Anjali Bedi



Anjali lives in Pasadena, California, and works for Kaiser Permanente. She is finishing up her doctorate at the California School of Professional Psychology-Los Angeles. Her brother Arun (class of 1982) lives in San Diego and works for Qualcomm.

Reunion Survey Answers 1999:

1. What are you doing now?

I am working for the Southern California Division of Kaiser Permanente, a large health care organization, as a Management Research Analyst. Basically, we provide consulation services to disgruntled physicians and nurses statewide! I am also working on completing my dissertation from the California School of Professional Psychology - Los Angeles. My degree is in Organizational Psychology. I would like to complete my dissertation this year so that I can officially make the change from ABD to Ph.D.

2. Are you married? When? Kids? How old?

No, I am not married. No kids either.

3. Most exciting thing to happen to you since we graduated.

As part of my doctoral program in Organizational Psychology I got to spend a year (1994) in New York City working in the Organization Development department of Sloan Kettering Memorial Research Center. I did absolutely no work in that internship because I was so busy re-connecting with old HKIS alums. (Angela Stich, Kerry Ford, Melissa Longley, Danny & Debbie Tuck, Julie Glen, Jenny Martin, Pat Nihan.. so many more......) it was so nice to be reunited with so many HKIS alums in NYC. That year was so much fun but I was very happy to leave fast paced NYC living and return to Los Angeles.

4. Any graduate work?

After 4 years at the Claremont Colleges, I went straight into a doctoral program at the California School of Professional Psychology - Los Angeles. I completed my Master's Degree in Organizational Psychology in 1995 and am continuing on to get my Ph.D. in the same field. I expect to receive my Ph.D. in the Winter of 1999.

5. Who do you most want to contact from our class/expect to see at the reunion?

I often think of Rita Arifin. She taught me the true definition of cynicism. I wonder what she is doing now. I remember she drew a pair of really cool shoes in colorful crayon. It always took her like 2 minutes to create the most beautiful piece of art. She is such a talented girl. She used the ?shoe? piece as part of her portfolio to apply to Art school and then gave it to me. Ten years later it is hanging on my wall in my study. I would love to see Rita.

6. Funniest memory from HKIS? I remember how lazy we were in high school that we were constantly trying to get out of gym class....especially that dreaded 1 mile run in Repulse Bay. There was one time we actually took a taxi from the starting point in Middle Bay to Park n Shop and Mrs. Collis caught us. She was absolutely furious but as usual we took no notice of her at all!! What about those stupid tests of physical endurance where we partnered up with each other and lied about how many sit ups we could do in 60 seconds..... 2,3,4,35... I remember how we NEVER use to bring our uniform for gym class but somehow Mrs. Collis still gave us an "A" in PE. And what about swimming? Did anyone ever go to swimming class? What about that awful blue rubber slippery mesh floor in the changing rooms.... How many times did I get Rita to write me a note to excuse me from swimming ...

And what was that place "3rd"? What really happened there? And then "nature"? What was that all about? All I know is that Mr. Chan caught Kerry and I smoking up near Camden Court .. is that what it was called?? It was where the Tuck's lived. We were sooooooo scared. I remember how he made us walk with him back to his office where he asked us to call our parents and explain what happened...

I remember hanging out at the American Club in Tai Tam after school. And what about when Angela was able to drive. I remember how we would cruise to school in that cool green Honda Accord and jam out to Robert Palmer. And eating pretzel rolls and navy bean soup at the American Club in Central. That was always our meeting point for nights out in Lan Kwai Fong... what a great place. Each weekend I would have to convince Angela that California was in fact better than Table & Chair but without fail I would find myself sitting outside the 711 near Horse & Carriage drinking some yucky flavored wine cooler... and how funny is it that we used to play quarters with a Hong Kong dollar!!... I remember how we would buy 1 pack of cigarettes every Friday evening and then purposely leave it in a taxi at the end of the night...

And Hockey practice.. that is a funny memory in and of itself! Changing on the bus with thousands of local Chinese people looking in on us... And the time we were playing a game against KGV ... I was running down the field so excited I had possession of the ball. I was running and running and my skirt fell off ... I was standing in the middle of the hockey field in only my bloomers.....And what was the name of that basketball tournament we would host at Christmas time?? I remember how Kerry and I used to make fun of Angela because she refused to dribble the ball...

And of course, Interim provided some funny memories... I remember waiting in the freezing cold at a train station in Kobe, Japan screaming out Cynthia Tsai's name. I remember when Angela and I had to share a tent up in the mountains of Nepal and a cow happened to sit on our tent in the middle of the night. I remember how she and I had a big fight because she would not share her umbrella with me on that trip. Nor her flashlight so that my trips to the "bathroom tent" were quite difficult to manage in the dark. When we were in Darwin, Australia we spent alot of time admiring the natural wildlife.... we saw many crocodiles, alligators, snakes, and wallabies... I remember that one of the baby wallabies was very happy to see Janice!! (was it Janice?) And in Pattaya, Thailand we were staying at some local orphanage ... I think we each had our own rooms.. while we were out one night one of the guys played a prank and peed in my air conditioner. I was not amused!

7. What was your "Ten Years From Now?"...Did it happen? Opening the first ESPRIT boutique in Jaipur India? Well, I?ve never been to Jaipur so that?s quite the impossible task and I?m so embarassed that we even wore ESPRIT clothing. It?s all kerry?s fault. She was the ESPRIT queen!

8. Now that we've grown up, are you what you wanted to be? What do you want to be?

I don't really know what I wanted to be when "I grew up" but I'm quite happy doing what I'm doing now.

9. Favorite HKIS teacher? Least favorite?

Mr. Feia was by far the greatest teacher. I don't think he ever checked to see if we did our algebra homework. That typing teacher from Scotland was a bit of grump. I can't remember her name.

10. How many cities have you lived in since graduation?

I've lived in Los Angeles and New York since graduation but I've visited London, New Delhi, Paris, New York, Washington DC, Las Vegas, Korea and Hong Kong since graduation.

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