Planned Breedings/Upcoming Litters

2009** PLANNED LITTERS: Moonshine's I Am Magic Too! "Lacey", a BISS CH MOONSHINE'S MAGIC OF THE NIGHT ROM (Magic) daughter has been bred to Moonshine's One and Only "Digger", a CH CHEN CHU FOREVER'S FAR AS I GO (Austin) son.

Lacey is due around April 6, 2009.

***PUPPIES BORN SATURDAY APRIL 3, 2011. 2 red boys, 1 cinnamon boy and 2 red girls. All babies were at least a pound in weight. Lacey whelped the babies with no problems. All babies and mom are doing very well.

Click here to see a copy of their pedigree.

Picture of :

Reds at 3 weeks.

Big boy at 3 weeks.

Big girl at 3 weeks.

Black muzzle girl at 3 weeks.

Cinn boy at 3 weeks.

Cinn boy profile at 3 weeks.

Puppies will be available when they are 9-12 weeks of age. Anyone who is interested is encouraged to come here to meet the parents, myself and the babies.

For more information please contact Chris at

April 8, 2011. "Digger" is available. He is 14 months old. Digger loves everyone. He will make an excellent companion or show prospect.

April 8, 2011. I have one rescue Chow available for adoption. Cinnamon male approximately 3 years of age.

April 8, 2011. I have a 4 year. old red male available. He has one major and several single points. He is a big boy and loves people. Moonshine's Let The Magic Begin. He is a Magic son.

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