"Come Together"

Hey, you've hit "DICK'S PLACE". Hi, My name is Richard (aka Dick). I was born in December of 1982, which makes me 16 years old. I live with my Grandma, Sharon & my Grandpa, Dick.
We have three dogs. One of the dogs (Raisin) isn't really our dog, he just stays here alot. The other two dogs (Schintzel & Stormi) are ours & they act like they own the place. Raisin is a Dalmation, Schintzel is a Daschaund, & Stormi is an American Bulldog. We live in a small town in Nevada. I'm a sophomore this year. I just moved here on February 10th, from Tennessee. My mom, Colleen, my dad, Steve & my little brother, Tristan live there. They have 3 dogs (Princess, Chynna & Gabriel) & 3 cats (Slick, Tigger & Stoni). Princess is a Lhasa Apso. Chynna is a Shih-Tzu. Gabriel is a hound mix. Slick is a brown-striped tabby. Tigger is a long-haired yellow-striped tabby. Stoni is an Egyptian Blue. Princess, Chynna, Stormi & Stoni are females. Raisin, Schintzel & Gabriel are males. I like them all, but Stormi gets rough sometimes & has torn three of my shirts while we've been playing.
I'm a football and baseball fan. My favorite NFL team is the Green Bay Packers. I'm also a UT Vols (University of Tennessee) fan. My favorite MLB team is the Atlanta Braves. I used to play football for my school in the 8th grade. I also played baseball for two years at a local park. I'll be trying out for various sports this year at school. My playing will depend on my work schedule though. Yes, I work. I'll have been working for 14 months on 9-18-98. Yeah, I started early, but hey, it pays off. I get to buy my own school clothes, have spending money and spoil my little brother. Since I've moved, I'm looking for a new job & have plenty of prospects.
I have chores to do at home, which I don't like too well. I really don't have a choice though, since I'm still a kid and live with my grandparents. They say as long as I live under their roof, no matter what age, that I will have chores and rules to follow. I guess that means I'll be doing chores forever. Just kidding, I'm saving money to get myself a car and eventually a place of my own.
As you can probably tell, I like Beavis and Butthead and the Simpsons. Mom & Grandma are not real thrilled about it, but they're not usually thrilled with things that I like. I guess that's what you call a generation gap, huh?

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