About our Service Team Members

Susan Jones - Field Executive.  Susan has been with the CSRGSC for two years and has been A Girl Scout for over 20 years.  She has three children and one grandson.  She has held a variety of volunteer positions, both with Girl Scouts and with other organizations.  Susan is an avid bridge player, movie goer, and loves spending time with her four cats.

Chris Baum - Service Unit Manager.  Chris is currently a stay-at-home mom with two children.  She has been involved with the Service Team for the past year and is also involved in helping her daughter's troop.  Chris enjoys reading, sewing, and volunteering at her children's schools.

Kelly Crocker - Lead Consultant.  Married to Ken, Kelly is the mother of three girls.  She helps lead two troops and is also involved in the School Night for Scouting activities each fall.  Kelly's favorite GS activities are camping and the opportunity to see the girls grow and change over the course of a year.  Kelly enjoys baking and decorating cakes in her spare time and is also a Pampered Chef Consultant.

Julie Rhen - Treasurer.  Julie is engaged to John and currently has no children.  She is in the US Army, on assignment at Fort Gordon as an Instructor.  She has lived in the area for one year and has been involved in Girl Scouts for six years, both as a child and an adult.  Julie will co-lead Troop 103 this year.  When not busy working, Julie enjoys any type of outdoor activity, reading, and crafts.

Karen Ribble - Lead Troop Organizer.  Karen is starting her second year as Troop Organizer for the Martinez-Evans Service Unit (MESU).  She is married to David and has two children.  In addition to her responsibilities as Troop Organizer, she leads Troop 285.  Karen enjoys scouting because of the opportunity to influence girls, and to promote self-esteem and self-confidence. Besides Girl Scouts, Karen keeps busy with her own business and is an active member of the Augusta Newcomers Club.

Elaine Lea - Events & Recognition Chairperson.  Elaine is married to Jimmy and has three children.  She is employed at MCG and has lived in the area for five years.  In addition to her above position, Elaine leads a troop and has been a Cookie Mom.  She says she most enjoys scouting for the chance to watch girls who wouldn't ordinarily be friends become close and enjoy being with each other.  When not busy with her job or scouts, her favorite place to be is at the beach.

Eileen McCoy - Registrar.  Eileen is married to Rick and has one daughter.  Eileen has been in Augusta for one year and has been involved with GS for six years.  While her husband was stationed in Italy, she served as Registrar for the SU on base.  She enjoys girl scouting because of the opportunity to meet new people, work with girls and be able to make a difference.

Lori Turner - Secretary.  Lori has been involved with scouting for the last three years as an Assistant Leader for her daughter's troop.  Lori is married to Rob and has two children.  Lori works at Walton Rehab and has lived in the area for the past 17 years.  When not busy with scouting, Lori enjoys reading, scrapbooking, and photography.

Tracy Jasinski - Product Sales.  Tracy is new to Girl Scouts and the MESU.  She comes to us with a wealth of experience in sales and sales management, having spent part of her career as a Tupperware District Sales Manager.  Tracy will be working with Kathy Lyles in supporting our fall Calendar/QSP campaign and in providing support to our ME troops and Council in the 1999 Cookie Campaign.  Tracy is married to Dominic and has two children.  When not working as Director of Admissions for Kenneth Shuler School of Cosmetology, she enjoys reading.

Leslie Cue` - Publicity & newsletter.  Leslie is married to Jorge and has two girls.  This is Leslie's first year with the MESU, although she was very active in scouting growing up.  She is currently a stay-at-home mom and volunteers at her daughters' schools and at her church.  Leslie enjoys reading, needlework, and is trying to master conversational German.