We Love You Michelle, Love Mama, Papa and Family
ThankYou from my Aunt Rosi in Germany, Mother to Angel Michael
Thank You Ladies for the following gifts you have made for Michelles 22nd Birthday. You are all dear and sweet friends of mine. A special ThankYou Ann for Michelles and my Birthday Gift because our BD's are only 3 days apart. Love, CindyJo
ThankYou Ann, Jason's Mom ~ http://www.jason-simmons.com
ThankYou Tammy, Tyler's Mom ~ http://www.heavenlytyler.com
ThankYou Carol, Michael's Mom ~ http://myangelsonmichael.com/
ThankYou Saralyn, Robbie's Mom ~ http://RobbieSmith.com/
ThankYou Beth, Hayes Mom ~ www.hayeskent.com/
ThankYou Diane, Billy's Mom ~ www.billykayser.com/
ThankYou Christine, Deborah's Mum ~ www.rememberingdeborah.com/
ThankYou Reeny, Angels Dustin & Becky's Mom ~ http://dustinfitzer.net/reeny
ThankYou Shirley, Angel Laurie's Mom ~ http://lauriebaer.com
ThankYou Susie, Jason's Mom ~ http://jasoncdunn.tripod.com/
ThankYou Judi, Andrew's Mom ~ www.MyAndrewMySon.com/
ThankYou Linda, Tina's Mom ~ http://missingtinamariemcquaig.homestead.com/memorial.htm/
ThankYou Carolyn, Trissie's Mom ~ http://www.trissiefetter.com/
ThankYou Peggy, Jill's Mom ~ http://www.jillrozell.com/
ThankYou Paula, Johnathon's Mom ~ http://www.halogarden.com/
ThankYou Angie, Dustin's Mom ~ http://www.DustinHamilton.com/
~ Mother ~
Please know that I am happy and I long for your happiness too
Although your time seems long, for me its as if time never moved
And please, consider my heart, my soul, it does shine for you
As I think of the love we share, and hold for eternity too
The day I entered Heaven, I kept a part of you
And left for you a part of me, that will last your whole life through
When you join me, dear Mother, our reunion will be so dear
I'll run to you and find you, waiting for me here
Then for all eternity our Heavenly lives will ring~
With the peace and love abounding as the sweet and dear Angels sing...
September 1997 © Cindy Jo Greever
~ Searching My Soul ~
Quote © CindyJo Greever 1994