to the
Martinez-Evans Girl Scout Service Unit
Central Savannah River Girl Scout Council
The Martinez-Evans Service Unit (MESU) is part of the Central Savannah River Girl Scout Council (CSRGSC), supporting girl scouting throughout eastern Georgia and western South Carolina. We support over 1000 families in the Columbia county area and are growing all the time. The year is off to a great start with new troops being formed, leaders being recruited and girls signing up every day.
The Service Team is full of high-energy, committed volunteers who are hard at work all the time for our most important asset, our volunteers. We are busy planning a full calendar of events for the upcoming year, things like a Teddy Bear Tea, Holiday Bazaar, Thinking Day Fair, and a Fund Development Chili Supper. So come on in, browse our web site and let us know what you think. E-mail us with your question, comments, suggestions, whatever. We're waiting to hear from you.
a special treat for our leaders . The HouseKeepers has generously provided
a housecleaning service for the holidays. That's right - no cleaning
before the holidays. You can shop, soak in a hot tub, have a pedicure
or whatever your pleasure is while someone else cleans your house. A
drawing will be held at the November Leaders Meeting to determine which
lucky leader is the recipient of this wonderful gift. In order for
your name to be entered you must complete two of your required trainings by
the November Leaders Meeting and come to all the Leaders Meetings in September,
October and November. Hope to see you at the meetings!
My How Time Flies - Calendar of events
Our Service Unit would like to purchase flags for troops to use in their special ceremonies and to build a resource library for our volunteers and girls. This is the SU's only opportunity to generate funds during the year. New this year our SU is publishing its own cookbook. Be sure to order yours today!
Events- Come take a look at the fun we will have.
Special Thanks to our Central Savannah River GS Council for the Welcome Back Bash event. Many troops from the Martinez-Evans SU attended this event and had a wonderful time. Thanks to all the volunteers who put this event together and made it a success
Favorite Places
This is a wonderful web site with great information to help our leaders. Check out Leader's Landing.
You are our visitor.
email kandtmom@aol.com
Thanks to the following for the clipart used on our page.