This groups is Adopt-A-Chow LA and their website is
7/3/01 - "RODNEY" is a handsome CREAM Chow PUPPY of 8 months. Extremely playful and intelligent, gentle, friendly and happy. Rodney is a rescue from the local ASPCA. He has been neutered, has some leash training, is house trained and very healthy! For more information please call Christine at: 559 - 730-3797 or contact Christine
"Star" was found in May, 1998 as a stray up in Butte County. He was just skin and bones but had a great disposition so the Humane Society took him in.
The Meaning Of Rescue
Now that I'm home, bathed, settled and fed, All nicely tucked in my warm new bed. I'd like to open my baggage Lest I forget, There is so much to carry - So much to regret. Hmmm . . . Yes there it is, right on the top. Let's unpack Loneliness, Heartache and Loss; And there by my leash hides Fear and Shame. As I look on these things I tried so hard to leave - I still have to unpack my baggage called Pain.
I loved them, the others, the ones who left me. But I wasn't good enough - for they didn't want me. Will you add to my baggage? Will you help me unpack? Or will you just look at my things - And take me right back? Do you have the time to help me unpack? To put away my baggage, To never repack? I pray that you do - I'm so tired you see. But I do come with baggage - Will you still want me?
author unknown
ADOPTED!!!! IN SEPTEMBER. 6/26/00 Sacramento, CA Black, male Chow found running loose. He is about 1 year old and healthy. He is being fostered by a neighbor but really needs a permenant, loving home. For more information please contact Patty at 916 - 685-0364 or
DEIRDRE was adopted August 20.****
4/4/00. This adorable black female is approximately 10 weeks old. She needs a permanent, loving home. For more information please contact Petsnpals located in Lathrop, CA. Click here to go to Petsnpals for location, e-mail & phone number. GREAT NEWS - THIS BABY WAS ADOPTED 4/13/00!!
The following 3 dogs are or will be neutered and current on vaccines prior to adoption.
"Chief" is a red male, approx. 16 months old (still a pup). Very sweet, shy at first but responds well. Playful with other female chows, house trained and no signs of agression with people. Chief was found at the Solano County Fairgrounds where he had been for at least 2 weeks. Please contact Lew or Nancy at 510 - 233-4500 or e-mail:
"Hanna" is a red female approximately 5 years old. Quiet temperament. Hanna was living for at least 3 months on her own at the Calif. Dept. of Ag center in Albany near Gold Gate Fields Racetrack. employees put out food and she was finally caught at the end of January at which time she was pregnant. Please contact Lew or Nancy at 510 - 233-4500 or email:
"Sybil" is a shaded red female, approximately 10-12 months old. Very friendly, came from Oakland Shelter where she was picked up as a stray. She was so engaging the workers there begged Nancy to save her. Please contact Lew or Nancy at 510 - 233-4500 or email:
12/10/99 TEDDY is very, very handsome! He is a 10-12 month old male Chow. Yippeee!!! Teddy was adopted by a wonderful couple from Santa Maria. What a nice way to start out the year 2000!
** NUB is a 3 year old Black Male Chow Chow. Nub's owners had to move to Houston and could not take Nub with them. . . 8/13/99 It's amazing! NUB has been adopted!!!
6/1/99 NEW LISTING CHUKA is approximately 3-4 years of age. GOOD NEWS, CHUKA HAS BEEN ADOPTED 7/6/99.
NEW LISTING!!! (11/12/98) Chow mix, black, male, approx. 3-4 months. ADOPTED 1/1999 : ))
**NEW LISTING**(11/13/98)Bear is a black male Chow . . . GREAT NEWS!!! "BEAR" WAS ADOPTED 2-21-99!!
NEWS FLASH!! New rescue organization in No. CA called "South Bay Purebred Rescue". Ellen Prior is the contact person and she can be reached at: 408 - 629-8293.
Dear God please send me somebody who'll care!
My body is aching, it's so racked with pain,
My last owner tied me all day in the yard,
But now God I'm tired and hungry and cold.
They've chased me with sticks and hit me with stones
I'm not really bad God, please help if you can,
I'm wormy, dear God, and I'm ridden with fleas and
If you find one for me God, I'll try to be good
I don't think I'll make it too long on my own,
And I've got so much love an devotion to give,
How can you help rescue?
STOCKTON, CA 4/04***MARTY - good news, 5/12/04 - Marty has found his forever home!
!!GOOD NEWS!!**3/21/04 Valentina was adopted by a wonderful family. She even has a companion Chow!
This lovely cream girl is approximately one year of age. She is scheduled to be put to sleep on Saturday - Valentines Day!
5/23/02 - GOOD NEWS!!! Pearl has been adopted! She has the PERFECT home - finally. Thank you Anne!
1/2002 - ADOPTED!!!**11/29/01**
*** This 1 year old Cream Chow was abandoned by his owner and left in a business complex in the Los Angeles area. Fostered & adopted by Kathy!
5/31/00 GOOD NEWS - STAR IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. After fostering Star for a little over 2 years I have decided that his home is here with me. WELCOME HOME MR. STAR MAN!!!
6/26/00 NIKKI is 2 1/2 years old, friendly, curious and playful - not a barker! He is neutered. Nikki was found at a playground and is waiting patiently for a loving, permanent home. For more information please contact Nancy or Lew at 510 - 233-4500 or
1/16/99 NEW LISTING** SPIRIT. Small, black female Chow. GOOD NEWS - SPIRIT WAS ADOPTED 1/30/99!!
5/98 NEW LISTING. SUNSHINE is a pretty 2-3 year old red female Chow. ** GOOD NEWS - SUNSHINE WAS ADOPTED 8/29/98!
10/8/98 Lint a handsome 9 mo. red male, neutered. ANOTHER HAPPY ENDING. LINT WAS ADOPTED 11/26/98.
3/30/99 "Teddy" is approximately 3 years of age and not neutered. ADOPTED 7/99!! YIPPEE!
1/26/99 NEW LISTING!! The Santa Ana Animal Shelter in So. California lists the following: (714) 558-7622. Adoption fees $15 feed & care, $25 spay/netuer deposit, + cost of shots. Total averages $60 - 80. All breeds available.
Jose Callejon is the Rescue coordinator and can be reached at: or 805 - 884-CHOW. Web site:
If you would like to list a dog for adoption in the state of California or would like more information on any of the dogs listed please send me an e-mail at
If you have a dog listed please let me know when it is adopted.
I'm tired of running, I'm sick with despair.
and dear God I pray as I run in the rain.
That someone will love me and give me a home.
A warm cozy bed and a big juicy bone.
Sometimes with no water and God that was hard!
So I chewed my leash God and I raw away;
To rummage in garbage and live as a stray.
And I'm so afraid that I'll never grow old.
While I run the streets just looking for bones!
For I have become just a "victim of Man"!
All that I want is an owner to please!
And I won't chew their shoes, but I'll do as I should.
I'll love them, protect them and try to obey
When they tell me to sit, to lie down or to stay!
Cause I'm getting so weak and I'm so alone.
Each night as I sleep in the bushes I cry,
Cause I'm so afraid God, that I'm gonna die!
That I should be given a new chance to live.
So dear God, please, please answer my prayer and
Send me someone who will really care . . .
That is, dear God, if you're really there!
Many people think if they can't foster dogs, they can't help rescue. Nothing could be further from the truth! Here is a
partial list of things YOU may be able to do. Please feel free to email additional suggestions if you think of any!
1. Apply to be a rescue representative for your area.
2. Pay for an ad in your local/metropolitan paper giving contact information for rescue.
3. Transport a dog.
4. Go to the local shelter and watch out for needy dogs.
5. Provide local vet clinics with contact information and/or educational materials on responsible pet ownership.
6. Attend public education days and try to educate people on responsible pet ownership.
7. Conduct a home visit or accompany a rescue person on the home visit.
8. Go with a rescue person to the vet to help if there is more than one dog.
9. Write a column for your local newspaper, club or rescue newsletter on dogs currently looking for homes, ways to
help rescue, or responsible dog ownership in general.
10. Drive a rescue to and from vet appointments.
11. Talk to local vets and encourage them to offer discounts to rescues.
12. Maintain web sites listing/showing dogs available.
13. Help organize and run fundraising events.
14. Hang a poster at the grocery store, giving contact information for rescue.
15. Go to a foster home once a week to help socialize a dog.
16. Let rescue know when/where you'll be flying and that you'd be willing to be a rescued dog's escort.
17. Put together an *Owner's Manual* for those who adopt rescued dogs of your breed.
18. Provide post-adoption follow up or support.
19. Offer to test a foster dog with cats.
20. Microchip your own dogs if you are a breeder, and register the chips, so if your dogs ever come into rescue, you
can be contacted to take responsibility for your dog.
21. Donate a small percentage of the sale of each dog to rescue if you are a breeder.
22. Have a yard sale and donate the money to rescue.
23. Make a financial donation (even the smallest amount helps).
24. Donate a dog bed or towels or other bedding type items.
25. Donate a sterilized bone, A chew toy, or stuffed squeaky toy.
26. Donate a crate.
27. Donate a blanket or baby blankets.
28. Donate a stainless steel food dish.
29. Donate a martingale, or collar and leash.
30. Donate some grooming supplies (shampoos, brushes, ear cleaner,
toothbrush/toothpaste, etc.).
31. Donate some treats or a bag of food.
32. Donate long distance calling cards.
33. Donate a gift certificate to a pet store (one that sells supplies only).
34. Donate a raffle item if your club is holding a fund raiser.
35. Donate flea control products (Bio-Spot, Advantage, Frontline, etc.).
36. Donate a canine first aid kit.
37. Donate a spay or neuter each year (or some vaccinations).
38. Donate a bottle of bleach or other cleaning products.
39. Donate or loan a portable xpen to a foster home.
40. Donate printer paper, envelopes and stamps to your rescue.
41. Donate sheets of linoleum or other flooring materials to put under crates
to protect the foster home's flooring.
42. Donate other types of dog toys that might be safe for rescues.
43. Buy two of those really neat dog items you "have to have" and donate one to Rescue.
44. Donate the use of your scanner or digital camera.
45. Donate the use of a photocopier.
46. Make book purchases through Amazon via the IGCA rescue link.
47. Host rescue photos with an information link on your website.
48. Loan your carpet steam cleaner to someone who has fostered a dog that was sick or marked in the house.
49. Use your video camera to film a rescue dog in action.
50. Pay the cost of shipping a dog to its new home.
51. Pay a house-cleaning service to do the spring cleaning for someone who fosters dogs all the time.
52. Lend your artistic talents to your rescue's newsletter, fundraising ideas, t-shirt designs.
53. Go with a rescue person to the vet if a foster dog needs to be euthanized due to incurable health conditions and
54. Go to local shelters and meet with shelter staff about how to identify your breed or provide photos and breed
information showing the different types of that breed may come in and the different color combinations.
55. Go to local businesses and solicit donations for a rescue's fundraising event.
56. Help pet owners be better pet owners by being available to answer training questions.
57. Loan a crate if a dog needs to travel by air.
58. Donate a coupon for a free car wash or gas or inside cleaning of a vehicle for a foster home.
59. Make financial arrangements in your will to cover the cost of caring for your dogs after you are gone - so Rescue
won't have to.
60. Make a bequest in your will to your local or national Rescue.
61. Donate your professional services as an accountant or lawyer.
62. Donate other services if you run your own business.
63. Loan your cell phone (and cover costs for any calls) to someone transporting a rescue.
64. Donate your *used* xpen/crate when you get a new one.
65. Organize a rescued dog picnic or other event to reunite the other adopters and volunteers.
66. Educate friends/family/coworkers on the reasons NOT to buy from a petstore. Encourage them to adopt from
rescues or shelters, or to purchase ONLY from a responsible breeder.
67. Join your local kennel club or dog training club and become involved in community-level activities.
68. Volunteer at your local shelter/humane society.
69. Place a link from your own website to this page.
70. Donate a domain name and web hosting package to a rescue organization. Domain names cost as little as
$12/year and nice webhosting packages can be found for $4.95/month.
71. Remember that rescuing a dog involves the effort and time of many people and make yourself available on an
emergency basis to do *whatever* is needed.
72. Do something not listed above to help rescue.
123 ezDog - a great resource for finding well bred puppies or rescue dogs from knowledgeable people.