email:raykaren87@home.com
Happy belated Birthday dear Angel, You are greatly missed and we wish we could be celebrating with you. Love always, Karen

Harriet - 08/26/00 08:19:59
My URL:http://harriet.s.tripod.com/
From: Netherlands
How did you find me?: an angel sent me
A loving and touching memorial of a beautiful girl. I will spend a long time on your site sweet Michelle. Bless you and your loved ones.

Alberta DeCicco - 08/26/00 00:48:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ourangelschristinanmary
My Email:adecicco@pinehurst.net
How did you find me?: a friend
Happy Sweet 16 Michelle. Your Mommy is a wonderful lady and misses you very much. I know you are in Heaven with my girls and many of our friends children. Please have a great time in the Heavenly Playground and we will see all of you when it is our tim to join you. You are a beautiful little girl, oops, young lady. Keep up the good work coloring in the rainbows for us!!

- 08/25/00 16:38:44
Happy Birthday Sweet Angel Michelle. We will be thinking of you on this special day. Love, The Benson's

Debbie Tournear - 08/25/00 12:17:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/nashville/2329
My Email:card1@adams.net
From: Debbie Tournear
How did you find me?: Our group
Cindy, Your Michelle is so beautiful. I am sure she is the brightest shining star on her sweet 16th. My thoughts are with you Debbie Tournear

KAREN - 08/25/00 09:37:41
My URL:/Heartland/Ridge/8569
My Email:MARY22183@aol.com
From: CA/ Kentucky soon :-)
{{{{{{Michelle}}}}}}}}} I'm a few hours late in wishing you a Heavenly SWEET 16 BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I thought of your Mommie and prayed for her to remember the great memories you gave to her. Send a special gift for your Mommie on her birthday coming up soon. I love you and your Mommie VERY much. Love, Karen

trish florom - 08/25/00 03:27:16
My Email:florom@aol.com
From: portland, or
Thank you so much for sharing your story with me, often we feel as if we are the only person feeling pain and we forget the pain that others suffer from such tragedy. Your daughter is so beautiful, and I can tell she was a real angel here on earth.My son, Michael was always so happy and had a way of making others smile or cheering them up. I am a single mom, and many times I would be down, Michael would always tell me that he would take care of me and give me a hug and kiss. Michael's sisters were also wit him when this happened, my 13 yr old started cpr as my 15 yr old called 911. I was seconds away and was helpless. What a terrible feeling. My Michael lived the first 24 hours and then the nurses placed him in my arms , this is where he passed away. I MIS MY SON SO MUCH AND SOME DAYS i AM NOT SURE HOW i CAN MAKE IT WITHOUT HIM. I am trying to keep all his memories locked in my heart, but I just feel so much hurt, that I make it harder on myself. I have slept in his room since the day of his passing and vi it the cemetery everyday. I hope that I can find a way to cope with this. Please tell me how you made it through each day!!! I am so glad that you wrote me, because I now know that someone can help our family. THANK YOU, TRISH

Peggy Rogers - 08/25/00 02:25:34
My Email:Peggyrone@aol.com
How did you find me?: Angels with wings of Gold
Happy Sweet 16 Michelle, I feel I know you so well..You are so terribly missed here on this earth... May your light shine on forever lighting the way for those of us here on earth.. Cindy Jo, You have done a beautiful job with these pages.So much loved is contained in them..I am sure that Michelle is having a wonderful day today.. Take care and God Bless

Susan Umphress - 08/25/00 01:11:08
My Email:umphresss@wcoil.com
How did you find me?: heartangels
I know today is a tough day. Sweet 16 is tough. Just know many people are thinking and praying for your family today. Love, Susan Umphress

Maggie - 08/25/00 00:16:36
My Email:margret73@aol.com
From: Somerset, Ma.
How did you find me?: A Beautiful Mom,CindyJo
This is the most inspiring and beautiful memorial I have seen. Michelle is certainly a radiant and glowing angel. Thank you for sharing this with me.

Jamie - 08/25/00 00:09:14
My Email:JamieB5000@aol.com
From: MN
How did you find me?: e-mail loop
Cindy Jo & family, I'm thinking of you today, on Michelle's Sweet 16 birthday. I hope sweet memeories of your time with her will see you through! And Michelle, please send your family a sign that you're OK & you're with them in spirit! The work that you do Cindy Jo, is priceless. You'll never know how many lives you've touched! I know you'd give it up in a heart-beat, just to hold your little Michelle one more time. But I hope that knowing the blessings you are giving to the world in he honor can help to ease the burden of her loss. Take care, my friend! (((HUGS))) Jamie

LINDA - 08/24/00 23:41:10
How did you find me?: YOUR LETTER

Anne - 08/24/00 22:50:24
My Email:A1B2WIN@aol.com
From: SC
Cindy Jo, Thinking of you and your family on Michelle's 16th birthday. All days are hard but special occassions are so painful. Happy Birthday, Michelle. Anne

Phil & Erika Benson family - 08/24/00 22:04:12
My Email:benson@pionet.net

Cynthia - 08/24/00 21:21:20
My Email:cfpgap@aol.com
From: Nashville, Tn.
How did you find me?: Your Mama,my best friend
Michelle Happy Birthday to you! I know you are having a big party in heaven right now. But we all love you down here too, what a beautiful site or sites your Mom has made for you. I know you are so proud of her. We love you and your Mom very much! What a eautiful Angel you are!Love Ya, Cynthia

Omie - 08/24/00 21:18:36
My URL:/angelsofhearttoheart
My Email:vbruens@msn.com
From: WA State
Favorite URL: www.geocities.com/cindyjos
How did you find me?: My Precious Angel Michelle my Granddaughter
Happy Birthday sweet Angel Michelle! I know you are leading the heavenly choir as you did when you were here with us. Not a day goes by that you are not thought of countless times, you are always in my heart and I treasure the precious memories of the tim s we shared. I planted a garden just for you and the flowers are the sweetest, most beautiful because of you. Happy Birthday, sweet Angel, I love you forever. Always your Oma 24. August 2000

Deb - 08/24/00 20:48:41
My URL:http://coleslegacy.tripod.com
My Email:angelmom@ecenet.com
From: MN
How did you find me?: Your Mom
Dear Angel Michelle, Happy Sweet Sixteen Birthday! I know that you are having the most glorious birthday party in Heaven with all of your Angel friends, including my Angel Cole. Please say hello to him for me and tell him I Love him and miss him so. You have a very special Mom who has a heart of gold and is filled with so much love for you and others. She misses you so and it would be so very special if you could send her a sign today that you are with her today and always! Angel Hugs and Kisses to you today Michelle! And to Cindy Jo I keep you in my heart, thoughts and prayers today and always! Love ya, Deb

Elaine - 08/24/00 19:47:30
My Email:MissNisha@aol.com
How did you find me?: Emails
Dearest Cindy I love the job that you have done on this site, Happy 16th Birthday!!! And you have done a great job with the support Group and emails. I Wish you peace and happiness now and forever. Love Elaine {Mother of Tanisha-4-ever14} 6-19-81 to 6-4-96

Maria (Christopher's mommy) - 08/24/00 19:34:41
My URL:http://members.execulink.com/~bapar/memorial/member/maria/index.htm
My Email:LegoBeaver@aol.com
From: PA
Favorite URL: Maria's Tribute to Christopher
How did you find me?: from you!
Dearest Michelle - i hope that you are having the best sweet sixteen party in heaven ever. i feel as if you are part of my family too, from talking to your mommy about you. angel hugs and kisses, Maria Christopher's mommy forever

- 08/24/00 16:37:14
Favorite URL: http://www.geocities.comHeartland/Estates/4684

Betty - 08/24/00 16:21:18
My URL:/Heartland/Shores/3985/
My Email:a.vantulden@chello.nl
From: Lelystad, the Netherlands
My your angel have a wonderful birhtday in heaven!! Hugs from Holland

Sierra - 08/24/00 15:32:05
My URL:http://inmemoryofkatherine.homestead.com/katherinespage.html
My Email:ty21@home.com
Favorite URL: http://mydarlingkids.homestead.com/myhomepage.html
How did you find me?: From Michelle's mom!
I wish Michelle a very happy birthday in Heaven. I hope that she is haveing lot's of fun on those streets of gold and puffy white clouds. I know that she is a beautiful little Angel and I would like to say that you are doing a wonderful job with keeping her memory alive!

Jane Mower - 08/24/00 15:29:45
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/millenium/river/551/joey.html
My Email:ashel@pdq.net
From: Houston.Tex
How did you find me?: Friend
Dear Cindyjo. Please know you are in my prayers today, and always. !! HAPPY SWEET 16th BIRTHDAY SWEET ANGEL MICHELLE !! We Love You Sweet One. God Bless. Jane

Dawn Foiles - 08/24/00 15:26:21
My Email:dmfoiles@pacbell.net
Thanks again for sending me all these special things--about Michelle and the other web pages that glorify Jesus....they make my day!

cindyjo *Mother Hen* - 08/24/00 15:18:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/angelsofhearttoheart
My Email:cindyjo@email.msn.com
From: WA State
Favorite URL: www.geocities.com/michellemaries
How did you find me?: Mother to Angel Michelle Marie
My Dear Darling Daughter Michelle Marie ~ Today is your Sweet *16th* Birthday and I am comforted to be here, visiting with *you*...I know in spirit you are with me and never far, you are my brightest shining star, you are my beautiful little Angel Girl an you filled my world with your love and you fill my spirit with your love still...always and forever my sweet little baby chicken legs!! You were such a beautiful little baby, little girl, you changed my world...forever... Mommy will see you in a blink of time, for time knows no bounds and love knows no limits...Eternally and Forever your Mother Hen, Mommy....Happy *Sweet Sixteenth* my darling Michelle Marie...to the little girl that changed my world whom I always told in the year *2000* would turn..... *S eet 16* ~ Mother Hen ~ August 24th 2000 ~ JOHN 10:28-29

Laura - 08/24/00 15:18:41
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/CarpoolLn/laurabill/angels.html
My Email:angelcasey@netscape.net
From: SLC UT
Happy "Sweet 16" Michelle, may the party in Heaven light up the skies tonight. Laura (Casey's Mom)

kristine - 08/19/00 03:59:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/shores/9333/laurenmariewaller.html
My Email:k_colding@hotmail.com
From: tampa
How did you find me?: top sites
You have created a beautiful site for Michell.She was a pritty girl.I know the loss you fill i have also lost a child,she was also nine.She was killed in an accident.I did not get to donate her organs she was killed instantly and by the time i found out i was to late.I wish so much that i could have done that,I twould have made her death a little easyer to accept.Kristine

Jessica Loeb - 08/12/00 12:09:19
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/homepages/j/e/s/jessica3151
My Email:EchotaCIC@aol.com
How did you find me?: Freind
Dear Cindy Jo Even though I have only met you online for a few weeks now I feel as I know you and your family. Your memorial pages for your sweet adorable little angel Michelle is so full of love for her. What such a beautiful little one. I am always saddened when I hear of such a loss of any child especially the ones that seem to have so much sunshine in thier heart. Please know that my heart hurts right along with yours. Your new friend Jessica

Jeanne - 08/08/00 14:43:40
My URL:http://joshuataylorsharpe.homestead.com/joshua.html
My Email:joshua210312@msn.com
From: Oregon
How did you find me?: top memorial site list's
I am sorry to hear of your loss. you have created a wonderful tribute to your daughter. My son passed away from SIDS he was only 1 month old. Please come and visit him at his site

Nancy - 07/23/00 23:57:15
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/KellyCountry/Contents.html
My Email:Nkelly@connectcorp.net
From: Washington
God bless you and your family and your precious angel Michelle. May she be remembered forever and may your prayers and wishes be answered. She was a beautiful child and no doubt, makes a beautiful angel. God bless Nancy

Donna Scheck - 07/16/00 00:17:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/jul1199/index.html
My Email:jul1199@ncfreedom.net
From: Havelock NC
God bless you and your family. Losing a child is a pain that you can't put into words. I to have suffered that loss when my (2) youngest children were killed by a drunk driver on July 11, 99. My prayers are with you. Please know you are not alone.

kathy - 05/28/00 01:02:03
My URL:http://www.iol.ie/~gittons/kathyhome
My Email:gittons@hotmail.com
From: Ireland
How did you find me?: email
Thank you for sharing Michelle and your family with me. This site is a wonderful dedication to a wonderful Angel.

Paula - 04/30/00 01:15:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Garden/8535/
My Email:Halo4John@aol.com
From: Columbus , OH
How did you find me?: Race To Remember
Oh my goodness! Your "Brightest Shining Star In The Heavens" is so co-incidental to my "Johnathon~~Our Shining Star in Heaven!" I am so sorry for your loss...my prayers are with you now and forever! Hugs from Paula ~ Johnathons mommy 4-ever!

Stephanie - 01/20/00 00:20:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/jdsmemorial
My Email:bravehawk@wowmail.com
From: Ohio
How did you find me?: email from a friend
You have such a beautiful angel in Michelle. What a shame our children have to be torn from our lives so young. We can take heart in the fact that they are now in heaven awaiting our arrival and watching over us in the meanwhile.

Angelique - 01/16/00 04:28:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/River/7124
My Email:angel_leek@yahoo.com
From: Indiana - USA
How did you find me?: HeartAngels
I pray that you have comfort in knowing that your precious Angel Michelle is know shining down on you from Heaven. Until we hold our Angels again...God Bless!!

Pat - 01/15/00 03:42:34
My URL:http://members.aol.com/grannymaw1/index.html
My Email:MomtoMitzy@aol.com
From: Knox.Tenn.
How did you find me?: friends
Cindyjo,this is incrediable,it is so loving and certainly a tribute to a precious young lady taken at such a early age.I'm sure she is rejoicing in heaven choir with her many talents.What a lovely site it would be if we could just have a peak inside heavens gates and see our angels so loving and happy.Free from all the pain and heartaches we have on ea th.God's many blessings to you and your family.

Lindy - 01/07/00 02:19:19
My Email:lindybgoode@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: Iamanangel.com
Your web page is beautiful :o)

Wendy Stopper - 12/30/99 04:09:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/babyryankeith/
From: New York

Sandy-Anthony's mom - 12/28/99 22:38:22
My Email:kudo3204@aol.com
How did you find me?: through a friend....
No wonder you are so proud of your angel, Michelle Marie. She is truly a beautiful gift on earth and in heaven. My prayers and praise to you and your family for the strenght you have endured through all your sorrow and pain.

Beryle Wyatte - 12/18/99 01:44:37
My URL:http://www.oe-pages.com/FAMILY/Homepages1/bear1/
My Email:bear@hypermax.net.au
From: Australia
How did you find me?: Gift of Life Webring
Your website dedication to Michelle is very touching indeed. Michelle was such a beautiful girl. You are right about Michelle being the brightest star. It sounds like Michelle was a very special person to everyone she came in contact with. May time an support from others help heal the pain you are feeling with the loss of Michelle. Have a wonderful Christmas and God Bless you and your family.

Debby - 12/09/99 06:05:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pond/8395
My Email:dpues10098@aol.com
From: Calif
How did you find me?: iamaangel
Dear Cindy, thank you for your precious site of your precious Michelle. Such a beautiful family-and you are truly right, the brightest star. Her hair was beautiful-long and curly. Such a crowning glory to her God. Having a brain stem injury is so devas ating. Not many really realize what all occurs when the brain stem in damaged. I have to believe it is one of the worst things a person can have-I am so sorely sorry that she left you. I can only express my condolences-but we both know that our lives h ve been broken-until that bright day-reunion! Thank you for sharing.

rose - 11/15/99 21:50:55
My Email:roseangl7@aol.com
From: Michigan
How did you find me?: Signed my guestbook for my son Keith
Hello, I cant even find the words to say how beautiful your site is with all the flowers and butterflies. Your Michelle was so sweet and so talented and she sure is an Angel. I put your site in my favorites. I wanted to thank you for the sweet kind words you sai when you signed my Keiths guestbook. Keith just loved kids so I bet he is in Heaven with your daugher having a great time. Blessings and Peace, Love, Rose

Claudia Groh - 11/14/99 04:26:11
My Email:inthebarn@msn.com
From: Dayton Oregon
Such a cutie. Your site is perfect for her. I am sorry that your lost came to you when she was much younger then my Joanie. Special girl, otherwise God wouldn't of called her home. Take care, in God's speed may we all heal.

Frankie - 11/02/99 17:31:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wv/FranKiEsHoMEpaGE/index.html
My Email:d_frankie@hotmail.com
From: West Virginia
How did you find me?: Just surfed in
Very beautiful and sad webpage. I have a son who is her age, I can never imagine life without him. I can only pray I never know the pain you must feel.

Danita Colley - 09/16/99 04:24:37
My URL:http://inmemoryofgeoff.8m.com
My Email:webmaster@inmemoryofgeoff.8m.com
From: western , New York
How did you find me?: Gift of Life webring
I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious daughter. She's such a beautiful little girl... now a beautiful angel. I couldn't imagine losing a little one so young! I'll hug my little ones a little harder next time. Thank you for sharing her story. My sinc rest condolences to you and your family. God Bless

Peggy Clark - 09/15/99 14:56:55
My Email:PEG1252
I have been here before but didn't sign. Your web page is a beautiful tribute to Michelle. You are one of God's angels on earth. What you have done through the internet for me and many others to help us through our grief is truly appreciated. Thank you for opening your heart and sharing.

Pat Romines - 09/15/99 04:32:51
My URL:http://members.aol.com/grannymaw1/index.htmlhttp://
My Email:Grannymaw1@aol.com
From: Knox.Tn.
Favorite URL: My Mom Is A Survivor
How did you find me?: I am an angel
Cindyjo, your web sites are wonderful.They have really helped me in trying to deal with the death of my daughter.Thank you for sharing your time and wonderful talent with us.

Rachel - 09/10/99 19:51:40
My URL:http://www.clik.to/rachelanne
My Email:rachelad@yahoo.com
From: Michigan, USA
How did you find me?: a link
What a beautiful tribute to your lovely little girl! It brought me to tears! God Bless you and your family... I too have lost loved ones... My tribute to my Grandfather is on my page, in the poetry section, the one entitled "Peruvian Princess" if you would care to read it...

Debbie - 09/02/99 20:18:24
My Email:card1@adams.net
From: Cindyjo
How did you find me?: hpnet
Cindy it was nice talking to you on Icq and you have a very wonderful page here. Absolutely georgious. Debbie

Brittany Cymbor - 08/26/99 15:12:09
My URL:http://vitural-memorials.com
My Email:BBallCymba@aol.com
From: Derwood MD
Favorite URL: my friends memorial
How did you find me?: I was looking at my friends memorial
I know the pain people go threw because my friend died(Kelley Christine Bula)of cancer.She sounds so great to know an d sounds like a sweet person. Brittany

- 06/29/99 14:01:27

AngelCat - 05/23/99 22:36:51
My URL:http://www.megalink.net/~beanie/
My Email:beanie@megalink.net
How did you find me?: Gift of Life Ring
Such a precious little girl. What a blessing she must have been to you. I can't begin to express how Sorry I am that she had to be called away but perhaps you find solice in the fact that others are able to live because of your decision to make her life and her death meaningfull. bless you.. If you can get a chance to read my page you will see that I too have had a special Journey. I really feel the need to return something to the world for the blessings I have received. I try to encourage people to sig their donor cards and talk to their families about their wishes. It is the last gift we can give.

Michelle - 05/18/99 14:57:53
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/myoung2/personal/index.htm
My Email:Myoung2u@aol.com
From: Oklahoma
How did you find me?: e-mail compassionate friends
What a beautiful memorial to a very beautiful girl. She now is a angel watching over you.

Betty - 05/10/99 18:27:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Shores/3985/
My Email:tulden@xs4all.nl
From: Holland

A Random Act Of Kindness

Hi,just popped in to look at your new photo pages, they are really great! You can see that you lost so much weight...I am so proud of you! Hugs and love across the ocean. Enjoyed my stay on your pages very much!

kind heart - 04/19/99 17:06:06

A Random Act Of Kindness

Marie - 03/24/99 14:43:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/4084
My Email:mawre@netmcr.com
From: North Caroina
I came to your pages to see where you hid the egg and had a wonderful visit. It was a pleasure to meet you and your beautiful family. I am so sad at your loss of Michelle. By her pictures and your description of her, I could feel that she was a great b essing in your lives. There was an 8 year old killed yesterday in our area as she got off the school bus.

My Banner

Sassy - 03/22/99 02:09:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/8632
My Email:sassyinohio@geocities.com
How did you find me?: Ridge Egg Hunt
What a wonderful webpage!!! An egg brought me to you, but beauty kept me here! Your main page was very touching! Having lost my nephew almost two years ago (at age six), the thoughts and words on your page were very comforting to me. May the Lord, and your shining star, stay with you always. --Sassy

Maria - 01/27/99 06:15:31
My Email:agomez@sunnet.net
What a wonderful tribute to your daughter. I was very moved and felt the deepest sorrow for you and your family. Thank you for allowing everyone to share the lovely memories of your child.

Michael - 12/29/98 20:10:58
My URL:http://mbr-medical.neotown.com/1Donor
My Email:1Donor@neotown.com
From: Myrtle Beach, S.C.
How did you find me?: "Surfin"
What a very Beautiful Tribute you have for your daughter. You are a very special person.

Judi - 12/09/98 02:55:12
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Tweet24798/ShanesPage.html
My Email:Tweet24798@aol.com
From: Louisiana
How did you find me?: from a friend
I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful little daughter Michelle. You have done a wonderful job honoring her, this site is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing Michelle with me and others. She lives on in your heart and the hearts of others. Hugs from one angel mom to another.

Loran - 12/03/98 16:48:14
My URL:http://members.aol.com/bigben8152/index.html
My Email:bigben8152@aol.com
How did you find me?: Gift of Life Web Ring
I was very moved by your story...thanks so much for your gift(s) of life.

Monica Wadsworth - 12/01/98 07:12:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/1074
My Email:monica_r_w@hotmail.com
This is just as beautiful as your other page!!! You are a very special person, I can tell!!! I've given your addies to both pages to my sis and she'll be contacting you soon!!! Her name is Debbie Simpson. Thanx!!! May God Bless You and Yours Always!!!

Maria - 11/29/98 13:40:56
My URL:http://members.aol.com/AnglsWink/Shaneba.html
My Email:AnglsWink@aol.com
From: NYC
Favorite URL: all children's memorials
How did you find me?: signing a guestbook
I am so happy I found your page to Michelle. She is a precious child. So gifted and sensitive. Thank you for sharing her with everyone. I too know the pain of losing my daughters and I can understand how keeping their memory alive is so important. God ble s you.

Denise - 11/23/98 05:35:18
My Email:Neecer9@aol.com
From: Mich
How did you find me?: surfed on
I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter, my heart breaks for you and you family...what a beautiful tribute for your beautiful daughter..thank-you for sharing her wonderful life with me.......................My thoughts are with you.............Denise

Laura - 11/11/98 16:43:15
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/CarpoolLn/laurabill/angels.html
My Email:angelcasey@netscape.net
From: Utah
How did you find me?: A Guest Book
What a loving tribute to your daughter. She is an Angel. We have a very similar story, my daughter Casey was also hit by a car when she was 9 years old. She too, was able to give the gift of life after her death. I am still working on her web page but would be honored if you could take a moment to view it. Thanks for sharing your Angel with me. Laura (Casey's Mom)

Lauretta Huff - 11/10/98 03:01:26
How did you find me?: Cindy, my friend.
Today we had a nice day, I tried Cindy's homemade cinnamon rolls and bread and her good coffee. I am enjoying Cindy and her family's company, including her adorable Max! I think this web page is wonderful, I wish I could understand it, I have enjoyed it v ry much! Love your second MOM, Lauretta

Steen Brandt - 11/02/98 22:56:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Index.html
My Email:stone@mail1.stofanet.dk
From: Aarhus, Denmark
Greetings from Denmark, Betty told me about your lovely page.

Nancy - 10/28/98 21:39:00
My URL:http://walden.mo.net/~leeanne/index.shtml
My Email:leeanne@mvp.net
From: IL
How did you find me?: Webring
This is a beautiful tribute to your precious little girl. She will always be remembered as the precious little angel she was and is. My heart goes out to you and your family. May God be with you.

Inez Costa - 10/12/98 05:20:05
From: Modesto,California
Favorite URL: bereaved parent
How did you find me?: heartland/ridge/8557
Your tribute is absolutly beautiful,what a special gift to have.It is nice to have this place to share with all of us. God will walk hand in hand with all of us each day..Inez Costa..Alicia's Mom God Bless

Renee - 10/11/98 19:24:03
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Guitar4Luv/JOSHindex.html
My Email:renee@mwt.net
From: Wisconsin
Wonderful tribute to a beautiful girl!!!! Thank you for sharing the address with me!!

10/04/98 22:24:09
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

carol sias - 10/03/98 20:30:17
My Email:whisperintime@hotmail.com
Dear Cindy,, Wow! you have been a busy girl. These last two weeks you really have added a lot! Where did you find the victorian graphics? I am a misplaced Victorian. I will get you those pictures. I see now why people say to click on the www. addresses that they h ve listed on ther emails. I need to get people to write to me on hot mail when they have something with graphics. Well, dear friend, what a tribute to your daughter.. I love you, carol

Jackie - 09/28/98 17:10:38
My URL:http://www.goecities.com/Heartland/Estates/9520/inex.html
My Email:britt4u@frontiernet.net
Cindy Jo, What a warm and wonderful tribute to your daughter. Thank you for sharing your precious angel with us, Michelle is a beautiful girl and I am sure she is so very proud of you all. Without Jesus we face a hopeless end. But with Jesus we have an endless hope. A knowledge. With Love, Jackie

Cecil Frizzell, Jr. - 09/21/98 03:02:05
My Email:cfrizzel@psci.net
This is a beautiful tribute for Michelle and your whole family.

Amy Nicholson - 09/18/98 02:07:07
My URL:http://members.aol.com/sunsmiled/transplant.html
My Email:sunsmiled@aol.com
From: Transplant America
Favorite URL: http://members.aol.com/sunsmiled/index.html
How did you find me?: Gift of Life Ring
Michelle is so very pretty! She just radiates light and has such a loving spark in her eyes. Thank you so much for sharing Michelle with me through this web site, and for sharing your daughter so that others could continue to sparkle with their families God bless you and your family for your wonderous gift. With love, Amy

Mickeal - 09/09/98 19:27:48
My URL:http://members.aol.com/mickealva
My Email:Mickealva@aol.com
From: Virginia
How did you find me?: Links
Wonderful web page to your daughter. My heart goes out to you and your family.

Shirley - 09/05/98 16:30:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/6436
My Email:sleiper@hotmail.com
From: Sussex, N.B., Canada
Favorite URL: www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/4858
How did you find me?: Originally through Nada's page
Hi Cindy Jo!! I am so glad to have found your page again. It is beautiful and very moving. Keep up the great work. I love the links on your page. I haven't checked out all of them, but I liked what I saw so far. Thanks and God Bless the sweet memory of your daughter.

Patti - 09/02/98 16:13:22
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Patti_Berry/index-In-Memory-of-William_James_Berry_Gamble.html
My Email:Pattib6@hotmail.com
From: Delaware
My son died from SIDS when he was 6weeks old. You did a great job on you page

Kay - 09/01/98 15:33:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/3028/
My Email:kbradley@flash.net
How did you find me?: My Mom is a Survivor
Hi Cindy, You've a created a beautiful and moving memorial to your sweet Michelle. She was a child with a sweet precious soul. You will be with her once again some day and this time you will never have to let her go. God bless you! Hugs, Kay

Karen McCombs - 08/27/98 15:29:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Garden/4922/
My Email:karenmccombs@greenwood.net
From: SC
How did you find me?: My Mom Is A Survivor
This is so beautiful and so was your daughter. She also had a radiant soul! Karen

Illona van Tulden - 08/12/98 18:35:00
My URL:http://www.xs4all.nl/~dino18
My Email:dino18@xs4all.nl
From: Harderwijk, Holland
Favorite URL: didn't find one yet
How did you find me?: You signed my book
Hi! Thanks for signing my book. I Really love the changes you made and the pictures. I will make an english page soon, maybe you would like to come again! Bye for now, love Illona

Betty - 08/09/98 17:12:26
Sorry Cindy Jo, I accidently gave an enter when starting to type, then the one under here got put in your guestbook. I just wanted to leave you a new little gift Hi,

Hi, Enjoyed my stay on your pages very much.


Betty - 08/09/98 17:10:38
My Email:tulden@xs4all.nl
Favorite URL: http://www.xs4all.nl/~skoezie
How did you find me?: I know where you are, LOL

KAREN - 08/03/98 17:52:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/8569
My Email:MARY22183@aol.com
You have been busy here my dearest and best galfriend. Keep up the great job! :-) LUV U, Talk to ya soon. :-)

Shirley Leiper - 07/31/98 14:42:23
My URL:http://www.sussexcap.org
My Email:sleiper@hotmail.com
From: Sussex, N.B. Canada
Favorite URL: geocities.com/Heartland
How did you find me?: through my cousin's page - hopev
Greetings!! I just checked in on your tribute and I think that it is wonderful. It is nice to know that people can go through heartbreak and come out the other side with a good outlook on life. I am a 48 year old Mom who just found out 3 years ago that my daught r, who seemed to be a problem child, had been molested by 2 different men from the time she was 5 years old. One was my brother-in-law and the other was an elder from our church. It was a very devastating time. We went on a roller coaste r ride of emot ons. Then there was the break up of the family unit. It split our family down the center. We made it through trials, etc. with God's help. We could never have made without the prayers of trusted friends. It also split the church. I have just come o t of 3 and 1/2 years of counselling. My daughter (now 24) has never recovered properly. She is having a lot of problems. The only thing I can do now is pray for her. She has a problem trusting people and will not go for counselling. But, what I want d to say was that I remembered that someone had told me one time long ago that going through trials and problems could make you 'Bitter or Better' and Thank God He helped us through and I now feel that although it was a horrible 4 and 1/2 years I am a bet er person for what I have come through. Now I hope that in some small way I can be an encouragement to others who are having the same experiences. Sometimes it helps if you know you can talk to someone who has been through similar situations. I have opened a Page with Geocities, but it is not up and running yet. I hope to move in as soon as possible. But you can check in at www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/6436/ or e-mail me at sleiper@hotmail.com I hope to hear from others who have any information or statistics on Sexual Abuse or Child Abuse. I hope to construct a page that can reach others and help them in some way. I am sorry to have been so lengthy, but this subject is a constant thing wi h me right now. Talking about our situation and looking for and finding answers has been a very large part of my healing process. Thank you, Yours, Shirley Leiper

Jeanette Whitmore - 07/31/98 03:48:33
My Email:welexharlake@juno.com
From: South Dakota
How did you find me?: Heart to Heart Hope and Healing Summer 98
Hi,Cindy Jo,sorry it's been so long,I'll send you an e-mail now that I know you address.I read your newsletter as soon as I get it!The web site is awesome!And tying other websites in the way that you do is so great.It is so great to see your family photo, and to finally put a face to you.I am so grateful for your newsletter,it gave me the chance to share Tammy with everyone!Keep sharing Michelle with us,she is such a gem! Heaven must be so excellent with Michelle and Tammy-I'm sure they are friends since t ey have so much in common.You have been so helpful to myself and others through your sharing of your grief.We are not alone!

Kris - 07/19/98 16:06:23
My Email:SK8RB8Rmom@aol.com
From: Minneapolis, MN
How did you find me?: We met on pen parents BB
Cindy Jo - This is the second time I've visited your website. What beautful additions you've made. So many children are sadly lost to disease, and sometimes just as sadly, children are lost due to the negligence of others. Accidental death is so very hard to hand e, because we were denied the chance to truly say how much we love our precious children and to say goodbye. Keep up the great work. I know you're bringing comfort to many how grieve the loss of a child in their lives. Love, Kris

KATHALISE MARTIN - 07/16/98 07:36:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/2156
My Email:jkmartin@kymtnnet.org
From: Kentucky
How did you find me?: memorial page
what a beautiful young lady, as the rest of your family.i am so sorry for the loss of your child.I know she is in Heaven showing the angels how to make cloud angels and starlight tinsel. GOd Bless

Marcel van Andel - 07/12/98 20:44:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~mascotte/
My Email:marcelva@tref.nl
From: Duiven, The Netherlands
How did you find me?: through Betty Tulden
Hi, Betty told me about your site and I had to look at it. ;-) Greetings from The Netherlands

Terri - 07/02/98 15:50:47
My URL:http://members.aol.com/TKelly5746/index.html
My Email:TKelly5746@aol.com
From: MO
A beautiful tribute, Cindy Jo. Thank you for sharing. I'm so sorry about Michelle.

Carol - 06/30/98 01:46:20
My Email:gcraw51073@aol.com
How did you find me?: kidney org
a very touching tribute to your daughter

Maria Faller - 06/28/98 17:14:03
My URL:http://members.aol.com/departed/
My Email:LegoBeaver@aol.com
Favorite URL: Ethans House
How did you find me?: from your recommendation
What a lovely site & great tribute to a wonderful little girl! Still don't get the music to play for me but that's okay. I still love what you have done for Michelle. Keep in touch & let me know what you think of the things that we've done for our little Christopher.

Karen - 06/28/98 07:58:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/8569
My Email:MARY22183@aol.com
From: CA
How did you find me?: we're neighbors
Hi Galfriend, Just stopping in to say hi & look forward to seeing more that you have done on Michelle's page. Talk to ya soon. You know who loves you.

Kara Townsend - 06/28/98 01:03:24
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)

Lilly - 06/25/98 17:52:20
My Email:lessex@lawschool.gonzaga.edu
How did you find me?: Your proud mom came by to let me know
I think your page is incredible. Your mom is so proud that you have accomplished so much so soon. I have 4 children and two little granddaughters. My children range in age from 20 to 27. My granddaughters are one month and 18 months. Your beautiful sentiments about Michelle help to remind me how blessed I am and to give praise to God for helping them become caring and responsible citizens. I wish you and your family the very best now and always. Lilly

Rosemary - 06/25/98 07:24:34
My URL:http://members.aol.com/PRNLUEZ/Memories.html
My Email:PRNLUEZ@aol.com
From: Southern California
Favorite URL: MINE
How did you find me?: Your my BFFE that's how...
Cindy Jo...I am so proud of you and what you have created here in Michelle's Memory. You have done an extremely EXCELLENT JOB!! I am so glad you have finally decided to SHARE her with the world...she is a truly BEAUTIFUL Angel and I feel that I have kno n her for years now, through her Mother that LOVES her very much. I am so glad we have become such GREAT FRIENDS and NOTHING can EVER take that away from us...I TRULY believe that Michelle and Louise have brought "US" together...because we will always be BFFE!! Keep up the good work...I LOVE YOU and YOUR WONDERFUL FAMILY...remember, I'm ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU....always...Rosemary, Mom FOREVER to Louise Antoinette

melissa and oma - 06/24/98 17:46:42
My Email:vbruens@lawschool.gonzaga.edu
From: Spokane Washington
How did you find me?: mom told us
This is the most beautiful and loving memorial web pages we have ever seen. A real tribute to our little angel, sister, and grandaughter Michelle.Mom, You did a great job, and it keeps getting better all the time. We love you, your daughter Melissa Mae nd your mother.

melissa and oma - 06/24/98 17:45:47
My Email:vbruens@lawschool.gonzaga.edu
From: Spokane Washington
How did you find me?: mom toled us
This is the most beautiful and loving memorial web pages we have ever seen. A real tribute to our little angel, sister, and grandaughter Michelle.Mom, You did a great job, and it keeps getting better all the time. We love you, your daughter Melissa Mae nd your mother.

melissa and oma - 06/24/98 17:41:21

Betty - 06/24/98 17:15:50
My URL:http://www.xs4all.nl/~tulden
My Email:tulden@xs4all.nl
From: Holland
Favorite URL: yours and http://www.xs4all.nl/~skoezie
How did you find me?: I will always find you

pagelogo.gif (15613 bytes)

About me
My labrador "Cindy"
and more!

Please come look yourself!

Hi , I enjoyed my stay on your pages very much. Great site!

I would be honored if you would
come to my site and sign my

aawakenfairy.gif (11953 bytes) Greetings, Betty aawakenfairy.gif (11953 bytes)

Christine - 06/23/98 22:22:21
My URL:http://www.dancingstar.net/
My Email:christine@dancingstar.net
From: Long Island, NY
Favorite URL: hmmm, good question... I don't know.
How did you find me?: Divine Providence
What a beautiful sweet page.. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs and love your way...

My Angel - 06/23/98 22:01:31
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/angelshaven/index.html
My Email:mommyangel@geocities.com
From: TX
How did you find me?: friend
So far so good!!! :)

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