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The Bakersfield, CA Visual Pay Phone Directory


This admittedly unusual project is an effort to provide the telephone numbers for pay telephones and other public telephones in the Bakersfield, California area, with a fun twist - whenever possible, you can view an actual photo of the coin phone listed.


Area Code 805

Exxon - Gosford / White Lane

West Side:

L: 837-8932

R: 837-8941

East Side:


5 Outdoors Yes
Lamppost Pizza - Gosford / White Lane L: 832-9928

R: 832-9913

5 Somewhat isolated outdoors Yes
Lucky's Supermarket Stine Rd. / White Lane L: 398-9843

R: 398-9833

None Outdoors Yes
Howard's Market Old Stine / Belle Terrace L: 835-9842

R: 835-9851

2 Outdoors Yes
Albertson's Gosford / Stockdale Highway 398-9874 5 Outdoors Yes
UA Theatre California Ave / Chester L: 326-9900

R: 326-9902

None Busy outdoors location Yes
Vons Supermarket Ming / Ashe L: 397-9916

R: 397-9921

None Fairly busy outdoors location No
Office Club - Pierce / Gilmore 395-9400 None Outdoors No
Fruitvale Community Church - Rosedale Highway near Coffee Rd. 589-9831 None Isolated outdoors location No
RiteAid Drugs White Lane / Gosford L: 831-9941

R: 831-9946

None Outdoors Yes
Real/Stockdale Shopping Center Army Recruiter: 398-9912

Shakey's Pizza 397-9721

Neither Both outdoors Yes
Foster's Freeze - Real / Stockdale Hwy 832-9829 None Isolated outdoors location Yes
Albertson's - Panama / Wible L: 832-9850

R: 832-9921

5 Outdoors Yes
Union 76 - Stockdale Hwy / New Stine 831-9879 5 Very isolated outdoors location Yes
Kentucky Fried Chicken Ming near New Stine 397-9846 None Outdoors No
Teriyaki Bowl - Ming / Real 397-9955 None Outdoors Yes
Exxon/Howard's Market - Panama / Wible L: 836-3980

R: 836-3938

5 (does not ring audibly but connects) Outdoors No
Molly J's Cafe - Panama / Wible 397-1136 5 Outdoors Yes
Fastrip Market - Panama / "H" street L: 398-9856

C: 836-9140

R: 836-9144

5 Outdoors, somewhat isolated Yes
Texaco - Taft Hwy / Hwy. 99 L: 397-9830

R: 397-9837

5 Outdoors Yes
Mobil - Taft Hwy / Hwy. 99 398-9849 5 Very isolated outdoors Yes
ARCO - Stockdale / Allen L: 589-9918

R: 589-9910

None Extremely isolated outdoor location Yes
"Country Store" - RosedaleHwy (58), W. of Nord 588-9935 5 Fairly isolated outdoor, very back-countryish Yes
Chevron - Hwy 58 / Hwy 43 L: 589-5566

R: 589-5528

5 Fairly isolated outdoor, very rural location Yes
Chevron - Panama / Colony (just E. of Hwy 99) L: 831-9905

R: 397-9806

Very isolated outdoor, quiet ring. Yes
"Feed Store" - Taft Highway in Valley Acres L: 763-9940

R: 763-9939

None Extremely isolated outdoor, in front of run-down closed shop No
Fastrip - Rosedale Hwy / Allen Rd. L: 589-9935

R: 589-7304

5 Outdoor Yes
Chevron-McDonald's Rosedale Hwy / Allen Rd. L: 589-9826

R: 588-9909

None Outdoor Yes
Soccer Warehouse - Coffee Rd. / Truxtun Blvd 831-9908 None Somewhat isolated outdoor Yes
Mercy Southwest Hospital - Stockdale Hwy. / Old River West Wing: 664-9850

North Wing: 664-9849

None for either Both somewhat isolated outdoor Yes
Shell - Stockdale Hwy / Interstate 5 764-9906 None Extremely isolated outdoor Yes
Carl's Jr - Ming / Haggin Oaks Bd. (Haggin Oaks Shopping Center) L: 664-9803

R: 664-9927

4 Busy outdoor location Yes


A Taft Highway tour (Area Code 805)

Taft Highway (Hwy 119) runs just two miles south of the Bakersfield southern city limits, but has very much a Wild West ambience.

Chevron - Taft Hwy (119) / Old River 835-9826 None Outdoor, rustic Yes
Center Market - Taft Hwy at Pumpkin Center (1/2 mile W. of Hwy 99) 831-9823 Outdoor, separate but near store entrance Yes
Marisco's Restaurant - Taft Hwy at Pumpkin Center 835-9857 Somewhat isolated outdoor, about 500 ft W. of Center Market. Yes
Burgers-Tacos - Taft Hwy at Pumpkin Center 832-9916 Very isolated outdoor, 100 ft W. of Marisco's. Yes
La Tormenta - Taft Hwy at Pumpkin Center 397-9923 Outdoor, about 500 ft W. of Burgers-Tacos. Heavy bystander traffic. Yes

More Bakersfield Pay Phones - Area Code 805

Texaco - Panama / Colony (just E. of Hwy 99) 832-9182 3 Very isolated outdoor Yes
Arco - Panama / Hwy 99 L: 398-9924

R: 398-9929

None Very isolated outdoor, near air/water machine Yes
Silver Creek Park - Harris / Reliance 664-9900 None? Outdoor but in enclosure. Very high passerby traffic. Yes
Jack in the Box - Ming, E. of Hwy 99 831-9948 5 Isolated outdoor Yes
Public Library - Ming, W. of Gosford 664-9825 None Isolated outdoor Yes
Office Depot - Stockdale Hwy / California Ave L: 395-9472

R: 395-9542

None Outdoor Yes
Coin-Op Laundry - Stockdale Hwy, W. of California 395-9410 None Outdoor, 400 ft W. of Office Depot above Yes
Six Theatre - Stockdale Hwy / California L: 326-9610

R: 326-9616

None Fairly isolated outdoor Yes

A trip down Union Avenue... Area Code 805

Los Comales Taqueria - Union Ave, S. of Taft Hwy 832-9870 None 100 ft N. of Hitchin' Rail Tavern (below) Yes
Hitchin' Rail Tavern - Union Ave. S. of Taft Hwy 832-9945 None 100 ft S. of Los Comales (above) Yes
Greenfield Rexall Drugs - Union Ave. S. of Taft Hwy 831-9874 5 500 ft. S. of Hitchin Rail (above) Yes
Texaco - Union Ave, 1/2 mi. S. of Taft Hwy 831-5012 3 Fairly isolated outdoor Yes
Beryl's Cafe - Union / Bear Mtn. Hwy 831-9896 1 Fairly isolated outdoor Yes

