Event - For their Silver Award project, Cadette Troop 77 is planning
an event for Brownies to earn two Try-Its by rotating stations. Lunch
will be provided and Juliette Gordon Low's birthday will be celebrated.
The event will take place at Camp Tanglewood from 9:00am to 4:00pm
on October 31.
Banquet - On November 14 fathers and their daughters will enjoy a delicious
meal at the Fort Gordon ballroom. Photos will be taken to remember
this wonderful event. Entertainment will be provided by an inspirational
speaker. Door prizes will be given.
and Hot Dog Supper - This event is sponsored by MESU. The supper will
be served on January 15, 1999. Junior scouts will help serve. All
profits will be donated to CSRGSC for the Annual Giving Campaign.
Day - Each troop will learn about another country and share it with other
Girl Scouts in our SU, through food, costumes, crafts, flags, or other examples.
Girls will exchange swaps. Collections will be made for the Juliette
Low Friendship Fund. This event is scheduled for February 21.
Bear Tea Party - Troop 227 is planning this fun event for the Daisies
in our Service Unit in March. Each Daisy will enjoy a tea party complete
with snacks, games, songs, and crafts. Each Daisy is asked to bring
a new or gentle used teddy bear to donate. More information will be
available soon.