"If one wants to be beautiful, then one should
spend ... ONE minute before the mirror,
spend FIVE minutes before one's soul,&
spend FIFTEEN minutes before GOD"
Hello Everyone.
A very warm welcome to you from sunny Chukai, the sleepy town that has waken up to the dictates of the Oil Industry. I live here for the past two years and am enjoying every single minute.
Please take sometime to browse through my page.
My family picture was taken in Kota Bharu at my granny's house.
You will read about my best friend, and if you love the SPICE GIRLS, then you wont be disappointed. I have the replacement for them.
Talk about spices; the spice of life...that's my special brother, Ashraf from Alexandria.
But whatever you do, please do not miss the fun in TANGKAP NGAM!, that's my Malay Corner.
Click on the pictures, if you have the time, and discover the hidden treasures .
You are visitor number:
since 3rd July 1998
Please do not forget to sign my guest-book .
Hi my name is Huda ( for "Guidance" )
Thank you Mom and Dad for the beautiful name.
I'd like to share with you my beautiful family. You can see everyone here (Dad, Mom, Me, Salihah, Kakak and Ammar plus my two bonuses ), minus my eldest brother, who was then the camera man.
Click on the PIC to discover the TWO hidden treasures & Smile!!
Opportunity knocks but once( psst... if you know the trick, you may repeat for more opportunities... just click on the "back" button hehehe ).
My best friend is Aini Mohd Azmi. We went to school together in Kuala
Terengganu when
we were 8 years old till 10.
These pictures are our parting gifts for each other...
Me&Aini,....... Me&Aini,.................. Me,................................. Aini
We were involved in the musical, The Sound of Music, then we both won prizes...
We did it!!!!
It was very unfortunate when I had to leave to attend another school in
Kemaman; 180 km away from Kuala Terengganu.
Aini, I still have you in my favourite reverie...
My sisters; Sameerah - looking very beautiful and elegant, Salihah- the one in pants, and Me, the one and only glamorous Huda *smile*.
I have two lovely sisters . My elder sister is Sameerah and she is 19 years old . She is a very kind person.When I needed help , she will always be there for me .
Me and My Sister Sameerah looking after ( or just plain 'looking at' ) Salihah, the new baby then.
Please visit my sister's homepage if you have the time.
Sameerah's Riotous Page
My younger sister , Salihah ( the new baby ) ,
is now 11 years old . She is very active and intelligent . She is now studying in year five .
Salihah's Lame Page! How's that for sibling rivalry huh?!!
I love my sisters very much. They are beacons, one is diamond, the other is pearl. Both compliment each other.
I have four brothers . The eldest is Abdullah and he is 21 years old .
He is doing TESL ( Teaching of English as a Second Language ) at one of the leading colleges in the country . Abang as I fondly called him is the pillar of strength..not just because he is big and strong..but he lends emotional support to us when we need it.
Click on his picture to discover why Abang is ONE big treat. Did I say threat? (hmmm....on second thought.....)
My second brother is Ammar .
He is very good in sports .
That's him when he was 12. Always winning medals in 100-meter, 200-meter, and 4x100-meter races.
He is now 15 years old and he is studying in a secondary school in Kuala Terengganu . Although he is a very strict person , he is also very kind .
Abang and Abang Ammar in London..and mind you the other man is NOT our dad!(smile).
My younger brothers are Abdul Rahman and Omer . They are very active and intelligent . Abdul Rahman is 7 years old while Omer is 5 years old .
I love all my brothers very much .
My dad has a brother, Mohd Razali Derahman. I love my aunty In and her children. Nurul Fatihah is the eldest, and we are very close. She is my best cousin. I love her sisters, Nur Amanina and Fatin Ezzaty; and not forgetting their cute brother Mohd Fadhil Irfan too.
My Uncle ,Pak Cik Ali, and Aunt Zainab ( MEK ), and My Cousins.
At the National Planetarium Centre, Kuala Lumpur
The Spice Girls.. more like the spicey ones
This is My Father's "son" ( a computer engineer from Alexandria, Egypt ); the brother I have never met..but
would very much like to meet, if not in this world, in Al-Jannah
together, in the presence of the Prophet s.a.w .
My brother is now married to the most fortunate lady in the world, Sister Naglaa.
His Malaysian Family wishes him and his wife the very best
in all their undertakings.
Brother Ashraf, you truly are special.
Brother has just been to Makkah with his family and sister Naglaa too. They performed the Omrah. May Allah accept their ibadah ..Ameen.
- Cooking - I cook chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cakes, Pizzas, and of course potato chips and chicken nuggets
- Music - I play organ . My dad enrolled me, sister Salihah and brother Abdul Rahman in Yamaha Music School, and I love it.
- Photography - it runs in the family. My dad is an avid photographer ( when he has time for )
This page is about:
loving family - with or without blood ties
seven, different yet very much together, siblings
I aspire to enrol in a boarding school
Alhamdulillah, I have just won myself the place. I thought of going to TKC ( My Dad's choice ) but got SMAP ( My Mom's choice ).. and looks like Mom's doa' has been answered. I submit to Allah our weaknesses.
Tinggal Kenangan
Former school:- SK Chukai, Terengganu, Malaysia
Good bye my dear school... good bye my respected teachers.. I'm leaving with a very heavy heart....
Guru-guru tersayang... Ku memohon seribu kemaafan diatas segala ketelanjuran dan kekasaran. Tiada Cik Gu maka tiadalah saya. Kejayaan yang diraih hanyalah dengan berkat kejujuran dan keikhlasan guru-guru yang berpenat lelah menyiapkan kami untuk peperiksaan dan pembikinan keperibadian insan yang mulia.
Terima kasih yang tidak terhingga Huda ucapkan kepada Cik Gu Fazidahanim, Cik Gu Aziz, Cik Gu Wan Badariah, Teacher Farhana, Teacher Rohani, Ustazah Mahani, Ustazah SH Syazri Izana dan tidak ketinggalan Guru Besar yang di hormati Cik Gu Halimi.
Banyak kenangan manis saya di England. Walaupun pada masa itu saya masih kecil
kelihatan begitu ..???
Eeee mesti syok ni!!.......
Kata Mama, setiap kali kami kembali dari bandar Bath ( 5 minit dari rumah saya ), saya sering di'tangkap'
.APA PULE NI?? wow!!! lebih sensasi dari MANGGA...
apple puff dan ice-cream yang menjadi sepupu-sepupu saya .. Bristol, Chippenham, London dan juga ...
Sekolah Rendah Tengku Bariah , saya telah'terpikat'....mmmmm telefon... itulah saya amat menyayanginya.
OWW SUSPENS HABIS... ikutilah cerita saya sepenuhnya di Ingin ku ceritakan...mmm
Sementara itu nikmatilah gambar kelas 6 Melati. I am in the centre - pasted there since I was then the camera-girl.
Bye Bye All.
See you in different settings...and who knows, we might be working in the same hospital one day!.
And Now that we are going our separate ways.. (many of us are going to SMS Dungun and SMS T Mahmood KT)..I hereby take the opportunity to wish you lot bon voyage.. sob sob sob... and with a big smile ( haha ) but a heavy heart ( see the balance? ).. I humbly thank you all for sharing your joy and laughter with me, and not forgetting the sad moments too!. I treasure your friendship, and forever I remain.... your loving, doting (and soon pining) friend..... HUDA.
Yo Everyone? settled down yet? If ever you visit this page please leave some message..i'll try to do that too though the facilities for that is a little bit short here.. by that I mean SHORT!
[300k]Dad Went to SWITZERLAND-Dad is on the right.
[35k]Pacik Ali, Cik IN, and Mek and the rest..and check out for the twins who were not meant to be... and spot the differences
[168.9k]Abdul Rahman, Mohd Fadhil Irfan and Omer...these cute boys
Please come back soon and check on the latest addition.
My e-mail is : huda54@hotmail.com
*Wink* Do sign my guest-book please
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